
发布时间 : 星期六 文章2018年外研版初中英语九年级下册导学案全套更新完毕开始阅读

4)序数词前通常要加定冠词the, 如果加a/an 则表示“又一;再一”之意。 如:I want to try a second time. 我想再试一次。= I want to try one more time. 3. 年月日的表达。


如:May 1st, 1990. 其中月日的读法是 May the first, 年的读法是 nineteen ninety

4. 时间的表达。

1) 英语中的时间有顺读和逆读两种方法。 如:10:20 顺读:ten twenty, 逆读: twenty past ten


如:5:50 逆读:ten to six

3) 几点半常用 half past …的方式来表达, 一刻钟常说 a quarter

如:2:30 half past two; 4:15 a quarter past 4 11:45 a quarter to twelve


Module 1 Travel Unit1 The flight was late

Task1: Answer the questions in your own words.

1. How many forms of transport do you know? Write them down.

____________________________________________________________________________ 2. Which form of transport do you like best or least and why? I like ___________best, because _______________. I like ___________ least, because _______________.

3. Which form of transport do you use most often or least often? I use ___________ most often and I use _____________ least often. Task 2. Listen and Choose the best answer.

1. How was the journey when Lingling come back from Henan? A. It was a pleasant journey.

B. It’s unpleasant, because the train was filled with people. 2. How will Tony return from the UK?

A. He will take a plane. B. He will come back by ship. 3. How did Daming travel around HongKong? A. He travel on a plane. B. He travel by boat. 4. Did Betty enjoyed herself during the holiday? A. Yes, she did. B. No, she didn’t.

5. Which form of transport didn’t Betty take in Beijing? A. coach B. subway C. bus D. texi 6. what did Betty do in the Summer Palace?

A. She took some photos B. she went for a long walk 7. Are there many fun things to do this term? A. Yes, there are. B. No, there aren’t.

Task 4. Read the dialogue in Activity 4 and complete the sentences in Activity 7.

Task 5. Write the expression on the blanks. (write the similar expressions on the other blanks) 候机厅 ________________ 充满 ___________________ _____________________ 旅游 ________________ 从…下来 ________________

飞往_________________ _________________ ___________________ __________________



_______________ __________________ __________________

去观光 __________________ 玩的开心__________________ _____________________ 这个学期末______________________


Unit 2 You’re sitting in my seat

Task1. Read the text and choose the best answer in activity 2. Task2. Read the text and write the expressions on the blanks. 梦到 ______________ 动身;出发 __________________

在…的开始 _____________________ 拥抱某人 _______________________ 眼里带着泪水 ____________________ 给某人写信 ______________________ 一…就 _____________________ 向窗外看 _________________________ 带着紧张的笑容 _______________________ 大声说 _____________________ 有很长的路要走 ____________________ 即使 _____________________ 放弃________________________

Task3. Complete the sentences with the expressions. 1. She said sorry to her teacher _____________________. 2. I often __________________ going to Disneyland.

3. I’m sorry, I can’t hear you clearly, could you speak ______________________? 4. It’s time for us to ___________________ for the station. 5. Hurry up! We _____________________________.

6. I shall ________________you ___________________ I arrived at New York. 7. _______________ you have trouble learning English, you mustn’t ______________. 8. _______________________ next lesson, our teacher will play a game with us.

9. Sally has been away from home for ten years. When she saw her mother, she rushed to her and _____________________, with tears in her eyes.

10. Don’t _______________________ when you are in class, listen to your teacher carefully.

