
发布时间 : 星期三 文章高中英语作文_五类体裁的范文更新完毕开始阅读


In the picture stands a depressed boy, furrowing皱起 his brow and drooping垂下 his head. He was dreaming of playing plane models and sports all the time, yet he is unfortunately compelled/forced to attend different kinds of extra classes. This picture ironically depicts a typical Chinese student. Although taking extra courses sometimes does help, the positive effects are overshadowed使黯然失色 by negative ones. Firstly, theses courses make them sit all day long, raising a sedentary or inactive lifestyle, which can cause severe health issues like cancer and diabetes. It also certainly consumes a lot of time which otherwise can be spent in developing plenty of hobbies. Besides, these extra courses are tiresome. Attending so many courses, students may feel fatigued both physically and mentally. Scientific studies clearly show that the better sleep people enjoy, the clearer mind they will have. And there may be another point we must consider. I think the main reason why many students attend extra classes is that they hope to keep up with the peers, and that could bring them so much trouble and pressure. I'm deeply convinced that children under a compulsory system should develop in an all-round way, but a rational attitude towards extra classes should also betaken, and children can choose what they love and love what they choose.


最美逆行者:heroes in harm’s way 心急如焚:one's heart is torn with anxiety


The chart below shows the amount of time that 10 to 15-year-olds spend chatting on the Internet and playing on games consoles on an average school day in the UK. The bar chart compares the time spent by 10 to 15-year-olds in the UK on two activities, namely chatting online and playing computer games. Overall, playing computer games is marginally微小地 more popular than chatting on the Internet.


However, completely different trends can be seen if we look at the specific figures for boys and girls.

Boys aged between 10 and 15 clearly favour playing on games consoles over chatting online; while 85% boys play computer games every day, only 55% chat online daily. Furthermore, the majority of boys play on their consoles for more than one hour each day, and 10% do this activity for four hours or more.

By contrast, girls prefer chatting online. Close to 70% of 10 to 15-year-old girls engage in online conversation each day, compared to about 50% of this cohort who play computer games. Of the girls who do play on consoles, most of them play for less than an hour, whereas most girls who chat online do so for more than one hour, and nearly 10% chat for four hours or more.


Some people believe that nowadays we have too many choices. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? 【有些人认为,现在我们有太多的选择。你在多大程度上同意或不同意这种说法?】

It is often said that modern life presents us with an overwhelming number of choices. I completely agree with this, and I believe that the Internet and globalization are the two major factors involved. (引入话题+表明观点)

It is undeniable that the Internet has led to a dramatic expansion in the number of choices that are available to us. (论点1) The number of online media options, for instance, is now almost endless. There are countless websites offering entertainment, news, videos, on-demand TV and music streaming, many of which are free. I would argue that this abundance of media leads to confusion on the part of the average user, as we have to make so many decisions about the content that we consume. (论据1)A personal example of this trend would be the fact that I had a choice of just four TV channels when I was a child, whereas I now have access to thousands of films and


series through services like Tencent腾讯.(论据2)

Alongside the influence of the Internet, globalization is making the world smaller and compounding 使加重this problem of too much choice.(论点2) Cheap international flights have made overseas travel possible for millions of people, but this also means that we are faced with a world of options when deciding where to go on holiday or even where to live. We no longer have the limited but simple travel choices of our grandparents’ generation. (论据1)The same is true if we look at the increasing tendency for young people to study abroad. While the opportunity for overseas study seems appealing, many students are confused about where to go and which path to take.(论据2)

In conclusion, we are faced with a huge number of options in most areas of life nowadays, and this is often more bewildering令人困惑的 than beneficial.(总结)


My idol in my life My father shares with me a very deep relationship which I consider to be a blessing. He is a very humble, intelligent and kind-hearted man who is loved by all for innumerable reasons. Despite the financial pressure and stressful profession, he still makes time for everyone in the family. All the major decisions in the family are taken only after consulting him. Even when his mind is preoccupied, he tends to stay calm and talk rationally. This aspect of his personality takes everyone by surprise. The relationship I share with my father is too valuable to be put into words. My father has always been there for me right since my play school days. He is the person who pushed me to try everything in life and not to back away from anything that came as a challenge. His constant dedication towards my interests and hobbies motivated me to pursue the same with more enthusiasm. He came to witness all the football

