
发布时间 : 星期日 文章2017年上海普陀区高三英语一模试卷更新完毕开始阅读

misuse of body ideals may be the

best step. Even better would be to help elevate concepts of beauty beyond the material standards of a particular industry.

63. According to the first paragraph, what would happen in France?

A.Physical beauty would be redefined. B New catwalks would

be constructed.

D The fashion industry would decline. C Websites about dieting would boom.

64. The phrase impinging on“”(Line2, Para2) is closest in meaning to _________ .

A. increasing the value of B. indicating the state of C. losing faith in D. doing harm to

65. Which of the following is TRUE of the fashion industry?

A.The French measures have already failed. B.New standards are being set in Denmark. C.Models are no longer under peer pressure. D.Its inherent problems are getting worse.

66. Which of the following may be the best title of the text?

A.Just Another Struggle for Beauty

B.A Prospect for the Starving Models in France


C A Challenge to the Fashion Industry's Body

IdealsB.Threats to the Fashion Industry

Section C 8%

:Read the passage carefully. Fill in each blank with a proper

sentence given in the box. DirectionsEach sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

A.More than a quarter are in sub-Saharan Africa. B.There are many reasons for world hunger.

C.It takes the effort of every country to fight against world


D.In those places, obesity is a far bigger problem than hunger. E.Those places need far more food than they actually get. F.By the end of this year, more than 35 million people will have

died as a result of not having enough to eat.

In 2009, the number of hungry people in the world reached one

billion for the first time. It's

difficult not to be shocked by the fact that more than one in seven people in the world do not have

enough to eat. __67__ Hunger kills more people per year than diseases such as AIDS, malaria (症疾)and TB(肺结核)combined.

The UN estimates that almost two thirds of the world's hungry

people are in Asia, which is of

course the world's most populous continent. __68__ Although this region has a much lower

population than Asia, it has the highest percentage of hungry people. Almost all of the rest are in

Latin America, North Africa and the Caribbean. In the richest regions of the world there are only a

tiny number of people who don't have enough to eat. __69__ They include wars, droughts, floods, and the over-use

of farming land. All these

factors affect food production. Many people also blame greedy businessmen for pushing up the

prices of basic foods in the global market. But the most important reason, quite simply, is poverty,

which has increased recently due to the financial crisis of 2008. Although many people make the obvious point that there would

be less hunger if the global

population were smaller, few people would argue that there is not enough food to go around. The

basic problem seems to be not a lack of food, but its distribution. In the last 50 years, global food

production has risen even more quickly than the global
