2019届江苏省海安高级中学高三期中考 英语试卷(解析版)

发布时间 : 星期三 文章2019届江苏省海安高级中学高三期中考 英语试卷(解析版)更新完毕开始阅读

Nobel Prize for Literature with his written works translated into English.” A. could have been rewarded B. must have been rewarded C. should be rewarded D. need have been rewarded

30. The introduction of programmes will hopefully help the systematic destruction of the environment ______ and see alternative energy ______ around the world. A. ending; promote B. ended; promoted C. ended; promoting D. ending; promote

31. I don’t agree with canceling all large celebrations or events just because of one accident. “Once bitten, twice shy” is not a(n) ______ response. What we need to do is to learn the lessons. A. considerate B. appropriate C. apparent D. controversial

32. The news of his death was so ______ that the audience couldn’t accept it and mourned him by reviewing his former programmes. A. vague B. delicate C. current D. abrupt

33. ______ for the efforts of the builders, the Hongkong-Zhuhai-Macao bridge, called “the seventh miracle” by the Guardian, would not be completed, which astonishes the whole world. A. Were not it B. Were it not C. Had not it been D. If it were

34. According to the principle of the investigation, interviewees should give a truthful answer ______ with the reality of their world. A. associated B. authentic C. consistent D. convincing 35. —Don’t ______ like this. You know can’t give you confidential information. —Ok. That’s a pity.

A. go with the flow B. put me on the spot C. get the ball rolling D. be down in the dumps

第21题 A 值得人尊重的专家,饱含敬意的学生

第22题 C 先行词是前面的late 1970s, when 后面加完整句子,表示在1970年末 期那个时候 第23题 B look forward to see往前看的目的, loaded with 是作为一个后置定语修饰前面的bus 第24题 A order out for pizza 表示庆祝,grasp the feet of his glass表示吃惊 第25题 C by design 表示故意的,相当于deliberately 第26题 C 第一空表示坚持说,第二空表示坚持要求

第27题 B 第一空,我已经回来,第二空,表示呆这个动作已经结束,用一般过去时 第28题 A settle for表示勉强接受

第29题 A 他的作品本来有这个能力拿到诺贝尔奖的

第30题 B 第一空,这个现象是被终结的,而且是被人为终结,用过去时 第31题 B 一朝被蛇咬十年怕井绳,这种回应方式是不合适的 第32题 D 李咏死去的消息是如此之突然

第33题 B if it were not for, 把if去掉,把were 提前。 如果选C的话,是had it not been for 第34题 C 你的答案应该是与现实世界保持一致

第35题 B put me on the spot表示让某人感到很难办,很难堪




The following story took place long ago in Israel. One day when government officials were rebuilding a barn, they found a mouse hole and used smoke to 36 the mice inside the hole to come out. Later they 37 saw mice running out.

Then, everyone thought all the mice had escaped. However, they were about to clean up 38 they saw two mice 39 out of the hole. After some endeavor, the mice finally got out. The strange thing happened: after coming out of the hole, they didn’t run away 40 rather than chased after one by one near the exit of the hole. It seemed that one was trying to bite the 41 of the other. Everyone was puzzled, so they stepped 42 to take a look. They realized one of the mice was blind and the other one was trying to allow the blind mouse to bite him to escape.

After witnessing what happened, everyone was 43 and lost in 44 . During meal time, the group of people started to chat about what happened to the two mice.

One serious Rome official said: “I think those two mice were a(n) 45 and a minister.” The others thought for a while and said: “That was why!” A smart Israeli said: “I think the relationship between those two mice was 46 of husband and wife.” All felt it 47 . A Chinese, who was 48 to the firm tradition of 49 to parents, said: “I think they were mother and son.” Once again the others felt this was more reasonable.

At that moment, one 50 Samaritan who was squatted on the ground resting his chin in his palms, he glimpsed at other people, and asked: “Why did those two mice have to have a 51 relationship? “

Suddenly, the atmosphere 52 . Stupefied, the group looked back at the Samaritan and 53 speechless. The Rome official, the Israeli and the Chinese who had spoken earlier all lowered their heads in 54 , and did not dare to respond. In fact, the true love is not established on benefit, friendship and loyalty or 55 relationship. Instead, it is based on no relationship.

