上海市各区2017-2018年高三英语二模试题汇编--摘要写作(Summary Writing)--老师版(全部带答案精准校对)

发布时间 : 星期四 文章上海市各区2017-2018年高三英语二模试题汇编--摘要写作(Summary Writing)--老师版(全部带答案精准校对)更新完毕开始阅读

2018届上海市各区高三英语二模试题分类汇编:摘要写作Summary Writing

To look into the new business closely, the trophy hunting industry does not provide significant benefits to the communities where it occurs. Across Africa, there are only about 15,000 hunting-related jobs created by the business—a tiny number,especially considering that the six main game-hunting countries alone have a population of nearly 150 million.

Besides that, it is true the total income from trophy hunting is substantial. Take an unnamed area for example, the total income to wild conservancies from trophy hunting, amounted to $165,000. Six years later, this is expected to increase almost tenfold to $1,330,000. Yet after various kinds of processing fees and expenses are reduced, the local communities make an average of only ten cents a hectare (25 cents an acre) from trophy hunting. The return is so small that it justly explains locals’ lack of interest in preserving hunting areas and their continued poaching. Keys:

African elephants are endangered with greatly reduced numbers due to unlawful poaching and shrinking habitat. Trophy hunting, legal elephant shooting for conservation fund, is considered a solution. According to some, it helps maintain elephant population and benefits local economy. However, it turns out the business employs few people and hunt fee trickling down to local villagers and communities is minimal. (60 words)

Nine【2018届上海市崇明区高三英语二模试题】 IV. Summary Writing

Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

Do Smartphones Make Us Smarter?

Should teachers allow cellphones in a classroom? A recent study on the way smartphones disturb learning might help explain the issue. Researchers published findings showing how students were affected by their phones in the classroom. They explored the differences in student performance in four situations: open phone use allowed, phones allowed in the classroom but could not be used, no phones in the classroom and a no-instruction control group. After watching a 20-minuted video, students took a short quiz. The result was that the students in a room without any cellphones performed significantly better on the test. Scientists believe the way we attach


2018届上海市各区高三英语二模试题分类汇编:摘要写作Summary Writing

ourselves to our phones could be the problem.

Smartphones have become to strongly established in society that many people are lost without them. We are now in an age when many people can’t imagine life without a phone. There is even a name for the anxiety caused by not having one-monophobia, which is the powerful feeling people get when they don’t have signal, their battery is about to die, or they are separated from their phones. Their fear of missing out on important information or connections can have a controlling effect on their lives and can divide their attention from other important things like learning.

So does information technology help or block the way we think? In the past, people relied heavily on specific knowledge and knew how in their circle of friends would be most likely to know things in different subjects. Now, our friend with all the information is the Internet. Indications are that people don’t remember information as well if they know they can use a computer of phone to recall it quickly. So it may be more difficult to move information from the Internet into our long-term memory.

But the impact of being exposed to so much information isn’t all bad. Reports show that frequent Internet use can strengthen fast-paced problem solving and can speed up the ability to spot patterns in a lot of data. Keys:

Researchers recently found smartphones influenced learning. For one thing, smartphones have become an essential part of life, without which people feel at a loss, thus distracting their attention from learning. For another, people rely so heavily on smartphones that their long-term memory can be affected. However, having access to a large amount of information also benefits people in some aspects (60 words)

Ten【2018届上海市普陀区高三英语二模试题】 IV. Summary Writing

Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

Better Memory Causes Boredom

A new study shows that the better your short-term memory, the faster you feel fed up and


2018届上海市各区高三英语二模试题分类汇编:摘要写作Summary Writing

decide you’ve had enough. The findings appear in the Journal of Consumer Research.

Noelle Nelson, assistant professor of marketing and consumer behavior at the University of Kansas School of Business. She and her colleague Joseph Redden at the University of Minnesota tried to think outside the lunch box. “Something that was interesting to me is that some people get tired of things at very different rates. When you think about pop songs on the radio, some people must still be enjoying them and requesting them even after hearing them a lot. But a lot of other people are really sick of those same songs.” The difference, the researchers supposed, might have to do with memories of past consumption.

The researchers tested the memory capacity of undergraduates. The students then viewed a repeating series of three classic paintings like The Starry Night, American Gothic, and The Scream or listened and re-listened to a series of three pop songs or three pieces of classical music. Throughout the test, the participants were asked to rate their experience on a scale of zero to ten. And the better a participant scored in the memory test, the faster they got bored.

“We found that people with larger capacities remembered more about the music or art, which led to them getting tired of the music or art more quickly. So remembering more details actually made the participants feel like they’d experienced the music or art more often.” The findings suggest that marketers could cope with our desire for their products by figuring out ways to distract us and keep us from fully remembering our experiences. We could also trick ourselves into eating less junk food by recalling the experience of a previous snack. As for kids easily bored, just tell them to forget about it---it might help them have more fun. Keys:

A study shows if a person has a good short-term memory he is likely to feel bored quickly. Assuming memories of past experience may influence the different rates at which some people feel fed up, two researchers conducted a tests, relating students’ memory capacity to their performance, and got the result. The finding my apply to marketing, self-controlling and educating. (60 words)

Eleven【2018届上海市金山区高三英语二模试题】 IV. Summary Writing

Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the


2018届上海市各区高三英语二模试题分类汇编:摘要写作Summary Writing

passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

As technology grows, many university instructors are finding ways to guide online learning platforms into their classrooms. Programs such as Blackboard, WebCT and Moodle allow teachers to post reading assignments, PowerPoint presentations, lecture notes and quizzes for students to complete outside of class. While posting lessons online can be friendly to students' communication styles and easily accessible, they also cause disadvantages.

One disadvantage is that it may encourage students to depend on technology in the classroom. Instead of physical textbooks, many now bring cellphones to access materials during class discussions. While electronic devices can be valuable learning tools, they also can lead to distractions from learning, such as social networking and online games. It is extremely difficult for students being exposed to multiple electronic tasks to focus or remember key information.

A second disadvantage is that online lessons open up potential for cheating. Many instructors require students to complete quizzes, post within discussion groups or submit major assignments online. As a result, there are some students having someone else complete their assignments. A contributing factor is that online assignments are best suitable for those self-motivated, self-directed students. Students who struggle with organization and completing assignments may find it easy to cheat online.

In spite of these disadvantages, educators can take steps to make sure students use online lessons responsibly. If instructors are uncomfortable with electronic devices in the classroom, they can require students to print out assignments and readings to reference during sessions. To prevent cheating, teachers can use online assignments as a supplement to traditional in-class work, or create open-ended assignments rather than using assignments like multiple-choice quizzes that have only one right answer. Being familiar with what the platform looks like from a student perspective also can help instructors avoid potential pitfalls. Keys:

Introducing online learning platform to university classrooms has two disadvantages: students’ dependence on technology in the classroom and possibility for cheating. However, educators can find solutions to the problems. Furthermore, students can be asked to take paper files in class and be given supplementary online homework or open-ended assignment. Teachers’ familiarity with the platform is helpful. (58words)

