
发布时间 : 星期四 文章新陕旅版五年级英语下册导学案更新完毕开始阅读

一) 温故知新

师生问答:ParkA:Think and answer

1,What are you doing to do this evening?

2,What is your father going to do tomorrow morning? 3,What is your grandma go to do next Sunday? 4,What is your friend going to do next week? 二)阅读方法

自学单词,做到会读,会拼,会写,不会的画出来。 三)互助释疑

同桌间或小组内轮流读单词,探讨单词的读音和写法。 四)探究出招


? 展示交流(10分钟)

一) 小组展示:相互读写单词 二)班级展示



一)教师放录音,学生跟读,纠正读音。 二)学生开火车读单词。

三)1,完成PartA Tick and talk .

A:Where will you go on your holidays? B:I will go to ... A:How will you go? B:By\\On...

2,体会一般将来时的用法以及构成。 四)用简单的句型描述四季。

? 课堂作业(5分钟)



1,What are you doing to do this evening?

2,What is your father going to do tomorrow morning? 3,What is your mother go to do next Sunday? 4,What is your friend going to do next week?

板书设计: 课后反思: 第二课时


2,学习句型:Where will you go on the holiday? I will go to...


2,学习句型:Where will you go on the holiday? I will go to...

教学难点:般将来时的用法以及构成的掌握。 教法:高效课堂教学模式

学法:自主探究 合作交流

教具准备:小黑板 单词卡片 录音机 教学环节:

? 学习目标(2分钟)

一)Where will you go on the holiday? I will go to... 二)学习 Part A Let’s talk 部分的对话,并且熟练掌握。

? 自主学习(15分钟)


1,相互问答:Part A Think and answer. 2,听写上节课所学单词。 二)阅读方法

Where will you go on the holiday? I will go to...句型做对话。 三)互助释疑

同桌间相互交流,一问一答,练习所造句型。 四)探究出招


? 展示交流(8分钟)



? 点拨升华(8分钟)

一)教师放对话录音,学生跟读,纠正读音。 二)小组内分角色读对话。 三)上讲台表演对话。

? 课堂作业(7分钟)


Part C Look, and complete.


课后反思: 第三课时


2, 学习句型:

1) What will you do on the holiday? I will +动词原形... 2) How will you go? I will +动词原形...

3) Will your parents go with you? Yes, they will.\\No, they won`t.



1),What will you do on the holiday? I will +动词原形... 2),How will you go? I will +动词原形...

3),Will your parents go with you? Yes, they will.\\No, they won’t.

教学难点:一般将来时态的一般疑问句。 教法:高效课堂教学模式 学法:自主探究 合作交流

教具准备:小黑板 单词卡片 录音机 教学环节:

? 学习目标(2分钟)

1,学习一般将来时的用法以及构成。 2,学习句型:

1),What will you do on the holiday? I will +动词原形... 2),How will you go? I will +动词原形...

3),Will your parents go with you? Yes, they will.\\No, they won’t.

? 自主学习(15分钟)


相互问答:Part C Listne and Write. 二)阅读方法

1),What will you do on the holiday? I will +动词原形... 2),How will you go? I will +动词原形...

3),Will your parents go with you? Yes, they will.\\No, they won’t. 三)互助释疑

同桌间相互交流,一问一答,练习所造句型。 四)探究出招

自主学习对话,Part B Let’s learn more, 了解对话内容。

? 展示交流(8分钟)



? 点拨升华(8分钟)

一)教师放对话录音,学生跟读,纠正读音。 Why not go by plane? 二)小组内分角色读对话。 三)上讲台表演对话。

? 课堂作业(7分钟)

作业当堂清 选择正确答案

1. Where __________ you go on the holiday? A. do B. have C. will

2. There _________ many big houses in it? A. are B. is C.am

3. You ________ visit many places of interest there. A. will B. can C. are

4. What will you ________ this summer? A. go B. do C.doing

5. _________ will you go? A. What B. How C. Why

6. ----Will you parents go will you? ----_____________________

A. Yes, will they. B. No,they will. C.No, they won’t.

板书设计: 课后反思: 第四课时

教学目标:1,独立学习对话并在小组内完成对话Part B Look and talk。

2. 小组内完成Part B Read and Report. 3. 学唱歌曲《Su Will Go》

教学重点:1,独立学习对话并在小组内完成对话Part B Look and talk。

2. 小组内完成Part B Read and Report. 3. 学唱歌曲《Su Will Go》

