精选2019-2020年英语必修5、选修6选修6Unit 1 Art人教版复习巩固十六

发布时间 : 星期一 文章精选2019-2020年英语必修5、选修6选修6Unit 1 Art人教版复习巩固十六更新完毕开始阅读


David had prepared carefully for the chemistry exam, as he wanted to be sure of passing it at the first a______.

—Perhaps we should give up.

—I agree with you. Nobody can p ______ the change of situation.

All schools in our province a______ new English textbooks to improve students\and writing abilities three years ago.

It\(可笑的)thing I\

What a(n) ______(巧合) it is that they were born in the same year and on the same day!

—Ivan gave up playing the piano eventually.

—It\典型的) of him to spend all that money on the equipment and then lose interest halfway through the course.

It remains a(n) ______(有争议的) question whether middle school children should be allowed to use mobile phones at school.

You can\所有) of the goods until two months after the contract is signed.

【答案】: 【解析】:

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2016年12月31日,你所在的班级高一(18)班在教室举办了迎新晚会,在晚会上,全班同学与老师同台表演(唱歌、跳舞、演小品、变魔术等),假定你是校英语报的记者,请按下列要求用英语写一则100~120词的新闻报道。(1)时间、地点 、人物、活动;(2)师生们的反应;(3)简短的评论;(4)注意:报道的标题、开头和记者姓名已给出。

参考词汇: 小品:witty skits. 变魔术:play magic tricks. Class 18 Celebrated the New Year

On the afternoon of 31st, December, the party to celebrate the New Year was held in the classroom of … ______

By Robert, School Newspaper. 【答案】:

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