大学英语四级强化训练 - Vocabulary and Structure(附答案及详解)

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provide vt.“供给,提供”(provide sb with sth ; provide sth for sb)supply vt.“供给,供应”(supply sb with sth; supply sth to sb) present vt.“赠(送),呈献;提出,呈交(present sb with sth; present sth to sb)(参见注 859/525) 19. In addition to rice, we need to _______ our diet with fish, meat and vegetable. A)replace B)supplement C)replenish D)mix The correct answer: B Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选b.supplement vt.增补,补充replace vt.“替换,取代;把??放回原处”replenish vt.“重新充实,补充(消耗掉的东西)”mix v.“(使)混合” 20. Many crops suffered _________ damage in the rainstorm.

A)few B)many C)substantial D)sufficient The correct answer: C Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选c.substantial adj.“可观的,大量的;牢固的,结实的;实质的”(a substantial crop of tobacco;a substantial supply of food;a substantial house;substantial changes;in substantial agreement)few adj.(修饰可数名词复数)“很少的,几乎没有的” many adj.很多的sufficient adj.“足够的,充分的” 21. The medical record shows that it was the drug, not the disease, ____ killed him several years ago.

A)the effects of which B)the effects of it C)finally D)that

The correct answer: d Your answer:()

讲评: 此句是强调句型,在强调句中,被强调的主语部分the drug, not the disease是动词killed的动作主体。而强调句又在整个句子中做动作show的宾语。D)为正确答案。

22. Sometimes the student may be asked to write about his _________ to a certain book or article that has some bearing on the subject being studied.

A)comment B)reaction C)impression D)comprehension

The correct answer: B Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选b.reaction(to)n.“反应;反作用;反动,对抗”(如 Our reaction to a joke is to laugh;What was the critic's reaction to the book? His reaction to the doctor's treatment was,all in all, satisfactory.)comment (on) n.“评论,意见”impression(of)n.“印象,感想”comprehension (of) n.“理解(力);领悟”

23. The new president hoped to flew procedures to save money.

A)take B)establish C)make D)observe The correct answer: B Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选b. establish vt.“建立,创办,设立;确立,使确认”(to establish a business/school/hospital/diplomatic relations;to establish a churn to sth;to establish sb's guilt/a theory)(procedure与动词establish/introduce/follow相搭配,不与take/make/observe搭配)

24. We shall have to pay the bill __________ , so let's do it at once.

A)recently B)naturally C)eventually D)lately The correct answer: C Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选c.eventually adv.“最后,最终,终于”recently adv.“最


近,新近,不久前”naturally adv.“当然,自然地;天然地,天生地” lately adv.“最近,不久前”

25. A newspaper ___________ is an amusing drawing, usually about some event in the news.

A)sketch B)cartoon C)carton D)caption The correct answer: B Your answer:()

讲评: 本题应选b. cartoon n.“漫画,幽默画;动画片” sketch n.“略图,草图;梗概,大意;素描,速写” carton n.“(装货的)纸箱,纸盒” caption n.“图画说明;(电影的)字幕”

26. They were often _____ to work twelve or fourteen hours a day.

A)have B)determined C)compelled D)used The correct answer: C Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选c.Compel vt.“强迫,迫使”(to compel sb to-V;be compelled[by..]to-V;compel sb's obedience/obedience from sb)be determined to-V“决心做??”(根据句子意思用determined不合适)be used to-in“习惯于做??”(此处不合句型)

27. Your complaint is being __________; when we have anything to report we'll write to you again.

A)looked through B)looked over C)looked after D)looked into

The correct answer: D Your answer:()

讲评: 本题应选d.1ook into“调查,观察”;look in“顺访,顺便看望”look through“(从头至尾)浏览一遍;详尽核查”look over“把??看一遍;察看”look after“照料,照顾,照管;注意,关心”

28. In the market, the merchants, __________ and joked with their friends and neighbors.

A)chatted B)bargained C)discussed D)communicated The correct answer: B Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选b.bargain v.“讨价还价”(to bargain over the price;bargain with sb about the price/for a supply of milk) chat vi.“聊天,闲谈”discuss vt.“讨论”(注意:这是及物动词,后面不能跟about)communicate v.“交流,交际,通讯;传达,传播”(参见注363)

29. Professor White wrote a ____ article yesterday.

A)two-thousand-words B)two-thousands-word C)two-thousand-word D)two-thousands-words The correct answer: c Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选C)。数词和名词构成的复合形容词作定语时,名词应为单数,中间用连字符连接。

30. john complained to the bookseller that there were some pages __________in the dictionary.

A)losing B)missing C)dropping D)falling The correct answer: B Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选b.missing adj.“缺失的,失踪的,不见了,少了” losing adj.



