
发布时间 : 星期一 文章(完整版)2018江苏省常州市中考英语试卷[含答案解析]更新完毕开始阅读


(偷看) at the girl. She noticed it, made a face at him and gave him the back of her head for the space of a minute. When she slowly faced around again, an apple lay before her. She pushed it away. Tom gently put it back. She pushed it away again, but with less animosity(敌意). Tom patiently returned it to its place. Then she let it remain. Tom wrote on his paper, \.\glanced at the words, but made no sign.

Now the boy began to draw something on the paper, hiding his work with his left hand. For a time the girl refused to notice; but her human curiosity(好奇心) soon began to show itself by hardly noticeable(明显的) signs. The boy worked on, seemingly not aware. The girl made some non-committal(含糊的) efforts to see, but the boy did not display that he was aware of it. At last she couldn't bear it and whispered: \.\

Tom partly uncovered the picture of a house with some smoke rising from the chimney(烟囱). Then the girl's interest began to fasten itself upon the work and she forgot everything else. When it was finished, she gazed a moment, then whispered:


The artist created a man in the front yard; she was satisfied, and whispered: \.\

Tom drew an hour-glass(沙漏) as the body, a full moon as her head and some arms added to it. The girl said:

\. No one has ever taught me that.\ \,\, \.\ \, will you? When?\

\. Do you go home to dinner?\ \.\

\. What's your name?\

( B )What probably happened in the classroom before this passage?



A. The girl introduced herself to the boy. B. Something noticeable happened to the boy. C. They had a lesson on how to draw. D. The boy drew an apple for the girl.

( C )What most probably happened to the apple finally? A. Eaten by the boy because the girl didn't accept it. B. Eaten by the boy because it was the last one he had got. C. Eaten by the girl because they finally became friends. D. Eaten by the girl because the boy was drawing all the time. ( B )What can we learn from the 2nd paragraph?

A. The boy didn't want the girl to show interest in his drawing. B. The girl didn't want to show interest in the boy's drawing noticeably. C. The boy didn't notice the girl trying several times to see his drawing. D. The girl didn't want the boy to do the drawing in class any more.

( A )What in this passage made Tom succeed in making friends with the girl? A. Using her curiosity.

B. Showing off his drawing ability. C. Teaching her how to draw. D. Inviting her to dinner.


16.When a thought has found words

Poetry(诗歌) is the forgotten child of literature. Few people read it for pleasure. In Western high

schools, poetry is seldom taught because it is considered to be out of date and have little to do with the life of today's students.

In China. however. poetry is still an important part of the curriculum(课



程). Recently, the Ministry of Education has increased the number of ancient Chinese poems for students to memorize and recite, from 14to 72. Why is it important to learn poems?

First of all, poetry is a necessary part of learning traditional Chinese culture. It is a path to understanding your history and your society. It is also the key to understanding the thoughts and feelings that are common to everyone but that we may be unable to express-the joy of Li Bai dancing with the moon, for example. Everyone has feelings of joy, love, loneliness, sadness and even anger, and a good poem can put those feelings into words and bring us self-understanding. Poems can also express beauty. In a few short lines, even something common can become beautiful. Here is a poem called Fog by Carl Sandberg: The fog comes/on silent haunches(弓腰)/and then moves on. Yes, fog does move smoothly, silently and like a cat, and Sandberg catches that feeling and image(形象), and makes it beautiful.

Of course, to really enjoy poetry, it has to be read aloud. After all, a poem is really just a song without music. Most ancient poetry, like Homer's Epics(《荷马史诗》) and China's Book of Songs, was spoken for hundreds of years before it was written.

The American poet Robert Frost said, \thought and the thought has found words.\You are lucky that you now have seventy-two poems to learn!

Title: When a thought has found words Passage outline Detailed information Most people think poetry is(1) from the life of today's students In the West China's recent action (2) Students must memorize and recite more ancient Chinese poems ◇Learning poems helps you (3) 专业学习参考资料


history and society for learnin◇Poems help express your personal thoughts and feelings g poetry ◇Poems can express beauty of (4) things with very few lines (5) aloud is the best way to enjoy poetry. In tact, many ancient poems were spoken before they were written Chinese students should feel lucky to have 72poems to learn! A tip on enjoying poetry Conclusion 【答案】1.different. 2.Reasons. 3.understand. 4.common. 5.Reading.

五、词汇(共4小题;每小题1分,满分4分)A)根据句子意思,用括号中所给词的正确形式填空,每空填一词. 17.-Is this your umbrella? -No, it's another (visit). 【答案】visitor's

18.-How much should I pay?

-18yuan in all, (include)the pen you picked out just now. 【答案】including

19.Time is limited. You'd better make a (decide)right now. 【答案】decision

20.Nothing is (possible). It means everything can happen if you make efforts.

