英语语言学lecture one

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Lecture 1

Teaching contents: help students realize the importance of this course, stimulate their interests

towards linguistics and take a correct attitude Introduce the requirements and teaching method Introduce the essences of various linguistic views

Teaching steps:

Step 1. Recognition of this course

Q1. What have you known about linguistics? That is to say, in your opinion, what is


Study languages in levels of phoneme, morpheme, lexis, sentence, discourse, etc.

Linguistics is usually defined as the science of language or, alternatively, as the scientific study of language.

Q2. Why should we learn or teach linguistics? or What is relationship between linguistics

and language learning?

Not interesting, boring, abstract, unpractical, useless, valueless

As an individual, We study linguistics under different impulses. Some maybe want to prepare for the entrance examination of postgraduate so that they have strong impulses to know more. Some may want to be excellent and qualified teachers in the future and has very simple reason of improving the efficiency and proficiency of learning English by means of knowledge of linguistics to guide them in all the activities of teaching. Some may have mastering the essences of languages. Or some think that this course should be helpful and useful and treat it seriously because it is one of course in the teaching syllabus/curriculum. If it was useless, it would have been deleted from the syllabus.

*List those vivid typical examples in linguistics to persuade students to draw a conclusion that we could benefit a lot from learning this course.

Many phenomena in our lives are the objects of study of linguistics. For example,

1. why do men and women express their love in quite different ways? 即便同为一国人,说话也仍有许多名堂。比如男女之间谈情说爱,说法就不一样。男人多半会说“我爱你”,女人则喜欢说“我恨你”;男人多半会说“你真好”,女人则喜欢说“你真坏”。( by 易中天)

The answer can be found in varieties of language-----social dialect 同一种语言由于说话人社会地位social status、职业profession、年龄age、性别gender的不同而表现出一定的差异;同一个人在不同的交际场合different occasions讲话时使用的语言也有所不同,这就形成了一种语言的不同社会变体,语言学中称为社会方言。我们平常所说的“一口学生腔”“满口生意经”、“打官腔”、以及scientific English, press English 等都属于职业变体之列。

2. humors can be interpreted by theories of linguistics------(conscious or unconscious)violation of cooperative principle(CP)


The Cooperative Principle and its maxims: The maxim of quality (try to make your contribution one that is true) cheat,

The maxim of quantity (make your contribution as informative as is required for the current purpose of the exchange) redundant or scanty The maxim of relevance ( make your contribution relevant)

The maxim of manner (be perspicuous and specifically)

A.量的准则(Maxim of Quantity):尽量提供对方所需信息 ,不提供冗余信息。 B.质的准则 (Maxim of Quality) :只讲真实的话。

C.关系准则 (Maxim of Relation) :所讲的话要彼此相关。 D.方式准则 (Maxim of Manner) :讲话要简练、清楚、有条理。

Conversation between two men

“I understand you had an argument with your wife. How did it end up?” “Oh, she came crawling to me on her hands and knees.” “Is that so? What did she say?”

“She said, ?come out from under the bed and fight like a man!?”

起初 ,当被朋友问到和妻子打架的结果时 ,这个丈夫提供了一小部分信息 ,说他的妻子四肢着地向他爬过来。为了掩盖他懦弱的表现 ,他故意没有提到自己藏在床下的事实。听到这里 ,他的朋友还以为是他的妻子屈服、认输了。最后直到丈夫转述妻子的话的时候 ,朋友才恍然大悟 ,原来他妻子爬向他 ,是要把他从床下拖出来。forgive

Mother: “Doctor, come at once! Our baby swallowed a fountain pen!” incident Doctor: “I?ll be right over. What are you doing in the meantime?” Mother: “Using a pencil.” irrelevant

当医生问及母亲正在对婴儿采取什么急救措施时 ,母亲竟然出乎常理的回答在使用铅笔 ,这样的回答曲解了医生的问题 ,给出了一个毫不相关的答案.违反常理和正常逻辑的回答没有把交谈中心依然聚焦在出现危险的孩子身上 ,反而是焦点之外的自来水笔和铅笔。正是这种似乎风马牛不相及的回答 ,使这则对话充满了幽默的色彩。

