
发布时间 : 星期四 文章(完整版)新视野大学英语第二册(第三版)教案更新完毕开始阅读


things 区别;辨别

A formal education with emphasis on history literature and culture helps a person learn how to distinguish right from wrong着重于历史、文学和文化的正规教育能帮助一个人学习如何明辨是非。

distinguish between: recognize and understand the difference between two or more things or people区分;辨别

The ability to read in a critical way involves the ability to distinguish between facts and the writer’s opinions or interpretations.批判性阅读能力包括区分什么是事实,什么事作者自己的看法或解释能力。

★distinctive: a. easy to recognize because of being different from other people or things of the same type与众不同的;特殊的;特别的

The distinctive design of a product provides a powerful competitive advantage over other products. 一个独特的产品设计具有比其他产品更强有力的竞争优势。 6. For example signs in grocery stores point them to the stationary, even though the actual stationery - pads, albums and notebooks - are not items nailed down. (para. 6) Meaning: For example , signs of merchandise in grocery stores lead students to the ―stationary‖ department selling stationery like pads =, albums and notebooks. However, these displayed stationery items are movable but not nailed down.

Meaning beyond words: Taking the wrong spelled signs in grocery stores as an example, the author argues that it is not students’ fault. The verb phrase nail down is cleverly used to describe the funny situation: movable ―stationery‖ items are under the sign of unmovable stationary distinct spelling mistake between the two words. Here you are surrounded by great resource: interesting students from all over the country, a learned and caring faculty, a comprehensive library, great sports facilities, and student organizations covering every possible interest from the arts to science, to community service and so on. (para4)

7. Therefore, it doesn’t make any sense to criticize our students (para. 6)

Meaning: So, there's no good reason to criticize our students. Which is unfair to them. 8. Moreover, the younger teachers themselves evidently have little knowledge of these vital structures of language because they also went without exposure to them. (para. 7)

Meaning: In addition, the young teachers obviously know little about these important structures of language since they also didn’t have the chance to deal with them in their prior learning experiences.

moreover: ad. (fml.) in addition-used to introduce information that adds to or supports what has previously been said 而且;再者;此外

Moreover, they become more concerned about their health as they grow older. 此外,随着年龄的增长,他们更加关注自己的健康。

9. The chance came when one day I was driving with my son. As we set out on our trip, he noticed a bird in jerky flight and said, ―It's flying so unsteady.‖ (para . 8 ) Meaning: The opportunity to teach him English came when we were both on a car heading for our trip. On seeing a bird flying unsteadily, he commented that the bird was flying unsteady. jerk: n. [C] a sudden quick movement 猛的一动;猝然一动 The old bus started with a jerk, so the passengers shook a sudden. 那辆旧的公共汽



jerky: a. moving roughly with many starts and stops (在进行中)不平稳的,颠簸的

After the bus came to a jerky halt, the passengers got the hurriedly. 公共汽车颠簸着停下来以后,乘客们都匆忙下车了。

10. Curious about my correction he asked me what an adverb was. Slowly, I said, ―it's a word that tells you something about a verb.‖ It led to his asking me what a verb was. I explained, ―Verbs are action words; for example, Dad drives the truck. Drive is the verb because it's the thing dad is doing.‖ (para. 9)

Meaning: fascinated by my correction, he wondered what an adverb was. After he got the answer, he went on with the question of a verb. To explain vividly to him, I used the example of driving: an action I was doing. Meaning beyond words: The boy was very alert to something new or interesting. His learning experience illustrates that learning grammar is not necessarily boring.

11. Then, out of his own curiosity, he asked me if other words had names for their use and functions. (para. 10)

Meaning: After that, because of his curiosity, he asked me if other words also had specific names for their use and the roles they play. out of curiosity: because of curiosity 出于好奇

She decided to follow him out of curiosity.出于好奇,她决定跟踪他。

12. Perhaps, language should be looked upon as a road map and a valuable possession: often study the road map (check grammar) and tune up the car engine (adjust vocabulary). Learning grammar and a good vocabulary is just like driving with a road map in a well-conditioned car (para. 11)

Meaning: Maybe, you should regard language as a road map and a very precious property you have. You should often look at the road map (review grammar) and make small changes to your car engine (improve vocabulary).

Meaning beyond words: The road map and the car are used metaphorically to mean that grammar and vocabulary are powerful devices that will enable you to freely explore in the language world.

13. Equipped with grammar and a good vocabulary, you have flexibility and excellent control. (para. 12)

Meaning beyond words: Just as traveling with a road map and a good car, with the help of grammar knowledge and a large vocabulary, you will feel more comfortable and confident when using the English language.

be equipped with sth: be provided with the things that are needed for a particular kind of activity or work 以…为装备;配备…

All dormitory rooms are equipped with high speed internet access.宿舍所有的房间都配备了高速互联网。

Step 4 Question discussing

1. What are the most important factors that encourage students to learn English?

2. Do you think English grammar helps you a lot in learning English? Why or why not? 3. In what ways can teacher improve the technique of teaching grammar? 4. How


can students more effectively enlarge their vocabulary?

Step 5 Review & Exercises 1.Review

2.Oral presentation --- Reproduction 3. Exercises

4. Exercises 3,4,5,6,7

(Ss give answers and raise questions they may have and T explains the difficulties) 5.Exercises 8,9--- writing and translation.

Assignments: 1) review Section A; 2) Exercises in Section B; 3) speed reading

6 Step 6 Listening practice

Assignments: 1) Story retelling in Unit 1;

2) Pair work --- practice model dialogs in unit 1 in the Listening and Speaking Book; 3) Preview the new words in unit 2;

―――――――――――――――自我评价问题――――――――――― ―― Questions for Self-evaluation:

1. Can I understand the text fully?

2. Have I memorized the new vocabulary and can I put them into use? 3. Do I understand better how to become a successful language learner?


Unit 2 College—The ladder to success?

课型 :□ 理论课 √ 理论、实践课 □ 实践课 课时分配: 6

教学环境 :多媒体教室 教学目标:

Teaching Aims:

After studying this unit, the students are expected to be able to:

1. understand the main idea and structure of Section A and Section B; 2. master the key language points and grammatical structures in the texts

3. talk about significance of the humanities and gain more insights into life and society and be aware of cultural and religious differences; 4. read with the skill ―reading for major details‖;

5. write a composition to introduce the advantages of something with three main parts: introduction, body and conclusion.

Key Issues 1. Vocabulary

accounting, boost, defect, persist, accelerate, dominant, compel, elegant, spectacular, insight,liable,reservoir, in succession, speculate about/on, invest sb./sth. with, in the company of 2. Skills

● Learn to read with the skill ――reading for major details‖ and focus on how the advantages/disadvantages are introduced.

Potential Problems and Difficulties

●To talk about significance of the humanities

●write a composition to introduce advantages and disadvantages of some topic. ●To apply the phrases and patterns


A combination of traditional teaching methods with the communicative approach will be adopted. Special attention should be paid to classroom interaction like questioning and answers. Small group works are always needed while discussing the questions and the difficult translation practice. More encouragement is needed and more guidance will be given in their extracurricular study.

Teaching Aids: Visual aids, projector, stereo and microphone

Group work and pair work: Conduct of Tasks and Activities

(师生互动方式Mode of Interaction; 学习策略Learning Strategies)
