
发布时间 : 星期二 文章江苏省南京师范大学附属中学2019届高三5月模拟英语试题更新完毕开始阅读

ou'll encounter magical creatures: Since Hagrid is the school's gamekeeper, there's always a menagerie of magical creatures nearby his home, and this ride will be no different. Expect to see the ferocious three-headed dog Fluffy; mayhem-causing Cornish Pixies; and a totally new creature (still under wraps), too.

t's fast! Hold on to your wands; this ride hits 50mph!

here will be obstacles: What, you thought you'd just fly through the sky without any bad spells coming your way? According to Universal, riders will “Hurl past challenging obstacles,become entangled in a thicket of Devil's Snare...while encountering a few surprises along the way.” o house elves allowed: Only those over 48 inches can ride (sorry). )56. Which of the following is TRUE?

. Hagrid's Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure is newly-opened and has attracted crowds of fans.

. Alan Gilmore is the director of both this new ride and the Harry Potter movie. . Magical creatures and challenging obstacles are designed to excite the riders.

. Whoever is interested in the fast motorcycle can buy the ticket and have a go at the ride. )57. This passage above is a promotion to ________.

. a theme park B. a new movie C. a science fiction D. an express train

study found that adolescents with early parent-set bedtimes were significantly less likely to suffer from depression, suggesting that early bedtimes could have a protective effect by lengthening sleep.

esults show that adolescents with parent-set bedtimes of midnight or later were 24% more likely to suffer from depression than adolescents with parent-set bedtimes of 10 pm or earlier. Adolescents who reported that they usually sleep for five or fewer hours per night were more likely to suffer from acute muscle pains, dizziness, nausea and headaches than those who reported getting eight hours of nightly sleep. Participants__who__reported__that__they__“usually__get__enough__sleep”__were__less__irritab



ames E. Gangwisch, assistant professor at Columbia University Medical Center, said that the results strengthen the argument that short sleep duration could play a role in the study of depression causes. “Our results are consistent with the theory that inadequate sleep is a risk factor for depression, working with other risk and protective factors through multiple possible causal pathways to the development of this mood disorder,” said Gangwisch, “Adequate__quality__sleep__could__therefore__be__a__preventative__measure__against__depression.”②

rom__the__data__collected,__it__was__found__that__some__participants__suffered__from__memory__loss__and__hallucinations.③ These were associated with later parent-set bedtime, shorter sleep duration, and self-perception of not getting enough sleep.

he__average__adolescent-reported__sleep__duration__was__7__hours__53__minutes,__which__contrasted__with__the__9__or__more__hours__of__nightly__sleep__recommended__for__them.④ Participants with a parent-set bedtime of 10 pm or earlier reported that they usually slept for an average of 8 hours 10 minutes, which was 33 minutes more than adolescents with a bedtime of 11 pm and 40 minutes more than those with a bedtime of midnight or later. With the exception of sleep durations of 10 hours or more per night, higher average sleep durations were associated with progressively earlier average bedtimes.

he authors of the study reported that there are a number of potential methods by which constant partial sleep deprivation could contribute to depression. Lack of sleep may produce moodiness that hinders the ability to cope with daily stresses, damage relationships with peers and adults, and affect judgment, concentration and impulse control. They also suggested that behavioral interventions that involve educating adolescents and their parents about healthier sleep practices and helping them modify sleep habits could serve as the main preventative measures against depression.

)58. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE? . Not long enough sleep duration is a risk factor for depression. . Sleep deprivation is a direct cause of depression.

. Adolescents are advised to get eight hours of nightly sleep per day. . Educating parents alone can be a precautionary measure against depression.


)59. In the passage, which underlined statement is an OPINION? . ① B. ② C. ③ D. ④

)60. Based on the passage, lack of sleep can lead to the following EXCEPT ________. . strong attachment to friends . being distracted easily in class time . reacting slowly to the change of traffic lights . poor performance in memorizing English vocabulary

t was like a bad sitcom: Everything Leo said, his wife Francie said the opposite. He went to the gym, he told me; not since Bush was President, she countered. They'd been going on like this since they entered the exam room. Today was my first time seeing them—and one of my first times seeing two patients at once.

s I was wrapping up, Francie stopped me. “Can we talk about his vision?” His eyesight was getting worse,she told me,particularly at night. True to form, Leo denied it—but when I probed further, he admitted that his vision wasn't what it used to be. Several times, Francie added,he'd also been in near-accidents while driving at night.

he three of us worked out a driving plan where Leo could drive during the day for short distances, and Francie would drive him at night. While Leo had some objections to the agreement, Francie promised that he would follow it.

hen both of them left that day,I couldn't help thinking that Francie may have saved her husband's life.

he American Academy of Family Physicians estimates that around 10 percent of family physicians now give patients the option to share their appointments with people who have similar health issues. For doctors, the benefits are obvious: Shared appointments are efficient, allowing us to see more of our patients in a day. But shared appointments can be beneficial for patients, too, helping them to adopt healthy behaviors in a way that one-on-one visits don't.

person's smoking, diet, and exercise habits can depend in large part on the habits of his friends,


family, or coworkers. In a landmark study published in The New England Journal of Medicine in 2008, the Yale sociologist Nicholas Christakis found that when a spouse, friend, or sibling quit smoking, it decreased a person's chances of smoking by 67 percent, 36 percent, and 25 percent, respectively. Other research has found similar positive social-network effects for things like medication adherence.

uch of health, in other words, is a shared experience. There are some conditions, like a cold or a sprained ankle, where doctors' recommendations are simple and social support won't make much of a difference. But as a primary-care doctor, I also treat chronic diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure. The knowledge required to manage these lifelong conditions can be overwhelming for some, and stress makes patients less likely to carry out the instructions that doctors give. Being around other people may help. In patients with heart failure and diabetes, for example, group visits may improve retention(记忆) of medical information by 10 to 30 percent. A study presented at the 2014 American College of Cardiology annual meeting, meanwhile, found that being married dramatically lowered one's chance of heart disease,possibly because spouses helped reinforce medication adherence and exercise habits.

espite these outcomes, it is easy to see why shared medical appointments aren't more popular. They go against two principles that have defined medicine: the patient-doctor relationship and confidentiality.

ne of my patients has been seeing me for months trying to quit smoking. Her previous primary-care doctor had prescribed everything from nicotine patches to gum to pills. Nothing worked. The reason: Her brother had moved in recently, and smoking together was the one thing they did together. Unless she could get her brother to stop smoking, she told me, it would be impossible for her to quit. I told her to bring her brother to her next appointment—and hopefully, I can convince them to find a new shared activity. As Leo and Francie have taught me, having someone else in the room could make all the difference.

)61. Which of the following statements about Leo and Francie is TRUE? . They went to the doctor together because they shared similar mental issues. . They went to see the doctor because Leo was hurt in an accident. . Leo wasn't allowed to drive after the doctor's appointment. . Leo noticed his vision problem before the doctor examined it.

)62. Shared appointments with the doctor may be of help for ________.

