
发布时间 : 星期二 文章江苏省南京师范大学附属中学2019届高三5月模拟英语试题更新完毕开始阅读

)25. She was in a ________ condition after the heart transplant operation when her body rejected the foreign organ.

. skeptical B. critical C. theoretical D. practical

)26. An international team of astronomers announced Wednesday that they ________ the first-ever image of a black hole. . have captured B. were capturing . had captured D. would capture

)27. I quickly lowered myself, ducking my head to avoid looking directly into his eyes so that he wouldn't feel ________. . challenged B. challenging

. to be challenged D. having challenged

)28. If an entire country gets richer at the same time, individuals wouldn't ________ feel wealthier, since their relative positions in society haven't changed. . necessarily B. initially C. typically D. sustainably

)29. When the girl did ________ the courage to tell her parents what had happened, unfortunately her own family didn't believe her. . work out B. work up C. work at D. work on

)30. I often felt troubled in my teens and my grandma ________ comfort me, saying “Life is like that, dear”. . would B. might C. should D. must

)31. Tom finally decided to ________ and give himself up to the police, which allowed him to get away with only a small fine. . kill the fatted calf B. face the music

. see the handwriting on the wall D. be a black sheep


)32. My son turned to bookstores and libraries seeking information about the book recommended by his professor, but ________ none. . would find B. had found . found D. has been finding

)33. Speaking a foreign language allows you to ________ time in a negotiation, for you can act like you have not understood to come up with your answer. . save B. afford C. buy D. spend

)34. Our society would be better off but for the fact that the economy ________ by the current global financial crisis.

. had been affected B. were affected . should be affected D. is affected

)35. —Would you please wait for a moment while I telephone the reception desk to check? ________.

. I wouldn't mind that B. Sound like fun . I mean it D. You wish

二节: 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)

认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 y new Japanese friends stared at me from the other side of the small, square table. There __36__ in the centre of the table, a bowl full of pasta,with black squid(乌贼) ink sauce. When I __37__ that Italian food was my favorite, they just took me to the best Italian restaurant in the city. So there I sat, __38__ clear on my face, as my three friends stared at me with big smiles on their faces. I had tasted and enjoyed a variety of spaghetti sauces. __39__, I had certainly never eaten or imagined eating pasta covered in black ink sauce.

took the fork and spoon and put a __40__ serving onto my plate. The first feeling I experienced as


the spaghetti noodle touched my tongue was not __41__, but interest. It was weird, strange, but interesting. My friends smiled at me from __42__ the table. With their teeth and lips as __43__ as night, they looked like dead bodies. I tried to explain this to them and in the __44__ I learned a new Japanese word. For the next twenty minutes we got __45__ in calling the waitress over to our table and making her laugh as we ordered more drinks, smiling __46__ the whole time. _47__, like people, come in all shapes,sizes,and colours. It is said, “The true voyage of discovery lies not in __48__ new landscapes, but in having new eyes.” Our days are filled with mini-adventures that are __49__ so quickly without a thought. I would have __50__ this adventure completely if I had actually known what I was ordering when I ordered it, but I was __51__ for the mistake. Could I have gotten this dish in the States? Maybe,maybe not. I wasn't looking for it. Thanks to a bowl of squid ink pasta,I have been __52__ of how many mini-adventures I had remained in ignorance of. You don't need to cross an ocean to find __53__. You can take a walk, talk to the person next to you in the train, or order a(n) __54__ dish in your favorite restaurant. Life's lessons are __55__ and adventures abundant! )36. A. fixed B. found C. lay D. stood

)37. A. mentioned B. illustrated C. noticed D. announced )38. A. desire B. worry C. hatred D. shame

)39. A. Therefore B. However C. Furthermore D. Otherwise

)40. A. well-cooked B. mouth-watering C. eye-catching D. healthy-sized )41. A. dislike B. satisfaction C. nervousness D. pleasure )42. A. under B. inside C. across D. behind )43. A. attractive B. black C. mysterious D. deep )44. A. process B. progress C. prospect D. practice )45. A. pride B. experience C. delight D. comfort )46. A. faintly B. bitterly C. angrily D. broadly )47. A. Fortunes B. Friendships C. Adventures D. Fates


)48. A. seeking B. preserving C. appreciating D. avoiding )49. A. passed over B. got through C. spelt out D. referred to

)50. A. missed out on B. broken away from C. fallen victim to D. made use of )51. A. cheerful B. regretful C. thankful D. painful )52. A. deprived B. accused C. reminded D. convinced )53. A. passion B. excitement C. company D. dream )54. A. awful B. thrilling C. usual D. different

)55. A. everywhere B. instructive C. faraway D. productive 三部分: 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)


ut on your wizarding hats, Harry Potter fans, and get ready to fly through the treetops of Hogwart's Forbidden Forest when Universal Orlando launches its newest ride this June.

hen Universal Orlando's newest Wizarding World of Harry Potter ride, Hagrid's Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure, opens June 12, it will be a theme park game changer. Case in point: Universal planted 1,200 live trees to recreate the dark woods outside Hogwart's where the giant gamekeeper Hagrid lives. From there, expect a forest's worth of incredible twists and turns. ere are all the details we know so far:

t's designed by a Harry Potter pro: The art director of the ride, Alan Gilmore, actually worked on the Harry Potter movie sets as well.

ou'll feel like you're flying through the sky on a magical motorcycle: Although this ride is technically a coaster, it's designed as an individual motorcycle to mimic the freedom of flight; expect to twist, turn, and rush forward...and backward.

here's more than one way to ride: You can sit in Hagrid's driver's seat or in Harry's sidecar, and change up who you ride with and how.