3. regional dialect

语言的地域变体差异可以表现在语言系统的各个方面,主要是在语音sound、词音lexic和词义lexical meaning上。在一个国家或民族内部ethnic group,语言的地域变体统称方言,有别于社会方言。汉语方言大致可分为北方方言、吴方言、湘方言、赣方言、闽方言、粤方言、客家方言七大类。英国英语和美国英语之间的差异是英语的不同地域差异,但语言学中通常不把它们叫做方言。




官话standard dialect/mandarin确实比较困难,他们的舌头打不了弯curve。投资是“投机”,虾饺是“瞎搞”,“坐在船头看郊区,越看越美丽”,让北方人一听,就是“坐在床头看娇妻,越看越美丽”。

^Mandarin: The official national standard spoken language of China, which is based on the principal dialect spoken in and around Beijing.Also called Guoyo, Putonghua 一个闽侯





4. lexical change

Invention, compounding, blending, borrowing

小巴和中巴都是面包车。面包车其实是旅行车,只因为外形像只长方形的面包,便被叫做面包车。面包车如果用来做公共汽车,当然得叫 “巴”。如果用来做出租车,就不能叫“巴”了,只能叫“的”,北京人管它叫“面的”,昵称“小面”。北京人喜欢“小面”,因为便宜,十块钱起步,能跑十公里,超过起步价每公里也只要一块钱,坐的人还多。不过现在北京已经没有“小面”了,再过若干年,人们将不知“面的”为何物。






Keys: Lu Runqing(刘润清)?s opinions and the brief introduction of this scholar and his achievements

刘润清,1939年生于河北省,1965年毕业于北京外国语学院(现为北京外国语大学)英语系,毕业后留校任教。1979――1980年在本系读研究生,师从许国璋、王佐良等先生,1980年获硕士学位,后继续留校任教。1984-1986年赴英国兰开斯特大学进修两年,师从著名语言学家G. Leech 等,专攻语用学,获得学位后继续在北外任教。1992年转到北外外国语言学研究所工作,曾任所长。现任教授、博士生导师,并兼任全国英语自学考试英语专业委员会秘书长等多项社会职务。有学术专著《语言学入门》、《新编语言学教程》、《论大学英语教学》、《西方语言学流派》等多种,发表论文70余篇,并为国务院学位办撰写了《同等学历人员申请硕士学位英语水平全国统一考试大纲》,主编了《当代研究生英语》等。


“外语教师最好懂一点普通语言学和应用语言学理论。我认为,教外语的人懂一点普通语言学一定有好处,而懂一点应用语言学几乎是必须的。普通语言学告诉我们语言的性质(nature of language),让我们知道我们去教什么。对what do you teach when you teach a foreign language?这个问题,可能并非所有老师都能回答清楚。有人可能会说,语言有三大要素:语音、词汇和语法。教一门语言,就是要教这三大 要素。这种回答把问题简单化了,未免失之于肤浅。记得曾经有人说过,学一门外语要换一个舌头,换一个头脑,换一种思维方式,换一种文化模式。这说明,学一门外语时大脑要发生许多变化,人的社会文化意识和价值观也要随之而变。历代的语言学家对语言都有深刻的观察,这些观察都是普通人所想不到的。读他们的书,你的头脑会复杂起来,再不会想当然的认为语言不过是由三种要素构成而已。外语教师读一点普通语言学、心理语言学、社会语言学、语用学、文体学等方面的书,会加深自己对语言本质的认识。

The relationship between linguistics, applied linguistics and language learning:

Linguistics is the scientific study of language. And language learning is conducted on languages. Linguistics studies the nature of languages, which facilitates learners to recognize and master target languages. So they have close relation.

With the development of linguistics, at various stages, its outcomes of every important transform or change result in the occurrence of new methodology in language teaching.

Meanwhile, we should make clear in our mind that linguistics can not exert direct influence into language learning and teaching. There is gap between them. Exactly speaking, the intermediary between them is applied linguistics. One of branches in applied linguistics is direct and special study of language learning and teaching. Other branches in applied linguistics include the study of translation by computer, of curing the disease of alogia/ aphemia(失语症) , etc.

