
发布时间 : 星期六 文章上海中级口译口试部分历年真题集锦(含答案)更新完毕开始阅读

duty-bound responsibility to do a good job.//

At the same time, we should be fully aware that the successful holding of the World Expo is a very rare and important opportunity for China’s tourism and also an important opportunity for China’s tourism to display a good image and expand international influence.//

The modern World Expo experience has shown that of the combined/ comprehensive effects of the Expo, the effort of tourism is (the) most direct, obvious and lasting. (201003) 口语题

Topic: Chilly Season for Job Hunters Questions for Reference:

1. With the worsening global financial crisis, university graduates are facing a very serious employment situation. Could you say something about what you or your friends are planning to do to sort out this problem?

2. The government has adopted some measures to help university graduates seek employment. Could you mention one or two of these measures and then comment?

3. One alternative is to apply for government jobs or to set up your own business. Are you planning to become a civil servant or self-employed? Why or why not? 口译题 Part A Passage 1

Ladies and Gentlemen, during my stay here for 5 years, I have noticed many cultural differences. Such cultural differences arise from a different in region, race, history, environment and in the level of social and economic development.//

Here are some examples. We American emphasize efficiency, competition and

originality, while your management gives priority to careful planning and encourages close cooperation.//

In American schools, discussion is given top priority and seminar is the usual way of class. Teachers with flexible and adaptable talents are regarded as good an popular ones.//

But Chinese teachers like to lecture in class, and a lot of them are obsessed with examinations; they spend long hours planning and preparing classes, and writing consistent and standardized plans. It’s very interesting to us.




而中国教师喜欢讲课,喜欢考试,花许多时间去备课,编写千篇一律的标准教案。在我们眼里,这太有意思了。 Passage 2

Ladies and Gentlemen, the world today is facing a serious problem of poverty in some areas. We must refocus our attention, and resources, on the places and people that are economically being left behind.//

As we do, we must bear in mind that none are more committed to ending poverty than the poor themselves. Often, all they lack is the guidance and the tools to get rid of poverty.//

Therefore, it requires all citizens to actively participate in policy-making, and government to become more accountable to their citizens in their efforts to achieve their goals.//

Today, we join hands with the poor in a collective effort. This is a close and extensive cooperation which brings together civil society, the private sectors, and individuals around the world.




今天,我们和贫困人们共同携手,这是一种紧密而又广泛的合作。它将使全世界的公民社会,私营企业以及个人团结在一起。 Part B Passage 1





Now, I’d like to give you a brief introduction to the World Heritage Sites in China. China is a country with an age-old history, a brilliant civilization, and magnificent landscapes.//

On this land, China enjoys diverse and beautiful natural and geographical conditions, and landscape with the varied features of north, east, south, and west. Such excellent geographical conditions have produced many natural scenic spots.//

The rich and precious cultural and heritages left by China’s long history are assets for both the Chinese nation and the rest of the world.//

Today, however, these cultural and natural heritages are threatened by the increasing damages mainly caused by their own old age and some by man-made damage, to which we should pay high attention.// Passage 2





Being a common language of humanity, sport is an important factor in the promotion of peace and development. Ever since ancient times, sport has transcended differences in race, color and culture.//

Sport has given expression to humanity’s aspirations for and pursuit of a peaceful and better world, as evidenced in the Olympic spirit that came into being more the 2,000 years ago.//

Sport and physical education are activities undertaken in humanity’s ceaseless pursuit of the Olympic ideal.//

Sport not only builds one’s physique, but also teaches communications, cooperation, respect for others. It is also an important medium for strengthening the ties among different civilization and values.//
