
发布时间 : 星期六 文章完整word版,外研版小学英语四年级下册1-10模块重点句型和短语更新完毕开始阅读



1.what happened to....?.....怎么了? 2.go for a bike ride去骑自行车 3.And then....?那后来呢? 4.be hungry饿了

5.be thirsty渴了 6.buy a watermelon买西瓜(buy sth.买某东西) 7.on the bike在自行车 8.fall off his bike从自行车上摔下来 9.bump my head碰了我的头 10.lots of许多

11.chocolate biscuits巧克力饼干 12.have got /have a stomachache肚子/胃疼 13.have a cold感冒 14.have a headache头疼 15.have a fever发烧 16.have a horrible cold重感冒 17.feel cold感觉冷 18.feel hot感觉热 19.hold one`s head抓/挠头


1、What happened to your head,Daming?大明,你的头怎么了?

【What happened (to).....?什么什么怎么了?To后面接发生问题的人、身体某部分或什么东西。happen在这儿要用其过去式。】

再如:What happened to your bike?你的自行车怎么了? 练习:你的腿怎么了?

2、Sam and I went for a bike ride yesterday.昨天我和萨姆去骑自行车了。 【go for a bike ride去骑自行车。a bike ride这是个名词短语,不能用作谓语动词,其中ride是名词。Ride a bike也是骑自行车,这个短语是动词短语,它能做谓语动词,ride在这个短语中是动词。如:Sam likes riding a bike.萨姆喜欢骑自行车。】

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3、And then....?然后呢?【这是说发生事情有时间先后联系的句子常用的连接词,then在这儿讲“后来”】

4、And then we were hungry and thirsty.然后我们又饥又渴。

【hungry 和thirsty都是形容词,一个是“饿的”,一个是“渴的”,前面要和“be”连用。be hungry饿了,be thirsty渴了】

再如:I am hungry,he is thirsty.我饿了,他渴了。

练习:昨天她又饥又渴。 再如:I put on my clothes,then I washed face,我穿上衣服,然后我洗脸。 练习:我饿了,然后我就吃了大米饭。

5、So we bought a watermelon.所以我们就买了个西瓜。 【so在描述一个事件时,用来连接因果关系的句子。】

再如:I got up at 9:oo this morning,so I was late for my class.今天早上我九点钟才起床,所以我迟到了。


6、Sam carried the watermelon on the bike.萨姆在自行车带着西瓜。 【carry携带、运送,它的过去式是把“y”变成“i”,再加ed.也就是“以辅音字母加‘y’结尾的词,变‘y’为‘i’,再加‘-ed’.on the bike在这儿是‘在自行车上’”。】

练习: study--(过去式) 她昨天买了一些香蕉,她把他们带在自行车上。

7、Then Sam fell off his bike.萨姆从他的自行车上摔下来了。【fall off his bike从自行车上摔下来了。falloff....从....摔/掉下来。fell是fall的过去式。】

再如:He fell off the desk.他从桌子上掉下来了。

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8、And the watermelon bumped my head!西瓜砸/碰了我的头。【bump my head碰了我的头。\物主代词+身体部位\。】

再如:The apple bumped my face.那个苹果砸了我的脸。 练习:篮球碰住了他的鼻子。

9、Sam had lots of chocolate biscuits yesterday,so today he`s got a stomachache.昨天萨姆吃了许多巧克力饼干,所以今天他胃疼。

【lots of 许多,后可跟可数名词和不可数名词=many/much;have got /have a stomachache肚子/胃疼.“have”有不同意思:1.拥有,常和got连用,2.患病、得病。也可和got连用。3.组织、举办。4.吃、喝。后两个一般不和got连用。】

再如:Daming had two watermelons yesterday,so today he`s got a stomachache.大明昨天吃了两个西瓜,所以今天他肚子疼。


10、Amy had a cold yesterday,and today she`s got a headache.艾米昨天感冒了,所以今天她头疼。

【have a cold感冒。cold在这里不是“寒冷”的意思,重感冒是“have a bad/horrible cold”.have a headache头疼。“have/has”的过去式是“had”.】

再如:Little Tommy had a horrible cold,His nose was red and he felt cold,cold,cold.小汤姆得了重感冒,他的鼻子红了,他感觉冷呀冷。


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1.What happened to your leg?

4.She was hungry and thirsty yesterday. I was hungry ,then I had/ate rice. 5.Sam had/ate lots of watermelons yesterday,so he had got a stomachache. 6.studied She bought some bananas,she carried them on the bike. 7.Mum fell off her bike yesterday. 8.The basketball bumped his nose.

9.Xiaowang had lots of ice creams,so today he has got a stomachache. 10.She was thirsty,she was hungry and she had a cold.

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