
发布时间 : 星期六 文章《国际贸易函电》课程教学大纲更新完毕开始阅读

Letter-writing Guide


思考题:1. What is the procedure in making a shipment? 2. Do the translations in the book. Unit Fourteen Agencies (2 学时)

The Text

Specimen Letters Agreements Vocabulary

Words and Phrases Commonly Used in Foreign Trade Useful Expressions Letter-writing Guide


思考题:1. What are the main types of agents in buying and selling and what is the difference between them?

2. What are to be covered in a formal agency agreement? 3. Translate the agreement in the book into English. Unit Fifteen Complaints And Adjustments (2 学时)

The Text

Specimen Letters Vocabulary

Words and Phrases Commonly Used in Foreign Trade Useful Expressions Letter-writing Guide


思考题:1. How many kinds of complaints are frequently made by buyers? 2. In what way is a letter of complaint written?

3. Messrs.Westcott & Co. Complain that 500 tins of condensed milk ordered by them arrived dented and punctured; they attribute the damage to defective packing and emphasize the need for greater care. Write a letter on behalf of Westcott & Co. to the above effect. Unit Sixteen Joint Venture (2 学时)

The Text

Specimen Letters Vocabulary

Words and Phrases Commonly Used in Foreign Trade Useful Expressions Joint Venture Contract

The Law of the PRC on Joint Ventures Using Chinese & Foreign Investment Guide to Drafting a Joint Venture Contract


思考题:1. What are the main types of joint venture now in operation in our country? Give an explanation for each of them. 2. Do the translations in the book.

Unit Seventeen Compensation Trade (2 学时)

The Text

Specimen Letters

Compensation Trade Agreement Vocabulary

Words and Phrases Commonly Used in Foreign Trade Useful Expressions Letter-writing Guide

本单元重点、难点:补偿贸易协议 思考题:1. What is compensation trade? 2. Do the translations in the book. Unit Eighteen Miscellaneous (2 学时)

The Text

Specimen Letters Vocabulary

Words and Phrases Commonly Used in Foreign Trade Useful Expressions Letter-writing Guide


思考题:1. According to the requirements of the book write letters for different purpose.

三、 本课程考核方式、方法

本课程的考核主要分为平时的课堂表现及作业完成情况占总成绩 的30%,学期结束时的笔试成绩(开卷考试)为总成绩的70%。 附:教学参考书目 建议使用教材:《外经贸英语函电》,甘鸿编著,上海科技文献出版社,2001。 主要参考书目: 1、《国际商务函电》,陆墨珠编著,对外经济贸易大学出版社,1996。 2、《外贸业务与函电》,庄学艺、周耀宗编著,上海外语教育出版社,1991。 3、《对外经贸英语函电》,全国外贸中等专业学校教材编写组编,对外经贸 大学出版社,2002。
