大学英语四级强化训练 - Vocabulary and Structure(附答案及详解)

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The correct answer: B Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选b.fade vi.“褪色;逐渐消失,变弱”(如 The blue rug has faded over the years;The sun faded the cloth; The light/sound/custom/strength/memory?faded;The shapes faded [away]into the night.)faint vi.“昏厥,晕倒”lighten v.“照亮,(使)变亮;高兴起来;(使)变轻;(使)变得轻松起来” weaken v.“(使)变弱,削弱”

15. I warned you _________ not to trust him, but you wouldn't listen to me.

A)at first B)at the outset C)in the first place D)at least The correct answer: B Your answer:()

讲评: 本题应选b.outset n.开始,开端(at/from the outset“从一开头”,如 We have to get quite clear from the very outset what our policy is.) at first“首先”(多用于列举)at least“至少

16. The public ____ more severe measures to combat the recent crimewave.

A)asked B)recommended C)suggested D)demanded The correct answer: b Your answer:() 讲评: ask意为“要求,请求(给予回答、帮助、被允许做某事等)”;recommend意为“建议,推荐”;demand意为“要求”,尤指上级对下级。根据句意,B)为正确答案。

17. The murderer proved to be an apparently well-behaved __________ middle-aged man.

A)ignorant B)innocent C)offensive

D)irritable The correct answer: B Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选b.innocent adj.“无害的,没有恶意的;清白的,无罪的(of);幼稚的,无知的”(如 He was pronounced innocent of the charge;Don't be so innocent as to believe everything he says;The question was innocent.)ignorant(of)adj.“不知道的;无知的”(参见注 159)offensive adj.“冒犯的,无礼的,使人不快的”irritable adj.“不耐烦的,烦躁的,容易生气的”

18. What is the greatest number of people who may vote ____ the proposal in order for it not to be adopted?

A)for B)against C)of D)with The correct answer: b Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选B)。vote against意为“投票反对”符合题意。vote for意为“投票赞成”;C)、D)均为错误搭配。

19. The enemy _________ an attack against us at dawn.

A)intended B)fulfilled C)launched D)delivered The correct answer: C Your answer:()

讲评: 本题应选c.launch vt.“发动,发起(群众t动、斗争、攻击等)”(to launch a new offensive in the western front)(参见注 1201)intend vt.“想要,打算,计划”(句型:intend sth/-ing/to-V;intend sb to-V/that sb shall/should do)(参见注 624)fulfil(l)vt.“履行,实现;满足,使满意”deliver vt.“投递,送交;发表;接生”

20. Only men with strong _____ should climb in the Himalayas.

A)will B)constitutions C)muscles D)limbs The correct answer: B Your answer:()


讲评: 本题应选b.constitution n.[c]“体质,素质;结构;章程,宪法”(如John has a very healthy constitution;the constitution of a primitive society;the American constitution)will n.[u](可加不定冠词)“意志,决心;遗嘱”(参见注 250)muscle n.“[c]肌肉;[u]力量,实力” limb n.[c]“(四)肢,臂、腿;树枝”

21. I seem to have reached a rather gloomy conclusion, but I think that something cheerful may still be _______ from it.

A)derived B)extracted C)abstracted D)adapted The correct answer: A Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选a.derive(from)vt.“取得,得到;起源,衍生;追溯??的起源”(如 He derives much pleasure from his books;Many English words derive/are derived from French.)extract vt.“提取,提炼;设法得到(情报);抽出,拔出” abstract vt.“提炼出;抽象出;写出提纲”adapt vt.“使适应,使适合;改编,改写”

22. Excuse me, but it is time to have your temperature ____ .

A)take B)taken C)to take D)taking The correct answer: b Your answer:()

讲评: “have+宾语+过去分词”表示“动作由别人完成”。应选B)。

23. There is ____ film on at the cinema this afternoon. Would you like to go with me?

A)quite the good B)rather the good C)quite a good D)a good rather

The correct answer: c Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选C)。“quite+a+形容词+名词”是英语惯用法,意为“一(个)相当??的??”。

24. The building was named ____ the hero who gave his life for the cause of the people.

A)after B)with C)by D)from The correct answer: a Your answer:()

讲评: name...after意为“以??的名字命名”,即give the same name as,符合句意,故选项A)为正确答案。

25. He appeared in the court and supplied the facts ___________to the case.

A)subject B)attached C)relevant D)corresponding The correct answer: C Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选c.relevant(to)adj.“有关的,切题的;有重大关系的,有意义的;适宜的”(如 The evidence was not relevant to the case;His remarks are relevant to the discussion.)subject(to)adj.“易遭??的,受??支配的”attached(to)adj.“附属??的,依恋??的”corresponding adj.(一般作定语)“相应的,相当的;符合的,一致的”

26. The fact remains ____ there is no money left.

A)that B)why C)how D)what The correct answer: a Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选A)。that从句作the fact的同位语,因从句较长,而主句谓语较短,所以把从句放在后面。


27. He said he had great _____________ in his secretary; she would do the right thing.

A)confidence B)knowledge C)acquaintance D)information

The correct answer: A Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选a.confidence n.[u]“信任,信心”(have/lack/put confidence in sb/sth;do/say sth with confidence)have(a)knowledge of“对??懂,知道,了解”have(an)acquaintance with“认识,熟悉(make sb's acquaintance/make the acquaintance of sb“结识,认识某人”)have information about/as to“对??了解,知道”

28. The teacher said \like\

A)But that B)Now that C)As to D)Besides The correct answer: b Your answer:() 讲评: B)Now that意为“既然”,符合题意,为正确答案。A)But that, C)As to, D)Besides则分别解释为“除非、若不”,“关于、至于”和“除??之外”。 29. Everyone shared ___________ making the picnic a success. A)with B)by C)for D)in The correct answer: D Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选d.share v.“分担;分享;共用,共有;分配,均分”(注:share在表示“分享,分担”意义时既可作及物动词,也可作不及物动词,后面跟 in,其宾语多是抽象的事物,如 joys and sorrows;happiness/troubles/fun/profits等;如果share后面跟动词则一定要用 share in-ing形式;如果要表示“分担、分享、共用、合用<某种具体的东西或抽象的特性>或共同具有<某种同样的东西等>”意思时可用作及物动词。另外share所表达的具体意思有:共同享用或分担某物;把自己所有的东西与别人一起享用;把某物分配给一些人共用,如 We all shared[in]the joys and sorrows/[in]the cost;They shared the cake between them;Mother is sharing the cakes among the boys;The boy shared his candy with his sister;They shared the same tastes and interests.)(其它三个介词不搭配)

30. Before moving to another city, Mr. London __________ of the house and the furniture.

A)discarded B)dismissed C)discharged D)disposed The correct answer: D Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选d.dispose(of)vi.处理掉,销毁,扔掉,卖掉(如He disposed of his old car and bought a new one.) discard vt.“扔掉,抛弃”dismiss vt.“解散;解雇,免??的职;(认为不重要)不再考虑”discharge vt.“允许?离开,释放;排出,放出(废物)”

