
发布时间 : 星期六 文章人教版PEP英语五年级下册-Unit-4-When-is-Easter-Part-A-习题更新完毕开始阅读

4.When is China National’s Day. 翻译

_____________________________________________ 5.There are some special days in June. 翻译

_____________________________________________ 答案:1.When is April Fool’s Day?

2. It’s on April second.

3.在四月份有很多特殊的节日。 4. 中国的国庆节是什么时候? 知识点:连词成句、翻译 解析: 1. 愚人节是什么时间。 2. 在四月二日。

3. 在四月份有很多特殊的节日。 4. 中国的国庆节是什么时候? 七、阅读短文,判断句子正( A )误( B )。

Look, there are some special days in April. April Fool’s Day is on April 1st. Children will have fun on that day. Easter is also in April. There will be an Easter party. Children will play many games. They will roll (滚动)Easter eggs and meet the Easter Bunny. What a happy party! When is the sports meet? It’s on 21st . That will be fun too. Everyone loves April.

( ) 1. April 1st is April Fool’s Day. ( ) 2. Easter is also in August.

( ) 3. Children will have an April Fool’s Day party.

( ) 4. Children will roll Easter eggs and meet the Easter Bunny. 答案:1.T 2. F 3. F 4. T 知识点:阅读理解

解析: 1. April 1st is April Fool’s Day.愚人节是在四月一日。 在第一行第二句话中可以

找到April Fool’s Day is on April 1st.

2. Easter is also in August. 复活节也是在8月。 在文中第二行中可以找到Easter

is also in April. 复活节也是在4月。所以这个题是错误的。

3. Children will have an April Fool’s Day party. 孩子们将有一个愚人节的聚会。

在文中第二行可以找到There will be an Easter party.将有一个复活节聚会,不是愚人节聚会,所以题目是错误的。

4. Children will roll Easter eggs and meet the Easter Bunny. 孩子们将会滚彩蛋并

且会遇见宾尼兔。在文中第三行可以找到答案They will roll (滚动)Easter eggs and meet the Easter Bunny.
