
发布时间 : 星期二 文章2018-2019学年河南省濮阳市八年级(上)期末英语试卷(解析版)更新完毕开始阅读

watch TV.在过去,他们不得不面对面交谈.去年发生了变化.每年330元,他们可以上网,还可以得到一部电话和一个机顶盒看电视.倒数第二段Before his family was able to use the network, he seldom talked with his brother. Now they often make phone calls.在家人使用网络之前,他很少和兄弟交谈,现在他们经常打电话.可知,这个网络使Trashi Thongmon的人们生活得更好.选B. 29.【解答】1.A词义猜测题.根据前句Most people received awards,大多数人都获奖了,可知结合选项,应说大多数人都因为出色的表现而获奖,所以\意为优秀的.故选A.

2.C 细节理解题.根据Later, the coach came up to me and explained, \, you were the best player on the team, but you didn't pass the ball. You were out there for yourself but not for the team. You have to realize (意识到) that soccer is a team sport.\后来,教练走过来对我解释说:\吉米,你是队里最好的球员,但是你没有传球.你是为了你自己而不是团队.你必须认识到足球是一项集体运动.可知因为他没有把球传给其他队员.故选C.

3.D 细节理解题.根据the coach stood up and said, \winner of the MVP award is Kenny.\Everyone was shocked. 教练站起来说:\最有价值球员奖的得主是肯尼.\大家都很震惊.可知感到惊讶.故选D.

4.D 细节判断题.根据 Everyone on the team felt that I would receive the MVP award for I got the most goals. However, at the end of the party, the coach stood up and said, \is Kenny.\.全队的每个人都觉得我会因为进球最多而获得最有价值球员奖.然而,在晚会结束时,教练站起来说:\最有价值球员奖的得主是肯尼.\大家都很震惊.可知肯尼没有想到他会获得MVP.故选D.

5.B 主旨归纳题.根据That night, I did receive an award. It was the most improved player award. I learned that a team sport was not just about \; it was about \. Now I am in Grade 9and the captain of the school soccer team. I am both a better player and a better captain.那天晚上,我确实获得了一个奖项.这是最优秀的球员奖.我知道团队运动不仅仅是关于\你\;而是关于\我们\.现在我在9年级,是学校足球队的队长.我既是一个更好的球员,也是一个更好的队长.可知文章说的是团队合作的重要性.故选B. 30.【解答】细节理解题:

1.E 根据前句A 19﹣year﹣old chef runs one of the most popular restaurants in New York. Although Flynn McGarry is still a teenager, he is hardly a newcomer.一位19岁的厨师在纽约经营着一家最受欢迎的餐馆.尽管弗林?麦格雷还是个十几岁的少年,但他并不是一个新来的人.和后句McGarry's been making headlines since 2012.McGarry自2012年以来就成为头条新闻.可知结合选项,应说事


2.C 根据前句McGarry's restaurant, Gem, opened in downtown Manhattan earlier this year. It already appears to be a success.今年早些时候,McGarry的餐厅Gem在曼哈顿市中心开业.它似乎已经取得了成功.可知结合选项,应说McGarry不仅负责厨房,还负责餐厅.故选C

3.A 根据前句At age 10, McGarry began teaching himself to cook through some of the world's most complex (复杂的) cookbooks.10岁时,McGarry开始通过世界上一些最复杂的烹饪书籍自学烹饪.和后句And soon enough, news of McGarry's talents in the kitchen got around town.很快,关于McGarry在厨房工作的天赋的消息传遍了全城.可知结合选项,应说后来,这些课程变成了朋友和家人的聚餐.故选A.

4.D 根据后句He starts every weekday morning at 9 am at the Union Square farmer's market to pick up his ingredients (材料) for the day.他每个工作日上午9点在联合广场农贸市场取当天的配料.可知结合选项,应说McGarry现在每周工作七天.故选D.

5.B 根据前句McGarry once dreamed of opening his own restaurant.McGarry曾经梦想开自己的餐厅.可知结合选项,应说现在他在离开青少年时代之前就这么做了.故选B.


31.【解答】1.about,考查介词,根据Charlie was a little worried担心,固定搭配worry about,故填about. 2.so,考查连词,根据He wanted to know why Henry didn't come不知道为什么没有来,这是去找他的原因,故填so.


4.well,考查副词,根据all the night一整晚,因为生病了,所以是睡不好,修饰动词用副词,故填well.

5.lying,考查动词,根据in bed床上,所以是躺在床上,强调一种正在进行的状态,用动名词,故填lying.

6.medicine,考查名词,根据 I took some just now吃了一些,因为生病了,所以吃的是药,不可数名词,故填medicine.

7.suggested,考查动词,根据Henry should go to see a doctor应该去看医生,这是建议,故事发生在过去,故填suggested.

8.terrible,考查形容词,根据The doctor cut (切) off part of my stomach切掉了胃的一部分,所


9.teeth,考查名词,根据I got a bad toothache牙疼,所以拔掉的应该是牙,one of后面接名词复数,故填teeth.


六、补全对话(5小题,每小题10分,共10分)根据对话内容, 在空白处填入一个恰当的句子, 使对话完整、通顺. 32.【解答】细节理解题:

(1)Who gave it to you?根据下一句:我父母,可知此处应该是:是谁给你的?故填Who gave it to you?

(2)How long can you use it every day?根据下一句:一个小时,从晚上9点到晚上10点,在我做完作业之后,可知此处应该是:你每天能用多长时间?故填How long can you use it every day? (3)What do you often do on your phone?根据下一句:我经常访问新闻网站,可知此处应该是:你经常用手机做什么?故填What do you often do on your phone?

(4)What about you?根据下一句:我经常去购物,在网上和朋友聊天,可知此处应该是:你呢?故填What about you?

(5)It is an important part of our lives.根据下一句:是的,它变得越来越重要了,可知此处应该是:它是我们生活的重要组成部分.故填It is an important part of our lives. 七、书面表达(15分)

33.【解答】It is a bad habit to watch too much TV, but do you know how to break the bad habit?(点题) First, make a plan. Don't watch TV more than one hour every day.( 制定计划:每天看电视不超过一个小时) Second, when you feel like watching TV, try reading or listening to music.【高分句型一】(想看电视的时候,选择阅读或是听音乐来代替) Third, do some sports outside so that you won't have much time to watch TV.【高分句型二】It's good for your health, too!(做运动)

All in all, try something else in your free time. It can be hard to break a habit, but if you keep on, you can make it.(总结全文)
