高考英语一轮复习 模块7.4 Public transport(练)(含解析)牛津译林版

发布时间 : 星期三 文章高考英语一轮复习 模块7.4 Public transport(练)(含解析)牛津译林版更新完毕开始阅读



①Could you drop me off near the post office? 你可以让我在邮局附近 吗?

②I had intended to drop in on you the next week. 我原本打算下周 你的。

③Research suggests that children whose parents split up are more likely to drop out of high school.

研究表明,父母离异的孩子更容易 。 ④Why did you drop out in the middle of the marathon? 为什么你 ? ⑤I think such customs will soon drop away. 我想这些风俗不久 。

⑥After a full meal and drink, the guests drop away one by one. 酒足饭饱以后, 。 ⑦On my way back, I dropped in at my brother’s house. 在我回来的路上,我 。


消失,离开;散去drop away 顺便走访/拜访/看看某人drop in on sb. 顺便走访/访问/看看某地drop in at sp. 退学;辍学,退出drop out drop off vt.中途下车或卸货;vi.下降;打瞌睡

Traffic in the town has dropped off since the bypass opened. 这条旁道通车后,城里来往的车辆就减少了。 Some people dropped off during the boring lecture. 有些人在听这场枯燥的讲座时打瞌睡。 【即时巩固】单项选择题

You left your jacket,but I can drop it ________ on my way to work tomorrow. A. away B. off

C. down

D. out

考点-12. link up

【教材原句】①Sixteen years later, in 1884, the Metropolitan Railway company and

the Metropolitan District Railway linked up and provided the underground service in the middle of the city. (P50)16年后,就是1884年,大都会铁路公司和大都会区铁路公司联合起来在城市中心提供地铁服务.

【教材原句】②After World war Ⅱ ended in 1945,more people travelled on the

underground,so the system was enlarged and more lines were added,including the Victoria Line,which was linked with other lines at almost every station.(P51) 1945年二战结束后,更多人乘坐地铁,因此地铁系统被扩大,更多的地铁线建成;其中包括几乎连接所有的站点和其他线路的维多利亚线。


①Our struggle against imperialism is closely linked to that of the world’s people.

②We should link theory with practice.

③We link up with the company.

④The two companies linked up to hold a charity event.


熟记下列词组: be linked to与……有关联 have a link with与……有关联 be linked with和……联系起来 be connected with/be concerned with与……有关 link…with…把……和……联系起来 link up with和……连接起来 relate ... to/with... 把……与……联系起来 in/with relation to关于;涉及,有关 be related to=be relative to与……有关/联系/血缘关系 【即时巩固】单项选择题

①You'd better give up smoking, Tom, for many diseases are ________ to smoking, you know.

A. linked blamed

B. led

C. exposed


②If you ________ the pieces of information, you will be clearer about what has really happened.

A. link up in


B. link to

C. link with

D. link

考点-13.under (+the)+n.(+of)

【教材原句】The Underground Electric Railways Company of London, the Metropolitan

Line and all the different bus and train lines were placed under the authority of the Board. (P51)伦敦电力地铁公司、大都会支线以及所有不同的公交、列车线路都归该署掌管。

【教材原句】Part of the road is still under repair.(P59)部分路段目前仍在修建中。 【例句研读】

①The big company is under the authority of the young man. 这家大公司 。

②Two sections of Highway 101 are under repair. 101公路有两段 。

③The plans have been under discussion(=being talked about)for a year . 这些计划至今已 。

④Under the circumstances,it seemed better not to tell him about the accident. ,不告诉他有关这次事故的情况似乎更好。 ⑤He was under the influence of Professor Zhang. 他 。

⑥We are building socialism under the leadership of the Party. ,我们正在建设社会主义。


under repair在修理中 under discussion在讨论中 under control of在……控制下 under the impression记得,在印象中 under the authority of由(归)……掌管,管理 under the leadership of在……的领导下
