
发布时间 : 星期一 文章步步高学案导学设计高中英语Unit1Womenofachievement单元检测新人教必修4.doc更新完毕开始阅读

and considering what to do with my house while I’m away.

M:You’re not going to give it up,are you?

W:No way!I’ll never find another house here.But I don’t want to pay three-month rent for an empty house,either.

Text 8

W:Good morning,Mr.White.

M:Good morning.It’s very nice to see you again. W:How are you feeling today?

M:I’m much better.The stomachache is gone,and the doctor is about to give me another examination.

W:That’s good.Well,these are for you.I hope you will like them. M:How beautiful these flowers are!Thank you very much.

W:I’ve also brought some magazines for you.I hope they’ll keep you from getting bored while you’re in hospital.It’s time for me to leave.I hope you will recover soon.

M:Bye and thank you for coming. Text 9

M:Where do you want to go,madam?

W:Hilton Hotel,please.Brrr!It’s cold,eh?I’m freezing.

M:Come on.San Francisco is usually cold in winter,you know.It’s often very rainy,which makes the weather colder.

W:Well,it gets very hot in summer,doesn’t it?

M:Not really.It gets warm in July and August.That’s the best time to visit the city.Uh,oh!Here comes the rain!

W:It’s raining hard.By the way,how long does it take to reach the hotel? M:About half an hour if there is no traffic jam.Would you like to listen to some light music?

W:That would be lovely. Text 10

There was a young flower in the desert where all was dry and sad-looking.It was growing by itself,enjoying every day and saying to the sun,“When shall I grow up?”And the sun would say,“Be patient.Each time I touch you,you grow a little.” She was so pleased,because she would have a chance to bring beauty to this corner of sand.


One day a hunter came by and stepped on her.She was going to die and felt so sad.Not because she was dying but she would never have the chance to bring a little bit of beauty to this corner of the desert.

The sun saw this,then reached down,touched her and gave her a second life. At last she grew up to be a beautiful flower and with her here this corner of the desert became so beautiful.

21.D [ the Smith family作主语,强调整体,所以谓语动词用单数,there be句型适用于就近原则,所以用复数。]

22.B [此题考查的是分词作状语,分词的逻辑主语是句子的主语the manager,主语是人,所以用过去分词。]

23.C [Only放在句首,后接状语时,句子用部分倒装形式,所以此题选择C选项。] 24.A [此题考查的是分词作后置定语,相当于定语从句,分词的逻辑主语是人,所以用过去分词,devote to致力于……,所以此题选择A选项。]

25.C [intend to 是“故意,打算”的意思。句意为:我犯了个错,虽说我不是故意的。所以此题选择C选项。]

26.D [根据句意“我们等了很长时间,但是我们买到了门票,还是值得的。”worthwhile是“值得花时间/精力的”。所以此题选择D选项。]

27.D [定语从句的关系代词who指the only one,谓语动词应用单数;for three years表示三年来的情况,应用现在完成时。]

28.A [句意为:另一方面,非暴力意味着勇敢地、忠贞地为真理而战斗。用动名词作宾语。]

29.B [此题考查的是主谓一致,not only...but also...遵循就近原则,所以此题选择B选项。]

30.A [句意为:如果世界的人口像这样继续增加,将会只有站立的地方。所以此题选择A选项,取其“继续”之意。]

31.B [根据题意可知,他现在还没有决定是否改换工作,所以“考虑改变工作”应该发生在过去,并且持续到了现在,有可能延续到将来,所以此题应该选择现在完成进行时态。]

32.A [此题考查主谓一致。more than one后跟单数名词作主语,后面谓语动词用单数。serve为及物动词。]

33.C [句意为:这些病人被观察了几个月。observe观察(某一行为或现象);watch观看,注意,留心看(活动、娱乐节目、事件等);notice(无意识地)注意到;stare at凝视,盯住。]

34.B [句意为:——为什么咱们不举行个聚会来庆祝一下奥运健儿们取得的辉煌成绩呢?——好主意。上句是提出建议,下句应作出回应。B项表示“赞同”,故正确。A项“我



35.D [根据last night可知,谓语动词表示的动作发生在过去,对过去情况的肯定推测用“情态动词must +现在完成时”的形式,所以此题选择D选项。]

36.A [结合第二段Obama的反应doubt以及“if something was wrong with me”可推知A项最能表达他当时的感情。]

37.C [该空与第一空对应,Obama之所以感到震惊,是因为看到某黑人为了变白,不惜用美白的化学产品损毁皮肤。apply涂抹,用法为apply the chemical to his skin。]

