英语专业泛读第四册Unit 1 Science in the Sahara

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seminal:1. ADJ正式 things such as books, works, events, and experiences that have a great influence in a particular field. (书、作品等在某一领域)有重大影响的,影响深

eg .the author of the seminal book 'Animal Liberation'... 有着巨大影响的《动物解放》一书的作者

Eg The reforms have been a seminal event in the history of the NHS. 这些改革已成为英国国民保健制度史上影响深远的一件大事。 Pa 3

skimming: He had achieved a lot in his field work. What are they? he has made influencial discoveries;

he has recorded the Sahara’s cultural hsitory and has tried to preserve its heritage by persuading to protect scientific and cultural sites. Lobby:n. 大厅; 大堂; 前厅

复数:lobbies 过去式:lobbied 过去分词:lobbied 现在分词:lobbying 第三人称单数:lobbies

词条标签:CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS GRE 1. VERB 向(政府官员、委员会委员等)进行游说(或疏通)to persuade them that a particular law should be changed or that a particular thing should be done. V for/against n

Eg Carers from all over the UK lobbied Parliament last week to demand a better financial deal... 英国各地的家庭看护人员上周向议会游说,要求改善经济待遇。 Gun control advocates are lobbying hard for new laws... 枪械管制支持者正努力游说通过新法。

The union has attacked the plan and threatened to lobby against it... 翻译:他对撒哈拉气候的历史作出了重大发现,这些发现正在挑战人们关于世界在变暖的将来可能面临的临界点的假设。

Pa 4 Skimming: How did he start his interest in his sense of adventure to the Sahara Dissert? Pa5


1.What is the meaning of “Inhospitable” in the first sentence of pa.5? Harsh weather and bad geographical condition. 2 How about his attitude to his work?

Circumspect, hard-driving leader, good at knowledge of geomorphology, archaelogy, human psychology and motomomor mechanics. 3 What?s the main idea of pa.5? circumspect英 [?s?:k?mspekt] adj. FORMAL 谨慎小心的,周到的 慎重的; 小心谨慎; 周到的; 小心的

1. ADJ-GRADED 小心的;谨慎的;谨言慎行的 cautious in what you do and say and do not take risks.

Eg The banks should have been more circumspect in their dealings... 那些银行在交易中本该更加谨慎的。


Eg You seem to be implying, in your usual circumspect manner, that perhaps it might not be a wonderful idea. 你好像正以你一贯谨言慎行的方式暗示,那个主意也许不怎么样。

Adv circumspectly

Eg I would suggest that for the time being you behave as circumspectly as possible in political matters. 我建议,目前在政治事务上你还是尽量小心为妙。 What?s the main idea of pa.5? his working environment was harsh, but he was careful and talented. Can you find a central idea in pa.1-5?

I . Pa.1-5 Summary: Introduction to Kropelins and his research: his first research trip to the eastern Sahara.

His job now; his descoveries; why he started his adventure; his hard working environment and his careful attitude to work. II. Pa. 6-8 Summary: about His research: he doubts about others’ research and he gets his own research result. Pa 6 1. What research has he done? Reveal how the Sahara transformed from a savannah more than 5000 years ago to the desert it is today. 2. What was researchers? idea about the Sahara in the past? Quest: n. (literary) 可数名词 A quest is a long and difficult search for something. (长期艰难的)追求,探索,寻找 Quest for n Eg My quest for a better bank continues. 我继续寻找一家更好的银行。 ...his quest to find true love... 他对真爱的不懈追寻 Waite spent his life on a spiritual quest.

savannah英 [s?'v?n?] n. a flat grassland in tropical or subtropical regions(热带和亚热带)无树大草原

cyclical英 [?s?kl?k?l] adj. A cyclical process is one in which a series of events happens again and again in the same order. 循环的;周期的 词条标签:GRE Eg ...the cyclical nature of the airline business. 航空业的周期性

Monsoon: N-COUNT a seasonal wind in southern Asia; blows from the southwest (bringing rain) in summer and from the northeast in winter; the season in Southern Asia when there is a lot of very heavy rain.可数名词(南亚地区的)季风季节,雨季 Eg...the end of the monsoon. 雨季的尾声 Eg ...monsoon flooding. 雨季的洪水泛滥

Eg In Ban-gladesh, the monsoons have started. 2. N-PLURAL 复数名词 (雨季的)季风雨,降雨

Eg. Monsoon rains are sometimes referred to as the monsoons .

