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绵). They really just want to soak up every piece of the information. They are not afraid of making mistakes as are the older people. It is so much easier to learn a language when you’re a child. But you know it can be done at any age. And I think it just takes a little bit more of an effort and also the willingness to take risks to appear a little bit of foolish perhaps. But in so doing, if you can laugh at yourself a little bit and your own mistakes then other people feel more comfortable around you. And this makes everybody, and make more comfortable and of course communication is what it’s all about. M: What is the best way to teach English?

W: There’re so many different ways of teaching English. It varies school to school. It varies teacher to teacher. It also varies as to whether you’re taking private lessons with a tutor or if you’re in a large classroom situation. In some ways, it’s great to have a tutor individually because you can have somebody work with you one-on-one. However, there is also an advantage to be able to take a class with students from., not just your country but other countries as well. So therefore, you can communicate with other people, which is again, what it’s all about. You can learn about other cultures in addition to the American culture. You can learn about other cultures. I’ve had students who complain about being in a class with other English-as-a-second-language students, but over all I ha e found that the communication outweighs any disadvantages. So students really enjoy meeting each other and being forced to speak in English.







Listening in

P: We have with us today Dr Jonathan Bingham, an expert on disappearing languages. I understand that as many as 2000 languages are in danger of disappearing?

B: Yes. There are more than 6000 languages in the world, and about 2000 of them may disappear. P: Presumably this is because there are very few people left who speak the languages.

B: That’s right. For example, there’s a remote part of the north Australian coast-where a man called Pick lives. There are only three remaining speakers of his Aboriginal language. One lives quite a distance away and the other is his sister who he’s got allowed to speak

to because she’s a woman.

P: So with only three speakers that languages is certain to die out, isn’t it?

B: It looks like it. Another, it’s got to be admitted very amusing example-200 years ago a German explorer came across a village near the Orinoco river in Venezuela. He heard a parrot speaking and asked the villagers what is was saying. They said they didn’t know because the parrot had learned is language from its owner. The owner, who had died, was the last person to speak it.

B: Very sad. But nowadays small tribes or peoples get absorbed into the mainstream cultures around them and-have to speak the language or that culture in order to survive. The terrible thing is, when a language disappears, the culture and its traditions tend to disappear too. P: Why is that?

B: Well, for example, there are 28000 Khanty members of an aboriginal people who live in Siberia, in northern Russia-and only 20 of them speak their traditional language well. Now there are words in their language that refer to certain rituals and these words don’t exist in Russian. How can they practice their rituals when they don’t have the words? P: You ‘re involved in a project that works to preserve endangered languages.

B: Yes, indeed. We visit cultures whose language is endangered and document the language’s grammar, vocabulary, oral traditions-songs, stories, things like that. A language is so rich and there’s so much to learn from it. P: Of course

B: And we also try to keep the language alive through education. Welsh is an excellent example of a language that has been saved. P: Welsh was dying, wasn’t it?

B: Yes, but a lot of effort has been made and now 20 percent of the Welsh population speak Welsh P: So it can be done. B: Yes, it can


















是的,它可以 Passage 2

When a dog growls(狂叫) at another dog, it’s giving a warning signal. When a dog wags(摇尾巴) his tall at its human owner, It’s expressing excitement or happiness. It has always been clear to us that animals communicate, both to others of their own species and to other species. But in recent decades scientists have attempted to find out if animals have any communication systems that resemble human language.

To qualify as a langrage, two features are needed. The language must have rules, in other words, grammar or syntax(句法). Equally important, the language, whether it’s sound or movement, must have meaning to the communicator. For example, when a child says, “Daddy watch telly,”the words may not be correct grammatically, but the child knows what it’s saying.

Let’s look at some examples of what researchers have discovered. One of the most famous examples of insect communication is the dance language of bees. When bees have found a source of food they do a dance. The movements of the bees and their positions show the distance and direction of the food source. For insects, this is an advanced communication system but no, you can’t call this language in the human sense.