36. A. harm B. force C. pull D. struggle 37. A. indeed B. merely C. fortunately D. absolutely 38. A. as B. while C. when D. before 39. A. squeezing B. removing C. thrilling D. wrestling 40. A. immediately B. casually C. calmly D. excitedly 41. A. ear B. hand C. leg D. tail 42. A. behind B. closer C. back D. aside 43. A. horrible B. speechless C. clumsy D. fragile 44. A. thought B. idea C. thinking D. view 45. A. priest B. steward C. civilian D. emperor 46. A. what B. those C. that D. which 47. A. made difference B. made clear C. made sense D. make trials 48. A. willing B. accustomed C. sacred D. conventional 49. A. loyalty B. occupation C. burden D. privilege 50. A. warm-minded B. strong-minded C. stubborn-minded D. pure-minded 51. A. certain B. delicate C. primitive D. complex


52. A. hotted 53. A. pretended 54. A. honor 55. A. blood B. frozen B. stopped B. fear B. close C. boomed C. remained C. tears C. distant D. drained D. began D. shame D. protected

第36题 B 用烟雾迫使老鼠出来

第37题 A 后来,他们的的确确把老鼠都逼出来了 第38题 C be about to do sth when 固定句式

第39题 A 他们看到2只老鼠缠绕在一起,所以是挤出洞口

第40题 A 从洞里面跑出来的时候,他们没有立刻一个接着一个逃走 第41题 D 一个老鼠咬住另外一只老鼠的尾巴 第42题 B 这帮人走近一点瞧到底发生了什么 第43题 B 每个人都无语了

第44题 A be lost in thought固定搭配,表示每个人都陷入了深思中 第45题 D 他们肯定是大臣和皇上

第46题 C that 代指前面的the relationship

第47题 C 大家都觉得他们讲的很有道理,言之有理用make sense 第48题 B 中国人习惯的思维模式是子女对父母的绝对忠诚 第49题 A 见上题

第50题 D Samaritan表示大好人之意,大好人应该是pure-minded

第51题 A 他们为什么一定要有关系呢?难道陌生人之间不应该互帮互助吗? 第52题 B 氛围在此刻僵住了

第53题 C 前面第44空表示大家无语,在这里表示他们继续无语,继续,仍然用remain 第54题 D 所有的人在Samaritan的这种大爱面前无地自容,用shame 第55题 A 有亲情关系用blood relationship

第三部分:阅读理解 (共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)

请阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。



The Puffing Billy Railway, located about 40km east of Melbourne, was constructed in the early 1900s to open up remote areas. The present line between Belgrave and Gembrook travels through the forests and farmlands of the magnificent Dandenong Ranges. Today, this non-profit Railway operates almost daily thanks to the tireless efforts of more than 900 dedicated volunteers. General Information: ? People with disabilities – can be accommodated on most excursion trains, including a limited number of wheelchairs. Please phone to check availability. Easy access toilets are at Belgrave, Lakeside and Gembrook. ? Refreshments and souvenirs – are available at most stations. ? Railway Tracks – standing and walking on the tracks is not permitted. ? Prams (婴儿车) – only folding or narrow type prams can be accommodated through the narrow carriage doors. ? Smoking – is not permitted on the train or under any roofed areas. ? Assistance Dogs certified by a registered authority – are the only dogs allowed on the train and must be kept on lead at all times. ? Alcohol – is not permitted on trains (except as provided in dining cars). ? Toilets – are located at each station. Parenting rooms are located at Belgrave, Lakeside & Gembrook. ? Photographs and videos – for personal use are permitted. Wedding photography and any use, re-use or reproduction for commercial purposes is prohibited without prior written permission. Conditions: ? Concession fares (优惠票价) are available to Australian bearers of Health Care, Student, Seniors, Companion or Pensioner cards. (Exclude evening dining and events). Your signature may be required on day of travel for verification purposes. ? Children under 4 years, not occupying a seat, are carried FREE on excursion trains only, 高三英语试卷第8页(共12页)
