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independent by strange clothes.Now I am leaving home college.At last,


I will be on my own,but I still want to have my parents to turn to whenever need


1.根据下文的13 to 19 were可知,year应该用复数形式。 2.此处用最高级,与上文的the best呼应。 3.at first“起初;一开始”,为固定短语。 4.句子的主语是I,因此反身代词用myself。

5.so代替前面的could make decisions by myself,such不能指代前面的内容。 6.这里讲述的是过去发生的事情,所以用一般过去时。 7.be是连系动词,其后要跟形容词作表语。 8.by是介词,后接动名词形式。

9.根据句意可知,此处指的是“离开家去上大学”,所以用for,表示目的。 10.此处是让步状语从句,句子缺少主语,由前面的主语可知用I。


It is Mother's Day today.Though it's a western festival,it's popular in China now.

Mom has a full-time job,so she has to do most of the houseworks.She is a great mother.Both Dad or I planned to do something on Mother's Day.We get up early in the morning.Dad cleaned the house,and then went on shopping.When he came back,I found a bunch of flowers in her hand.I asked Mom to stay in the sitting room and I cooked in kitchen.The dishes what I cooked were Mom's favoritest.At dinner,we said to her,“Happy Mother's Day!” Mom was grateful and moving.

It is Mother's Day today.Though it's a western festival,it's popular in China now.

Mom has a full-time job,

sohouseworks she has to do most of the .She is a great buthousework


mother.Both Dad I planned to do something on Mother's Day.We up early in the

andgotmorning.Dad cleaned the house,and then went

shopping.When he came back,I found


a bunch of flowers in hand.I asked Mom to stay in the sitting room and I cooked



kitchen.The dishes



I cooked were Mom's




. moved

dinner,we said to her,“Happy Mother's Day!” Mom was grateful and




4.句意:我们那天早上起得很早。事情发生在过去,故应用一般过去时。 5.go shopping“去购物”,是固定短语。

6.句意:当他回来时,我发现他手里有一束花。根据句意可知此处指代爸爸,应用his。 7.家里的厨房为固定的地方,故应用定冠词the表特指。





When I was a very young children,my father created a regular practice I remember well years late.Every time he arrived home at end of the day,we'd greet her at the door.He would ask who we was and pretend not to knowing us.Then he and my mother would have had a drink while she prepared dinner and they would talk about his day and hers.While they chat,my father would lift my sister and me up to sit in the top of the fridge.It was both excited and frightening to be up there!My sister and I thought he was so cool for putting us there.


When I was a very young ,my father created a regular practice I remember


well years .Every time he arrived home at end of the day,we'd greet


at the door.He would ask who we and pretend not to us.Then he and my

wereknowmother would have

a drink while she prepared dinner and they would talk about


his day and hers.While they ,my father would lift my sister and me up to sit

chattedinexcited the top of the fridge.It was both and frightening to be up there!My sister onexcitingand I thought he was so cool for putting us there.

1.根据I和a可知,这里应用单数形式,故用child。 2.根据语境可知,此处表示“很多年以后”,故用later。 3.at the end of是固定词组,表示“在……结束时”。 4.根据语境可知,此处指代父亲,故用him。 5.根据主语we可知,谓语应用were。



8.全文描述过去发生的事,应用一般过去时,故用chatted。 9.on the top of是固定词组,表示“在……的上面”。



When I was a child,I hoped to live in the city.I think I would be happy there.Now I am living in a city,but I miss my home in countryside.There the air is clean or the mountains are green.Unfortunately,on the development of industrialization,the environment has been polluted.Lots of studies have been shown that global warming has already become a very seriously problem.The airs we breathe in is getting dirtier and dirtier.Much rare animals are dying out.We must found ways to protect your environment.If we fail to do so,we'll live to regret it.


When I was a child,I hoped to live in the city.I I would be happy there.Now


I am living in a city,but I miss my home incountryside.There the air is clean


the mountains are green.Unfortunately, the development of andwithindustrialization,the environment has been polluted.Lots of studies have

seriouslyairsshown that global warming has already become a very problem.The we seriousairMuch

breathe in is getting dirtier and dirtier. rare animals are dying out.We must Manyfoundyour

ways to protect environment.If we fail to do so,we'll live to regret findour/theit.