Researchers have found that certain sounds dolphins make are linked to specific types of behavior. For example .they’ll make one kind of whistling sound while feeding, another while socializing. Sometimes one dolphin will whistle(吹口哨) and another will seem to answer. Dolphins have large human-sized brains and it’s possible that they may have a type of language.

It’s not surprising that primates(灵长类) may have advanced communication systems. Verve monkeys have different alarm calls for different animals. An alarm call meaning “eagle” sends monkeys down the trees while an alarm call meaning “leopard” sends them up the trees.

The most exciting work of all has been done in America where researchers have taught chimpanzees American Sign Language. A monkey called Washoe has learnt hundreds of words and is able to use then in sentences, for example, “want food now.” When people seem upset she signed words such as “hurt” and “sorry”. On one occasion, a young chimpanzee took Washer’s magazine. Washoe signed to herself, “Bad, bad, bad”. Clearly words have meaning for Washoe and for some of her companions too.

However, when all is said and done, none of the research has shown that animals use language in the complex way that humans do. However, the researcher ……








然而,当所有的人都说和完成时,没有一个研究表明动物在人类的复杂方式中使用语言。然而,研究人员。 Unit 10

Outside view

……Think for a minute about the kinds of people who practice extreme sports. The people in these pictures: daredevil(喜欢冒险的人,鲁莽大胆的人), risk-takers, thrill-seekers. Sure! But what kind of job do you think they have? Exciting jobs, right? What kinds of lives do they lead? Thrilling lives, of course! How old are they? They’re all under 30, right? what do they look like? Tall, strong, powerful, of course! Now, think again ……So, tell me, how come you came to the dentist?

……Um, well, I wanted to come for my regular, like, yearly appointment. ……Doctor Stephen Green is a holistic(整体的) dentist.

……We’ll try to tell you a little bit about your diet and your nutrition and most of your immune system is built around the food we eat.

My goal is finding health, and helping your find health and find that balance using the teeth as, as kind of a window into that. And making a lot of money, ah, is not where it’s at. It’s, it’s helping people.

……Doctor Green is passionate about his work. He is also passionate about windsurfing.

……I really don’t consider myself extreme. I’m a 60-year-old man, but I love to get out there. It keeps me in shape. The, the act of

preparing my sails, getting out there, looking at the wind, planning the day, talking to other windsurfers, deciding how we’re are going to prepare, what we’re going to rig, is, is part of it. Just sometimes the rigging and de-rigging is enough exercise but if I get out of there and I get going and I find that magical balance, it’s, it’s worth it all, and, and, and, it’s taught me not to be afraid. Un, that’s, that’s the biggest thing I’ve learnt from it.

……Most Sundays Doctor Green gets together with his son, Jeremy. ……I can’t believe you picked such a good day for your tournament, Jeremy.

……Yeah, these waves are incredible. The wind is up. Going to have a good day, huh? My son Jeremy, ah, he, he’s just amazing, uh, he’s

just the most balanced person I ever met. He’s created in Jupiter a, a kiting Mecca. Uh, people love to come here. And he’s created a whole set of friends from a wide variety of walks of life.

……People have come here from all over the world to learn kite surfing. If you’ve never surfed, if you’ve never flown kites, um, you can

learn this easy. There’s no one type of person, uh, that can do this sport. My dad and I are like brothers. Uh, we’ve gone surfing together in Costa Rica, we’ve gone windsurfing in Miami, and now we’ve gone kite surfing in the Dominican Republic. It’s magic to do it by yourself, but to be able to share it with your son, l mean, oh! What a blessing! When the wind starts blowing 20 miles an hour, or 22 miles an hour, the power just increased so much. Kite boarding is like flying. It’s like no other sport. You’re in the moment. You’re not thinking about anything else, except for worried about how you’re going to control this, and how you’re going to land. I, I, I love to watch Jeremy kitesurfing, uh, it’s, first of all he’s part of me, so part of me is doing all those big jumps and feel the exhilaration(兴奋). It doesn’t take a lot of strength if you had the balance. You can take the sport, you know, up to about 30
