
发布时间 : 星期日 文章-Unlicensed-砌体结构毕业设计更新完毕开始阅读



砌体结构 以砌体为主制作的结构称为砌体结构。采用砌体结构可以满足多层办公楼设计,利用混凝土梁,实现大开间。砌体结构在我国应用很广泛,这是因为它可以就地取材,具有很好的耐久性及较好的化学稳定性和大气稳定性,有较好的保温隔热性能。本次毕业设计根据设计任务书要求,完成了建筑设计和结构设计两部分内容。结构设计部分完成了(1)结构布置(2)楼面板、屋面板配筋计算(3)墙体高厚比、承载力及抗震验算(4)楼梯等部分构件设计。设计依据教材及相关规范。



关键词: 屋面板配筋;楼面板;构造柱;圈梁


Shaanxi construction engineering group

administrative office building


Masonry structure made of brick masonry structure to mainly called masonry structure. The brick masonry structure can meet the design for multilayer-office buildings, and it can make a big room with concrete beam。Masonry structure is widely applied in our country, this is because it can use local materials, has the very good durability and good chemical stability and atmospheric stability, good thermal insulation performance。This graduation project based on the design specification to complete two parts,the building design and architecture design。The building design have been completed with arraying of structure, caculating for reinforcing bars of floorslabs, checking for ratio of height to thickness, bearing capacity, seismic resistance, and designing for the stairs and other parts of the structures. Design is based on the teaching materials and related standards。

Through the graduation project, we used the kowledge which we stydied in the university synthetically and we can be familiar with the method of designing specifications and the techniques of drawing.

The concrete building block is a clay brick of cardinal supersede material, there is the social benefit of the significance in the knot soil economy energy and the environmental conservation. This design for the design that the concrete miniature goes together with the concrete reinforcing rode building block to carve the corpus multistory office. The said design master adoption goes together with the concrete reinforcing rode building block to carve corpus , stair way, ground wok, the house(building) facing slab etc. the adoption sprinkles steel concrete now. The structure adoption longitudinal direction transversal brattishing corpus synthesis accepts heavy structure, and adopt the structure performance that the structure stanchion combines together with


the core stanchion and belt course, ring beam. The cardinal contents of the design have(1) the structure layout(2) brattishing experience to calculate(3) the anti - knock checking computation(4) structural member design. There are the knothole design ,stair way ,the design of the lintel and the design of the ground wok etc. among them. The said design follows relevant specification to terminate strictly.

Keyword:Roof board reinforcement; Floor panel; Ring beam; Core column.



摘要...............................................................Ⅰ Abstract...........................................................Ⅱ 绪论................................................................1 设计总说明..........................................................2 1`.结构设计内容.....................................................3 1.1 主体结构设计方案.............................................3 1.2 墙体布置方案.................................................3 1.3 构造措施...........................................................3 构造柱设置.............................................3 圈梁设置...............................................3 1.4 静力计算方案.................................................3 2. 内力计算和构件设计..............................................4 2.1 屋盖设计.....................................................4 2.1.1屋面板结构设计............................................4 2.1.2屋面梁结构设计............................................8 2.2 楼盖设计....................................................11 2.2.1 楼面板结构设计...........................................11 2.2.2 楼面梁结构设计...........................................13 2.3 楼梯间设计..................................................16 2.3.1 楼梯斜板设计.............................................16 2.3.2 平台板...................................................17 2.3.3 平台梁...................................................17 3. 墙体验算.......................................................19

3.1 承重横墙计算...............................................19 3.1.1 墙体底部荷载计算......................................19 3.1.2 承载力验算............................................19 3.1.3 承重纵墙计算..........................................19 3.2 墙体高厚比验算.............................................21 3.2.1 外纵墙高厚比验算......................................21

