
发布时间 : 星期三 文章浙江省绍兴市2019-2020学年高二第一学期期末调测英语试题含答案更新完毕开始阅读

根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Thanks to TV shows like Lie to Me and so-called body language experts commenting on the candidates during the American election season, a number of misunderstandings about body language have become part of modern culture. It’s time to clear the decks. So here goes: some surprising truths about body language.

Much of what the experts tell you about body language is wrong. 31 Actually, gestures can mean many things. If I cross my arms, I may be signaling my defensiveness, but I may also feel cold, tired or just getting comfortable. What’s more, I could be signaling all those things at once. 32 First, the pressure on experts. They have to sound definitive and give instant analyses for TV in an impatient world more interested in sound bites than truth. Second, the history of the study of body language. So it’s natural for someone in this field to look at all the rest of gesturing with a bias (偏见) toward specific meanings.

33 By the time most of us are adults, we’ve learned to mask our true feelings because we have to get along at work, at home, and in social settings. So we pretend to be interested, we pretend to smile, we assume a calm expression when we’re actually delighted. But the face does sometimes give away our strongest feelings. You can learn to read what are called micro-expressions — sudden appearances of true emotion through the mask of the face — with some training. 34 To read body language accurately, don’t think about it. We humans have mirror neurons (神经元) in our brains that fire when our unconscious (无意识的) minds register an emotion in someone else, then we can share it and understand it. 35 When we see fear, we react instantly, and unconsciously, in order to be ready to take quick action if necessary. That unconscious expertise is your best support in reading other people’s body language, because you already know what’s going on. So just turn to your unconscious mind for reliable information about other people’s emotional intention.

Let’s start paying attention to your own expertise; that’s where the real body language insights will come from. A. The misunderstanding comes from two sources. B. The face is a poor place to start reading body language.

C. This special skill is an important part of our ability to survive as a species. D. And they typically show up when we’re trying to hide a very strong feeling. E. The biggest misunderstanding is that specific gestures have specific meanings. F. You’re much better at reading the body language of people you know than any expert. G. Your body constantly scans your surroundings and other people with your unconscious mind.




China’s Great Wall, Australia’s remote Outback, Italy’s ancient ruins, Jane Sun, CEO of CTip, Asia’s largest online travel agency, connects people with the best destinations the world has to offer. She believes cultural experiences can 36 divides and conflicts, strengthen industries and create peace. Actually she herself is a living breathing advertisement for how travel can 37 a life. But her journey was much longer and more 38 than her recent completion of the Shanghai marathon. While 39 Peking University, Sun was invited to a program in the University of Florida, where she 40 managed to further her study, majoring in accounting. Compared to her fellow students, Sun’s life 41 was rapid. She bicycled 6 miles to campus each morning, taking the earliest classes 42 so she could spend the rest of the day, and Saturdays, working to pay her education fees.

43 , Sun recalls her UF days fondly. “I learned a lot from my experience in the USA,” says Sun. “Many discussions I had at UF still 44 my style of leadership today. 45 , I have developed an appreciation for hearing other persons’ different 46 over a certain issue.”

“I try to put myself in other people’s shoes,” Sun says. “In a global market, you have to have a very good understanding of different peoples and 47 different cultures.”

Feeling it her duty to help the next generation, Sun 48 a scholarship to other students in need. Her tips for them include, “be open-minded,” “give 100 percent effort to whatever you want to 49 .” That’s the exact attitude she holds to life.

Now as a mother of two daughters, she shoulders the 50 as CEO of what is now a $25 billion company.

“Some people ask me why I work so hard, but I feel mothers are best role 51 for children,” Sun says. “I show them that to work is actually to 52 yourselves, but if you double your efforts at work and being a mother, it is doubly 53 .”

As for her future 54 , Sun is preparing for the day when virtual reality, advanced vehicles and even space travel will change the travel industry.

One thing that won’t change: the 55 of travel to build bridges. 36. A. bridge 37. A. observe 38. A. enjoyable 39. A. representing 40. A. finally 41. A. career 42. A. worthwhile 43. A. Therefore 44. A. influence 45. A. at ease 46. A. impressions 47. A. preserve 48. A. set up 49. A. defend 50. A. credit 51. A. models 52. A. expose 53. A. convincing 54. A. efforts 55. A. freedom

B. separate B. change B. unique B. guiding B. constantly B. settlement B. accessible B. However B. direct B. by chance B. explanations B. respect B. carried on B. accomplish B. blame B. performers B. delight B. astonishing B. opportunities B. power

C. suspect C. entertain C. difficult C. inspecting C. especially C. pace C. valuable C. Meanwhile C. satisfy C. In particular C. conclusions C. develop C. referred to C. expand C. responsibility C. supporters C. challenge C. thrilling C. possibilities C. focus 第Ⅱ卷

D. foresee D. disturb D. hopeless D. attending D. roughly D. rate D. available D. Moreover D. inspire D. In general D. arguments D. create D. came across D. approach D. failure D. pioneers D. clarify D. rewarding D. motivations D. determination

第三部分:语言运用(共两节,满分45分) 第二节::(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


July 6th , 2019 witnessed Chinese people cheering in excitement as news came that the Archaeological Ruins of Liangzhu City in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, was listed as a World Heritage Site.

The Liangzhu ruins, 56 opened to the public on Sunday, is located between the villages of Liangzhu and Pingyao in the northwestern part of Hangzhou. The park, 57 (spread) across an area of 3,66 square kilometers, provides shuttle bus services, so visitors can travel to many different sites.

First 58 (found) around 3,000 BC, the city of Liangzhu Ancient was surrounded by walls 6, 000 meters in 59 (long). The walls formed a rectangle with rounded corners, enclosed by the natural hills of Zhishan and Fengshan .

It was raining on the third day of the park’s opening, 60 the weather couldn’t keep visitors away. 61 a ticketing system available on WeChat, visitors can book tickets seven days in advance. However, tickets 62 (limit) to 3,000 a day. Michelle Shearer, a visitor from Australia, told the Global Times that she booked a ticket online 63 (immediate) she heard the news. “The city offers unique evidence of China’s long history and it is really a good place to learn more about Chinese culture,” she said.

“This is the first time that a Chinese prehistoric archaeological site (遗迹) 64 (select) as a World Heritage Site.” said Chen Xingcan, deputy president of the Institute of Archaeology, CASS. “We cannot relax after getting the title of World Heritage Site. Protection is 65 long- lasting means to allow us to explore their value,” Chen said.

第四部分:写作(共两分节,满分40分) 第一节:应用文写作(满分15分)

假定你是李华。你校绿社(the Green Club)将向附近农场社区发出“Say No to Chemical Fertilizers”的倡议。请你以社长的名义用英语写一封倡议书,主要内容包括:

1. 简述倡议内容; 2. 阐明倡议理由; 3. 号召大家响应。 注意:

1. 词数 80 左右;