1. On a small farm in a dry climate one should not grow crops that need __________space and a lot of water to ripen

A)considerable B)significant C)extensive D)quantitative

The correct answer: C Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选c.extensive adj.“广阔的,广泛的” considerable adj.(数量或规模上)“相当大的,相当多的”significant adj.“相当数量的;重要的,意义重大的;意味深长的”quantitative adj.(数)“量的,定量的” 2. It was dark and quiet. Neither the moon nor stars ____ visible. A)were B)was C)is D)are The correct answer: a Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选A)。当主语以either...or,neither...nor, not only...but also连接时,谓语动词的单、复数形式按就近原则确定,即谓语动词的单、复数形式取决于最接近它的主语。

3. Children are very curious ____ .

A)at heart B)in person C)on purpose D)by nature The correct answer: d Your answer:()

讲评: D)项by nature意为“天生地、出于本性地”,是正确选项。at heart意为“内心里”;on purpose解释为“有意地、故意地”;in person则指“亲自、本人”。

4. Why don't you have a night out? It would take your _______off your worries. A)cares B)mind C)heart D)head The correct answer: B Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选b.take one's mind off sth“使不去想”(比较:take sib off one's mind消除忧虑,去掉心事)(不说 take one's heart/head off sth) 5. If you don't put the food in the refrigerator, it may go ____ . A)off B)over

C)wrong D)out

The correct answer: a Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选A)。go off意为“(食品)变坏,(疼痛)消失”,符合句意。go over sth.,“浏览,检查,复习”;go out,“消灭,参加社会活动”;go wrong,“出错”,(机器)坏了,(事情)进展不顺利”,均不符合句意。

6. Helen was much kinder to her youngest child than she was to the others, ____ , of course, made the others jealous.

A)who B)that C)what D)which The correct answer: d Your answer:()

讲评: 本句空格中填入的连接成份应该指代前面整个主句的内容,并且在从句中作主语,所以D)which是正确答案。其他三个选项中的关系代词A)who,B)that,C)what都不能指代整个主句,所以都不正确。

7. The jeweler assured Mr. Write that the stone was a(n) ___________diamond and not an imitation.

A)graceful B)genuine C)actual D)exact The correct answer: B Your answer:()


讲评: 本题应选b. genuine adj.“真的,非人造的;真心的,真诚的”(如 The bracelet is genuine gold;a genuine friend ; He has a genuine love for his family.)graceful adj.“优美的,优雅的”(多用于修饰人或人的行为举止等)actual adj.“实际的,事实上的,真实的,客观存在的(非想像中的)exact adj.“确切的,精确的”

8. At the moment my car is at the garage being made ready for a(n) ___________ across Europe.

A)travel B)voyage C)journey D)excursion The correct answer: C Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选c.journey n.(尤指在陆地上所作的)“(长途)旅行,行程”travel.“旅行”voyage n.(尤指海上长途)“旅行,航行,航海” excursion n.“远足,短途旅行,(集体)游览”

9. Spies may have a number of ____ names and papers.

A)artificial B)false C)imitation D)fault The correct answer: b Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选B)。false意为“假的,假造的”,符合句意。artificial“人工的,人造的”;imitation“仿造”;fault“过失,缺点,故障”,均与题意不符。 10. He ____ spends his holidays in the mountains though occasionally he goes to the seaside instead.

A)usually B)invariably C)inevitably D)always The correct answer: a Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选A)。usually“通常”,与本句后面的occasionally(偶尔)形成对比,符合句意。而其他三个选项invariably“不变地,总是”;inevitably“必然地”;always“总是”,都不能与后面的occasionally形成对比。 11. You ought to _________ that rude boy for his bad behavior.

A)educate B)discipline C)control D)teach The correct answer: B Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选b. discipline vt.“处分,惩罚;训练,训导”(如 he disciplined his students by keeping them after school; He disciplined the new soldiers.) educate vt.“教育,培养,训练” control vt.“控制,支配;克制,抑制” teach vt.“教,教授,教导”

12. The wind blew hard. The waves ____________ the boat against the rocks. A)rushed B)dashed C)crashed D)crushed The correct answer: B Your answer:() 讲评: 本题应选b.dash vt.“猛掷”;vt.猛冲,飞奔rush vt.“匆忙做,加速进行;把??急忙送往;催促,使加紧干”;vi.“仓促行动” crash v.碰撞;坠落,坠毁 crush vt.压碎,碾碎;镇压,压倒 13. Do sit down, ____ ?

A)do you B)shall C)won't you D)would you The correct answer: c Your answer:() 讲评: 祈使语气的句子如被用来作为邀请,则疑问句部分需用won't you。C)为正确答案。

14. The curtains have __________ because of the strong sunlight.

A)fainted B)faded C)lightened D)weakened

