
发布时间 : 星期三 文章新标准大学英语视听说教程4-听力原文及翻译更新完毕开始阅读

miles an hour, uh, before it starts to get very, very dangerous. Safety’s very, very important. People are always asking me if they can hurt themselves kiteboarding. Those big jumps and those long distances make it very, very dangerous. you can hurt yourself if you don’t know your limits and you go in extreme conditions. Injury is part of it and eating our green vegetables and taking our enzymes(酶)we’ve found that we’re able to be very resilient, bounce back very quickly, and the injuries then become a very small part of our experience.

……When I go out, I go fast, it feels good. Even if for a few moments, it, it’s, it’s just the most exhilarating(使人异常兴奋的), most wonderful, most magical things that can happen. And I know that I’m, I’m young again and it’s worth every day. It keeps me happy for a month.



















Listening in Passage 1

There have always been tales of miraculous survival at sea and the latest news story is one of the best survival stories you ever hear. A 62-year-old American citizen called Richard Van Pham, an immigrant from Vietnam, set out in his small eight-meter boat from Southern California one morning last May. He intended to sail to an island 35 kilometers away. The trip to the island normally takes a day but there was a bad storm and the high winds broke the boat’s mast(船桅)so the sail fell down and it broke the rudder so there was no means of directing the boat. As if that wasn’t bad enough, the radio stopped working and so did the boat’s motor. With no way of sailing, the boat just floated with no direction, day after day, and it wasn’t until fourth months later – four months, imagine that! –that an American plane spotted the boat almost 480 kilometers off the coast of Coast Rica. The plane radioed an American ship nearby and it rescued poor Richard Van Pham. Pham was delighted to be rescued of course, but astonishingly, he didn’t want to be taken back home. Instead, he wanted the sailors to help him repair his boat so that he could sail to Hawaii. Yes, Pham thought he was near Hawaii, an island in another direction. Very understandable, considering the length of time he’d been at sea.

Pham had lost 18 kilometers but apart from that he was in surprisingly good health. he ‘d survived by catching fish and drinking rainwater. There were old newspaper onboard and he’d read them. There was also solar generator(发电机)aboard so he’d been able to watch videos on a small television. Sounds OK, doesn’t it

The reason why no one had reported him missing was because he had no family. He’d come to America in 1976 and had became a successful businessman. But ten years ago he had a bad car accident which left him unable to work. Most recently he had been living in his boat.

Where’s Pham now? Well, the ship’s sailors liked Pham so much that they gave him $800 to fly back to San Francisco in America. And finally, what did Pham have to say about his experience?” If you travel at sea, you take what you find. If you were scared you will die.” What a man!





Passage 2

Woman: You remember Craig Clarkson? Man: He’s a friend of yours.

Woman: Yes, well, I saw him recently –he’s just about to go on a three-week sailing trip across the Atlantic and he makes it sound like

walking to the other side of the town. What makes a man with a family sail across the Atlantic?

Man: A need to be alone with nature? Something like that.

Woman: I’m sure that’s part of it, but there’s lot more to it than that, I think. Man: A need to prove yourself, get recognition from other people?

Woman: Yes, but then there’s that comedian, the man who swam across the England Channel. Man: Um, comedian – yes, I know who you mean.

Woman: He’s hugely successful, he has no need for recognition, so why did he do it? Or the other day I read about an 11-year-old boy,

who’d climbed Qomolangma, the highest mountain in the world. Extraordinary!

Man: Well, I think humans are built to need goals and challenges to feel alive. It’s in our genes, it’s why we’re not living in caves,

why we have this need to conquer nature. It’s what that mountaineer said:’’ why do I want to climb the mountain? Because it’s there.”

Woman: But what I can’t understand is that people go though such hardship, I mean, look at Ranulph Fiennes, for example. Man: The explorer?

Woman: Yes, the explorer. Now, that man has been to both the North and the South Poles, and he was the first man to completely cross

Antarctica on foot.

Man: I think there are certain types of people who are completely fearless and they just need adventure. Woman: I wonder if perhaps they’d been brought up differently they’d have ended up as criminals, in prison.

Man: Well, we’ll never know, will we? But I seem to remember reading in an interview that Fiennes was always getting into trouble

at school. Maybe that explains it.

Woman: Do you think it’s genetic, you are just born that way? I mean Richard Branson-a multimillionaire industrialist-he crossed the

Pacific in a balloon.

Man: I don’t think that proves it’s genetic. It might be his upbringing. Anyway, talking of explorers, there’s a programme on about

James Bruce tonight.

Woman: He was the man who discovered the source of the Blue Nile in Ethiopia? Man: Yeah. Do you want to watch in?







女:是的,但那是那个在英国游泳横渡英吉利海峡的人。 男:嗯,喜剧演员-是的,我知道你是谁。














