
发布时间 : 星期三 文章(3份试卷汇总)2019-2020学年湖南省名校英语八年级(上)期末学业水平测试模拟试题更新完毕开始阅读


4)Everyone should ________ ________ ________ (参与) in saving the earth. 5)如果建筑物倒塌,里面又有人,他们会很快赶过来。

If buildings ________________ with people ________,they will come soon. 五、完形填空

24. Today some students get together to talk about the future. 1 will the future be like? The students make 2 about it. Listen to them:

\with worse air and more litter(垃圾). We need to learn to 4 the environment, so we will have a good place to live in. New Yorkers need to love their city. \-Linda, age 1

\your robot to help you do the housework. 7 will be different: all the classrooms will have computers, and you 8 have to take your schoolbags. When you want to travel, a flying board(板)will take you anywhere. It will fly very fast, and it will only take you an hour 9 to China from the USA.\-Dorian, age 8

\in the future. Then we will live in a better environment. \-Riddhi, age 10 1)A.When 2)A.promises 3)A.If 4)A.take up 5)A.hot 6)A.old 7)A.Schools 8)A.will 9)A.go 10)A.less 25.词汇题

1)It was ________(care)of Jim to leave the tap running all night. 2)He'll ________(certain)die if you don't send for a doctor right now. 3)He was ________(worry)about her illness.

4)I'm going to have a ________(meet)this afternoon. 5)Miss Yang is very ________(understand).We all like her.

七、阅读理解 26.Dear Kitty,

I am sorry that I did not write to you earlier because I was very busy. I was helping with a charity show to raise(筹集)money for Project Green Hope.(绿色希望工程)A lot of work needed to be finished, so I did not have much free time.

I felt very happy when I was chosen to(被选为)be the host. It was exciting,but I was also

B.Where B.predictions B.Before B.look for B.cool B.full B.Stations B.won't B.went B.more

C.What C.resolutions C.Though C.take care of C.boring C.dirty C.Factories C.do C.going C.worse


D.improvements D.Because D.play a part in D.terrible D.dangerous D.Hospitals D.not D.to go D.better


very nervous. I know that lots of people would come to the show and many pop stars would come, too. My job was to introduce each star and I also had many other duties.

We practiced a lot before the show. I had to remember to look at the right camera at the right time. At first, I thought I would never be able to remember all the words. Slowly,everything became easier.

The big day came very quickly, and I was so excited. Twenty minutes before the big event, we opened the doors and many people came into the theatre to watch the show. The fans of the pop stars were making a lot of noise, so I had to speak loudly.

30,000 dollars has been given to Project Green Hope. I hope more events like this will be organized to raise money for charities and I think more people should be invited to take part in them. See you soon. Best wishes! Ricky

1)What was Ricky doing these days?

A.Helping to raise money. B.Writing the letters. C.Watching the show. D.Inviting the pop stars. 2)How did he feel when he was chosen to be the host? A.Nervous. B.Happy.

C.Both nervous and happy. D.Neither nervous nor happy. 3)Which statements is NOT true according to the letter? A.Many pop stars would come.

B.They practiced a lot before the show.

C.Ricky had to speak loudly because of the noise.

D.The door was open thirty minutes earlier before the event. 4)What does the underlined word charity mean? A.慈善 B.招待 C.明星 D.服务

5)How much has been given to Project Green Hope?

A.3,000 dollars B.30,000 dollars C.3,000 pounds D.30,000 pounds

27.I have a twin brother, Bob. He is taller than me. His hair is longer than mine. Many people think we must have many things in common. But in fact this is not true. Bob is more outgoing than me. When my parents’ friends come to our house, Bob often sits there and talks to them. But I often sit there and say nothing. Bob likes reading, cooking and drawing. I just like swimming and playing basketball. He has more hobbies than me, but he is not as athletic as me. Because Bob does better than me at school, my mom often says to me, “Bob is younger than you, but he can get better grades, you should learn from him.” We both like eating fast food and listening to music. 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。 1)Bob is me.

A.taller B.thinner C.shorter D.heavier 2)Bob and I have in common.

A.many things B.nothing C.lots of things D.a few things 3)Bob talks me.

A.as much as B.more than C.less than D.as little as 4)I am than Bob.

A.more athletic B.as weak as

C.as athletic as D.as good at schoolwork as 5)We both like .

A.reading B.cooking C.swimming D.music

八、书面表达 28.书面表达

最近,我国政府面向青少年提出了“阳光体育活动”。其口号是“每天锻炼一小时,健康工作50年,幸福生活一辈子”。为了配合“阳光体育活动”,学校决定对同学们的体育锻炼情况作一次调查。假如你叫Jack, 请根据自己的实际情况,完成下面调查内容(括号中的内容供选择)。

My name is Jack. I’m in Class Two, Grade Nine. I76.(always, often, sometimes, hardly) do sports after school. I usually do sports with my77.. My favorite sport is78., because79..


一、选择题 题号 1 答案 C 答案 D 二、单词填空

21.1)themselves 2)discuss 3)engineers 4)hobby 5)college 三、句型转换

22.1) has walking 2) how soon 3) too to 4) not turning 5) to smoke

2 D A 3 A 4 A 5 A 6 C 7 B 8 C 9 C 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 B C C D C D C A B 题号 19 20 四、完成句子

23.1) be free 2) live to be 3) in great danger 4) play a part / role 5) fall down inside 五、完形填空

24.1)C 2)B 3)A 4)C 5)B 6)C 7)A 8)B 9)D 10)A


25.1)careless 2)certainly 3)worried 4)meeting 5)understanding 七、阅读理解

26.1)A 2)C 3)D 4)A 5)B 27.1)A 2)D 3)B 4)A 5)D 八、书面表达

28.76.often 77.classmates

78.playing basketball 79.I am good at it.
