牛津 2B M3U2 学习内容梳理

发布时间 : 星期三 文章牛津 2B M3U2 学习内容梳理更新完毕开始阅读


一、单词: light(s), rule(s), red, yellow, green, stop, wait, go, let’s=let us don’t= do not

二、词组: look at… cross the road zebra crossing traffic rules traffic lights

in the children’s garden


1. Look at the zebra crossing. It’s black and white.` (掌握3种交通指示灯,并能做出正确的反应)

(注意同种意思的两种不同表达以及表达符号之间的区别使用) 2. Look at the light. It’s red. Let’s stop. 3. Look at the light. It’s yellow. Let’s wait. 4. Look at the light. It’s green. Let’s go. 5. The light is red. Stop!

6. The light is yellow. Wait! 7. The light is green. Go!

(掌握Don’t+动词原形, Please+动词原形的用法) 8. Don’t run/play on the road. 9. Don’t pick the flowers. 10. Don’t climb the trees. 11. Don’t walk on the grass.

12. Please walk through the zebra crossing.


It’s May. We go to Shanghai Botanic Garden. On the road, we can see many cars, buses and bicycles. The light is yellow. Wait to go! Look, the light is red. Stop! Don’t cross the road. Oh, look! The light is green. Let’s go. Now we are in Shanghai Botanic Garden. We are happy.

红色部分单词、词组、句子要求背诵、默写 黑色部分单词、词组、句子熟读、会口头表达