38.B [由下文“wondered if something was wrong with me”可知Obama是开始疑问自己是谁。]

39.D [站在镜子前,看着自己的肤色揣测,其他选项不合句意。]

40.B [struggle with his identity与他的身份作斗争,与下文doesn’t see it as a problem对照。]

41.C [由but可知此处要选与problem意思相反的词,advantage优势,有利条件,符合句意。]

42.C [当选为美国第一位黑人总统,Obama创造了历史。]

43.A [与第五段第一句中的“________ back to Hawaii”相对应。]

44.D [根据语境可知10岁时,Obama返回了夏威夷。move back to sp.返回某地。] 45.D [根据语境可知同学的尖锐和讽刺性的问题应该会让小Obama感到难堪,所以他对同学们撒谎以掩饰这种尴尬和难堪,故选D项。]

46.B [情况发生转变是在Obama结交了一些与他背景相似的伙伴之后。]

47.D [Obama一直对自己的黑人身份感到困惑,所以能够影响他的也必定是与他背景相似的人。由下文的提示词“their experiences back in Africa”以及“his African origin”也能推出答案。]

48.B [turn back to翻回到,回溯到;face up to勇敢地面对;take up with致力于;give up to让给,交给。由上文helped以及下文Obama的积极的改变可知B项正确。]

49.B [由下文中的But可知,Obama用强有力的演讲说服人们接受他的黑人身份,说明一开始很多人并不看好他,B项符合语境。]

50.C [由前一句话可知在Obama竞选总统初期,很少有人看好他,许多人怀疑他的独特的背景。]

51.C [此处指Obama将他成长的痛苦转变为一种有力的工具。damage指损害;pain指长时间不间断的疼痛,也可指心灵的伤痛;ache指局部的持续的疼痛;injury常指身体上的外伤。由上下文语境可知选C项。]

52.A [下文Obama的言辞是为了让人们相信并接受他的观点,故选A项。] 53.B [多个世纪以来,美国黑人、白人地位都不平等,Obama当选总统克服了人们对



54.C [马丁·路德·金的梦想是:评判一个人的标准不是他的肤色,而是他的品格优劣。]

55.C [两个by后的内容是相对的,用not...but...固定结构表示“不是……而是……”。]

56.C [细节理解题。根据第一段第三句可知,玛丽·居里的母亲患病并辞去了教书的工作使她家更加贫困。]

57.D [细节理解题。由第二段最后一句可知,当时波兰被俄国统治,不允许女性上大学。]

58.C [词义猜测题。文章第三段讲的是为了继续她的学业,居里夫人克服了很多的困难,终于进入巴黎大学学习。cleared up此处意为“克服”,故与C项solved意思相近。]

59.B [推理判断题。根据倒数第二段可知,居里夫妇致力于寻找产生放射性物质的研究,并在1902年获得了成功,因此二人获得诺贝尔奖。而另一位科学家也和他们一起获得该奖,由此可以推断出该科学家对放射性物质的发现和研究也有贡献,故B项正确。]

60.A [由第一段最后一句可知,救援队人员身上的气味会影响到狗的嗅觉。] 61.C [通读全文可知,本文主要介绍利用狗来寻找被埋在废墟中的幸存者。] 62.D [通读全文可知,狗还没有开始工作,所以还没有发现幸存者。]

63.C [由最后一段最后三句可知,村庄地处偏远,交通不便给救援工作带来不便。] 64.C [推理判断题。从他妈妈的话“And don’t ever use that as an excuse for anything again!”可知他妈妈对他要求很严,即答案选C。]

65.C [推理判断题。从“had each of us race across the monkey bars,swinging from one high steel rod to the next”可知答案C正确。]

66.A [推理判断题。第二天妈妈带我去学校帮助我练习“monkey bars”,可推知妈妈是个很有恒心的人,故答案选A。]

67.D [推理判断题。从“I’ll never forget the next time,crossing the rungs,I looked down at the kids who were standing with their mouths open”可知同学们对我的表现都很吃惊,即答案选D。]

68.B [细节判断题。根据第一段“ Lieberman started cooking with his stay-at-home dad when he was seven.His food-loving family had two kitchens”不难判断,他的家人喜欢在家里做饭。故选B。]

69.C [细节判断题。依据第一段最后一句“Tapes of the show were passed around,with which his name went beyond the school and finally to the Food Network.”可知应选C。]

70.A [词义猜测题。从第二段“It’s about your personality and finding a way

