高中英语一年级Unit3 Going places

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Unit3 Going places

●学习目标 Ⅰ.单词和词组

transportation,means,destination,postcard,adventure,adventurous,experience,get away

from,hiking,rafting,get close

to,basic,equipment,backpack,tip,successful,sunscreen,watch out,spider,poisonous,protect,paddle,normal,handle,put…in danger,leather,similarity,benefit,

particular,effect,see…off,say“Hi”to Bob for me,combine,on the other




学习现在进行时表示将来时及其他的用法 ●学习障碍 Ⅰ.单词及短语

prefer,means,instead of,close,fun,successful,get away from,consider,watch out,protect,normal,

wear,put…in danger,similarity,benefit,effect,on the other hand,pick


现在进行时表示将来时及其他用法。 ●学习策略


1.prefer v.宁愿,更喜欢 纵向归纳法

(1)prefer + n./pron. The boy (2)prefer + v.-

(3) (4)

(5)prefer +n./pron./doing + to +n./pron./doing喜欢……而不喜欢

(6)prefer to do… rather than do 宁愿……而不愿

(7) prefer + 从句(谓语动词用should do,should 可省略She prefer 横向比较法:

可以用would rather do…than do.转换


A.stay B.to stay

答案:B prefer to do… rather than do…短语变换顺序。 2.means n.手段,办法 纵向归纳法:

(1) by means of 用……,依靠

(2) by all means 一定,务必

(3) by no means 完全不是,一点也不,决不 This is by no 综合运用法:


答案:(1)has (2) means单复数同形,根据句意决定1.means是单数,2.means 是复数。3.instead of prep.代替,而不 纵向归纳法: (1)instead of +


(3)instead of +介词短语


(1)instead adv.作为替代(……而),代替 If H (2)rather than而不是,与其…宁愿

(3)in place of 代替,……而不用

综合运用法: We'll have th

A.instead of B.instead in

答案: C 综合运用instead of 与instead 的使用方法。


(1)close [kl?us] adj.靠近,接近

亲密,密切 Are you a close friend of theirs? 周密,仔细 (2)close [kl?us] adv.靠近,接近 (3)close [kl?uz] v.关上,闭上 关闭,(对外)不开放 结束 At eleven the meet (4)closely adv.紧密地

仔细地,密切地 横向比较法

(1)close 与closely 作副词时,close 含具体之意,closely 含抽象之意。 (2)类似的词组有high(高)—highly(高度地),deep(深深地)—deeply(深入地),

wide (很开,宽)—widely(广泛地),low(低的)—lowly(低贱的)(作形容词) 击破定式法 改错 答案:把deeply 改为deep,deep in thought 是固定短语,“陷入沉思中 5.fun n.高兴,乐趣,有趣的人或事 纵向归纳法

(1)for fun 为了高兴,为着好玩 (2)make fun of 开……的玩笑,取笑


(1)laugh at 笑(某人),嘲笑

(2)play a joke on 开(某人的)玩笑

Let's play a joke on the teacher and lock the door so that she can't get

综合运用法 ________ fun we A.What B.How

答案:A 解此题应综合运用感叹句知识,fun 是不可数名词,而how 不能连接


6.successful adj.成功的,有成就的


(1)success n.成功

成功的人或事 Jane was a great success in the pl


Congratulations ________ your success ________ the book.It reminds me

A.for;in;about B.on;in; C.for;about;of D.on;in; 答案: D 解此题须综合运用congratulation 和remind的知识。succeed in sth.在某方面取得成功,congratulations on sb.祝贺某人,remind sb.of sth.使某人想起某事。

7.get away (from) 纵向归纳法 (1)摆脱 (2)走开,离开 She didn't get away until nine las (3)逃走,使离开 (4)拿走 横向比较法

(1)get out (of)躲避(做某事),避免(做某事)

(2)get off 下车,动身,寄出,下班 They got o get rid of 摆脱,除掉,处理掉

You must have a thorough rest and get rid of your sleeplessness and


I really don't want to go to the party,but I don't see how I can ________

A.get back from B.get out of

答案:B 联系语境,我不知道怎样摆脱它。C.get away不能接宾语。

纵向归纳法 (1)考虑

(2) 认为 I do not consider Mary as my bes
