上海中级口译口试部分历年真题集锦(含答? - 百度文库

ʱ : 上海中级口译口试部分历年真题集锦(含答? - 百度文库ϿʼĶ


Topic: Can shopping vouchers increase consumption? Questions for Reference:

1. To stimulate consumption, which is more effective, tax reduction or shopping vouchers?

2. What are the major purposes of issuing shopping vouchers?

3. In what way can the shopping vouchers best be distributes? Shall every citizen be given the same amount of shopping vouchers or should the vouchers be limited to the lower-income people only? Part A Passage 1

The whole world has focused its attention on China, an oriental country that still appears mysterious to many people in the west. China is providing the greatest fascination in the 21st century.//

Since the Second World War, countries like Britain and Germany have had major achievements and minor problems, while Southeast Asia has had major problems and minor achievements.//

China, though, is experiencing both major achievements and major problems. I do believe the tough line on population control has been a great contribution to humanity on an international level.//

Im positive that China will definitely become an economic superpower in the not too distant future and will play an irreplaceable role in promoting economic prosperity in the world.//




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Ladies and Gentlemen, I am delighted to have the opportunity to address you at the opening of the 7th China International High-tech Expo. In the last two years I have witnessed tremendous advances across China, particularly in hi-tech manufacturing sectors, in science and research.//

Britain is well placed to enable China to develop even faster in these areas. Hi-tech manufacturing industries are global and they are important to us all.//

British companies and research institutions can make a strong contribution to Chinas success in hi-tech sectors. Were specially interested in such field as Information and Communications Technology, biotechnology and many more,//

China has more world-class companies and they go out into the international markets. Many of them are attracted to Britain. We now have over 300 Chinese companies operating profitably and successfully in Britain.





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Cooperation and communication should be mutual. I think we should do well with the relationship between competition and cooperation. Actually, cooperation is more beneficial to us than competition.//

However, (as we have noticed/ as we were aware,) there is a marked imbalance between Chinas report on foreign countries and the reports on China by western media.//

In China, people can watch different programs about foreign countries. But you can find very few positive programs about Chinas economic development and social progress in western countries.//

I think that there are many reasons for this phenomenon. But I believe that enhanced cooperation and exchanges can eventually change this unbalanced situation. Passage 2






Thanks to accelerated economic globalization, the growing China-US business relations have exhibited the features of interdependence, mutual benefit and win-win progress.//

We hope that the US administration will follow the trend of historical development, and pursue the right trade policy so as to enable our two people to gain more concrete benefits.//

China-US business relationship is the most complex one in todays world owing to its huge scale, broad scope and the extensive interests of various parties involved.// A case in point in China-US business relationship is the issue of product quality and food safety. China and the United States have had in-depth and frank discussions on this issue. (200903)

Topic: Chilly Season for Job Hunters Questions for Reference:

1. With the worsening global financial crisis, university graduates are facing a very serious employment situation. Could you say something about what you or your friends are planning to do to sort out this problem?

2. The government has adopted some measures to help university graduates seek employment. Could you mention one or two of these measures and then comment?