Eg In Ban-gladesh, the monsoons have started. 在孟加拉,雨季已经开始了。<名>1.季风;大范围区域冬、夏季盛行风向相反或接近相反的现象。如中国东部夏季盛行东南风, 冬季盛行西北风, 分别称夏季风和冬季风。

Champion: V If you champion a person, a cause, or a principle, you support or defend


them. 支持;拥护;捍卫

Eg He passionately championed the poor... 他满腔热情地捍卫穷人的利益。

Eg The amendments had been championed by pro-democracy activists. 修正案一直受到亲民主的活跃分子的支持。 Ice sheet:n. a large thick area of ice, especially one that exists for a long time. (尤指长期存在的)冰盖,冰冠,冰原

flip:V-ERG 及物/不及物动词If something flips over, or if you flip it over or into a different position, it moves or is moved into a different position. (使)移动;(使)转动;(使)翻动

Eg The plane then flipped over and burst into flames... 接着飞机突然翻转并燃起了大火。

Eg He flipped it neatly on to the plate. 他干净利索地把它盛到了盘子里。 V (用拇指)弹,抛,掷 If you flip something


翻译句2:与模式(撒哈拉大沙漠是突然转换为大草原的)一致的沉淀物的记录意味着,这个星球许多敏感的组成成分——像季风模式、亚马逊和撒哈拉植被,极地冰原,甚至大西洋循环——在一定情况下,将会从一个稳定的状态移动到另一个状态。 Pa.7

Will the pa. be about his doubt to others? research?

Mesh:可变名词material like a net made from wire, thread, or plastic. 网眼织物;网状物

Eg The ground-floor windows are obscured by wire mesh. 一楼的窗户装有防盗网。 ...a mesh small enough to exclude tiny insects. 网眼小得足以挡住小昆虫的网

2. V-RECIP-ERG If two things or ideas mesh or are meshed, they go together well or fit together closely. (使) 相匹配;(使)相互协调;(使)吻合 V with n Eg Their senses of humor meshed perfectly... 他们的幽默感配合得天衣无缝。 This of course meshes with the economic philosophy of those on the right... 这自然与右派的经济哲学相吻合。

Meshing the research and marketing operations will be Mr. Furlaud's job. 把研究与市场运作紧密结合起来将成为弗劳德先生的工作任务。

pique 英 [pi:k] v. V If something piques your interest or curiosity, it makes you interested or curious. 激起,引起(兴趣或好奇心)词条标签:TOEFL GRE Eg This phenomenon piqued Dr Morris' interest... 这一现象激起了莫里斯医生的兴趣。

Their curiosity piqued, they stopped writing. 他们的好奇心被挑起,停下了手中的笔

2.不可数名词the feeling of annoyance you have when you think someone has not treated you properly. (因遭人怠慢而感到的)恼怒,愠怒

Eg Mimi had gotten over her pique at Susan's refusal to accept the job. 米米已不再为苏姗拒绝接受这份工作的事生气了。


3.一怒之下;愤然 If someone does something in a fit of pique, they do it suddenly because they are annoyed at being not treated properly.

Lawrence, in a fit of pique, left the Army and took up a career in the City. 劳伦斯一气之下离开了陆军,在伦敦金融城开始了工作。

Reconnaissance:exploration;inspection N. the activity of obtaining military information about a place by sending soldiers or planes there, or by the use of satellites. 不可数名词(派士兵或飞机)侦察;(用卫星)搜索,勘测

eg The helicopter was returning from a reconnaissance mission... 直升机完成侦察任务后正在返航。

Eg The aircraft will be used for reconnaissance rather than combat. 这架飞机将用于执行侦察任务而不是战斗任务。

layer英 [?le??(r)] vt. 把?分层堆放; vi. 形成或分成层次;

n. 层,层次;膜;[植]压条;放置者,计划者

Pollen:n. a fine powder produced by flowers. It fertilizes other flowers of the same species so that they produce seeds. 花粉

cache英 [k??] n. 藏物处;隐藏处;藏匿的珍宝 vt. 贮藏 vi. 躲藏

复数:caches 过去式:cached 过去分词:cached 现在分词:caching 第三人称 翻译句:他从以前的勘察工作中了解了撒哈拉沙漠中的一个地方,这个地方的气候记录时间足够长,可以检验他的想法,这个地方是一系列稳定的湖泊,在乍得东北部偏远的 盆地,实际上是一个与利比亚和苏丹接壤的无雨而且臭名昭彰的不安全地区。

翻译句:湖的深处有含有气候标志物的沉积物形成层次 Pa 8

Vegetate:英 [?ved??te?t] vi. lead a passive existence without using one's body or mind;2. establish vegetation on;过单调呆板的生活;植物似地生长;词条标签:GRE

1. VERB If someone vegetates, they spend their time doing boring or worthless things. 过单调无聊的生活;无所事事地生活 2 produce vegetation;长植物\\ Eg \ Pa 8

What?s the conclusion of his research? Can you make a summrary to pa.6-8?

II. Pa. 6-8 Summary: about His research: he doubts about others? research and he gets his own research result.

III. pa. 9-10 His debate with others and his satisfying discoveries. Pa 9 Skimming: What ?s the main idea? The debate. modeller:1. N-COUNT a person who creates models(或过程)模型创立者 eg climate modellers. 气候模型的创立者 Tip:n. 小窍门;小费;末梢

