3L 练习题

发布时间 : 星期二 文章3L 练习题更新完毕开始阅读

7.There aren’t any ruiers in the shop.(变肯定句) ___________________________________________________

8. There are twenty chocolates in the box.(对划线部分提问) __________________________________________________ 9.How many pencil are there on the desk? (改错)

____________________________________________________________ Lesson 10 按正确形式填空

1. Look at ______(they ) 2. Give ____(he )that black . 3. this orange is for _____(she) 4. Listen to ____(it )

5 . Come with _____(we) 6.show ____(I) ____(you )hands. 写出同意句

1,Show me your new shoes .____________________________ 2.Give some biscuits to them.__________________________ 选词填空;

( )1.--_______is that actress ? --she is German。 A, what B, Who C, Whose D, What nationality ( )2.--_______are your shoes ? --My shoes are red . A, what B, Whose C, Who D,what colour ( )3. There aren’t _____ pencil on the desk .

A, some B, a C, any D, an
