新视野教案book 1 unit 2

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4. Now I will let you listen to the passage without reading the book. Let’s find how much you can understand just by listening. (After listening, asking somebody to present the information he/she has caught.)

5. Then let’s read the story to find what the story is about. (The students read passage A. If they have previewed the passage, go directly to the next step. )

6. Answer the following questions according to Passage A you just have read.

a. What woke up Sandy?

b. Why did Mr. Finch shout at his daughter? c. Did Sandy agree with her father? Why?

d. Sandy seemed to enjoy the bathroom, but she didn’t stay long in

it. Why?

e. What class was Sandy going to have that day?

f. From the dialogue between the mother and daughter we know

that the mother was very much concerned about the daughter. Was the daughter thankful to the mother? And why?

g. At the end of the dialogue Mrs. Finch said to her daughter,

“Sandy Finch, you’re too young to wear that much makeup.” Why did she greet her daughter by full name?

h. Throughout the story the parents and the daughter seem to have

different views on things. What do the differences suggest to us readers?

7. Now you know more about the text, let’s listen to the text again to see if you can catch more.

8 Now that you have known the general idea about the text, can you retell the text with your own words.

9. Then dealing with the language points in the text. 1>. Weekday : any day except Saturday and Sunday. e.g. My mother is free on weekdays but busy on weekends. 2>. Click : v. make a short, sharp sound e.g. The key clicked in the lock. n. a short ,sharp sound. e.g. The door opened with a click. 3>. Blast: v.

a, make a sudden, loud sound 发生猛烈响声

e.g. As she entered the room, the sound of western music

blasted forth.

b, break up by explosion 爆炸

e.g. They blasted a hole in the wall so that they could get


c, attack with explosives 以炸药攻击 e.g. The soldiers blasted the stronghold.

4>. Like a shot, the music woke Sandy.

Meaning: Sandy heard the music and woke up as if startled by a

gunshot. “shot ”is used to suggest the suddenness .

5>. along with: in company with, together with e.g. I’ll go along with you.

There was a bill along with the letters. 6>. burst into:

a, enter hurriedly or explosively

e.g. The children burst into the room looking for food. b, start suddenly

e.g. She burst into laughter at seeing his lovely daughter. 7>. over and over: again and again, repeatedly

e.g. Read the sentence over and over until you do it right.

I have told them over and over again, so they know what to do. Notice that you can say “over and over” or “again and again” or

“over and over again”, but never say “again and over”.

8>. ... though it does have rhythm

rhythm: regular repeated pattern of sounds or movements. e.g. That music has a strong rhythm.

Here “does” is used for emphasis and should be followed by the bare

infinitive form of the verb.

e.g. He does have a brother in England.

9>. It is definitely horrible stuff.

definitely: adv. Certainly, with no doubt

e.g. Without enough teachers, the education in this area is definitely

a problem, no one can argue that it is not serious.

Horrible: adj. Awful, unpleasant

e.g. What a horrible mistake you’ve made.

10>. Green Waves: a fictional name for a musical group made up by

the writer for use in this story.

11>. Sandy reached for the radio to turn it up louder.

reach for: stretch one’s hand so as to touch or hold something. e.g. There was no time for me to reach for my gun.

turn up: increase(a flame, a sound,etc.) usually by moving a


e.g. We turned up the heat to make the room warmer. 12>. I can’t stand it.

stand: vt. endure, bear. Here “stand ”is used as a transitive verb,

but it’s not as formal as “bear”.

e.g. He can stand more pain than anyone else I know. 13>. … and the musicians didn’t use such offensive language. offensive: adj. Bad, very unpleasant

e.g. The room has an offensive smell. Why not open the window

and air it?
