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英 语


? 本试卷9页,全卷满分90分,考试时间为90分钟。试卷包含选择题和非选择题。


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一、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 1. The sign warns us not to _______. A. smoke B. talk C. drink D. park 2. The fish are swimming in the river. _______ look beautiful and shiny in the sun. A. It B. They C. Its D. Their

3. This flat is large enough for a family of three _______ you plan to have a second child. A. if B. because C. until D. unless

4. Stephen Hawking, the writer of A Brief History of Time, made his final _______ on TV in March, 2018 to talk about his research on the universe. A. appearance B. advantage C. agreement D. achievement 5. Which of the following suffixes is used to form an adjective? A. -less B. -ness C. -tion D. -ment

6. Tiangong-1 _______ space on Sept 29, 2011. It re-entered the Earth’s atmosphere on April 2, 2018. A. sent into B. was sent into C. sends into D. is sent into 7. Dreams are so powerful that they can make you _______ harder to have a better future. A. to work B. working C. work D. will work 8. — How do you like the book?

— Very useful. Community safety is _______ introduced in it. A. probably B. hardly C. usually D. specially 9. A survey about why teenagers like pop stars so much was _______ in our school last Friday. A. taken out B. carried out C. turned out D. given out

10. The Chinese saying “A tree can’t make a forest.” tells us that _______ is very important in everything. A. ability B. teamwork C. spirit D. chance 11. — _______ good film Wolf Warrior II is!

— Exactly. I haven’t seen a better one recently. A. What a B. What C. How D. How a

12. The future of a country lies in its youth. That’s _______ the Chinese government set a plan to

guide its youth toward better development. A. how B. why C. what D. whether

一模英语 共9页 第1页

13. — What are you doing, Jack?

— I am searching for some information about the Blue Moon. I wonder _______. A. that it will appear next time B. why does it look blue C. When was it found for the first time D. whether it represents something lucky 14. — Kitty has gone to the UK for further study. I haven’t seen her for a long time! — _______. I miss her so much!

A. Neither do I B. So do I C. Me neither D. So I have 15. — Excuse me, may I take the cat with me, sir?

— _______. Pets are never allowed in. You can keep it in the Animal Centre next door.

A. Yes, please B. No, thanks C. I’m afraid not D. It’s up to you 二、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


In China, children like to make promises by hooking pinkies with each other. They say, “A pinkie promise must be 16 for 100 years.” Then they may press their thumbs together to complete the promise. Sometimes, 17 will hook pinkies and promise to be together forever. There are many theories(推测) on the origin of the pinkie promise. Some say it comes from a nursery rhyme. 18 say it was introduced from the West – born out of a love story where a man and a woman hooked fingers. One theory is that it may have 19 to do with the role of fingers in Chinese culture. The Chinese character for “finger” also means “aim(旨)” (referring to people’s thoughts). So hooking fingers can be seen as the exchanging of 20 .

Therefore, the fingers play a(n) 21 role in making an oath(盟约): They can not only be used to complete a promise, but also be cut for making a blood oath. When someone swears to heaven, he uses his 22 to point to the sky.

23 , hooking fingers means making a serious promise. In some movies, a person who breaks a promise may have his little finger cut 24 ! Of course, this kind of thing is not very likely to happen in real life. But we can still see 25 important “pinkie promises” can be. So next time, when you hook pinkies with someone, you’d better be careful with your promise! 16. A. recorded B. kept C. remained D. noticed 17. A. enemies B. cousins C. strangers D. couples 18. A. The other B. Another C. Others D. Other 19. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything 20. A. promises B. gifts C. roles D. thoughts 21. A. ancient B. important C. pleasant D. modern 22. A. head B. hand C. shoulder D. finger 23. A. Generally B. Suddenly C. Simply D. Luckily 24. A. over B. into C. off D. in 25. A. what B. how C. when D. whether

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26. What’s this email about?

A. Film. B. Fashion. C. News. D. Festival. 27. Which of the following activities isn’t allowed during Songkran? A. Getting dressed in bright clothes. B. Pouring hot water to each other. C. Joining in all kinds of entertainments. D. Enjoying delicious Thai food and drink.

一模英语 共9页 第3页


What do you know about Hainan? Apart from its warm sunshine, golden beaches and blue seas, the province has some other interesting features. This year marks the 30th anniversary of the establishment(建立) of Hainan province. It’s a good time for us to take a closer look at the island province.

China’s southernmost city

If you are bored of Hainan’s more popular tourist cities, such as Sanya and Haikou, you may want to go to Sansha instead. Sansha is China’s southernmost city. It includes many small islands, sandbanks and reefs in the Xisha, Zhongsha and Nansha island groups. Its government is seated on the island of Yongxing. Since Sansha was established in 2012, a hospital, a library and a movie theater have been built on Yongxing. Over 2.5 million plants have been planted there to protect the environment.

The “migratory birds”

Migratory birds fly from the north to the south in winter. In China, a group of people are also referred to as “migratory birds”. Every year, from October to April, people from all over China go on holiday to Hainan to enjoy the warm weather and fresh air. Most of them are elderly people from northern China, especially Northeast China. According to the Hainan local government, more than 1 million elderly choose to spend their winter in Hainan each year. These elderly “migratory birds” also encourage younger family members to join them on the sunny island. A famous forum(论坛)

People in other countries might not know about Hainan, but they probably know about Boao. Boao, a town in Hainan, became China’s first permanent(永久的) site for hosting international meetings in 2001. Every year in April, the Boao Forum for Asia, a nongovernmental international organization, hosts its annual meetings. Officials, business people and experts from different countries come to Boao to discuss economic issues.

The forum has been important for the development of Asian cities. Hainan and Boao have both benefited(收益) greatly from hosting the conferences. More restaurants and hotels have been built, creating more jobs for locals. An airport was opened in 2016. The forum has helped Hainan build itself into an international tourism destination. 28. What’s the main idea of this passage?

A. A famous forum in Boao. B. China’s southernmost city. C. The elderly “migratory birds”. D. Interesting features of Hainan.

29. If you visit Sansha, you can enjoy natural views like __________.

① small islands ② a library ③ a movie theater ④ sandbanks ⑤ reefs A. ①②③ B. ②③④ C. ①④⑤ D. ②③⑤ 30. What’s the purpose of holding a forum in Boao? A. To develop Hainan. B. To create jobs for locals. C. To discuss economic issues. D. To benefit from hosting the forum. 31. Which of the following sentences is TRUE according to the passage? A. Besides Sanya and Haikou, Boao is another popular tourist city. B. More than 1 million young couples go to Hainan in winter each year.

C. Every year in April, the Chinese government holds the Boao Forum for Asia. D. Hainan has become an international tourism destination because of the forum.

一模英语 共9页 第4页
