六级笔试新题型模拟试卷02 - 图文

发布时间 : 星期四 文章六级笔试新题型模拟试卷02 - 图文更新完毕开始阅读


W: Hello, Mr. Hamilton. I heard that recently Wales conduct a campaign to fight for reduction of plastic bag use.

M: Yes. Plastic actually is a very useful resource, but the carrier bag is probably the product that gets the most criticism. W: Is it because they are widely used?

M: Yes, and the plastic carrier bag gets blamed for lots of environmental problems.

W: Can you say something in detail about the environmental problems they caused?

M: Yes. Many of them end up in our seas and in our countryside. These plastic don't decay naturally very quickly. It can take up to 1,000 years. W: That is awful.

M: And the statistics say UK shoppers use around 13,000 carrier bags in their lifetime. In Wales that amounts to around 480 million bags every year or 150 bags for every person.

W: Incredible! I never imagine it was that much.

M: So to try and cut that number, the Welsh government is introducing a compulsory tax of five pence for every bag that someone uses.

W: That is a brilliant idea. People may think twice when they plan to use the plastic bags.

M: And they might start re-using the old bags or recycling. W: In this way, more plastic bags could be saved.

M: The government also wants people to think more about environmental issues and to change how they behave and that could lead to a cleaner and tidier Wales.


9. [听力文本资源] What is the main reason why the plastic carrier bags cause environmental problems? [听力文本资源]

A) Because they are widely used.

B) Because they are thrown into the sea.

C) Because it takes a long time for them to decay. √ D) Because they contain many kinds of poisonous ingredients. 答案:C 解析:音频中提到These plastic don't decay naturally very quickly. It can take up to 1,000 years,塑料不能自身腐蚀,需要很长一段时间才能被分解,所以选C。 10. [听力文本资源] How many carrier bags does Wales use every year? [听力文本资源] A) Around 13 million B) Around 480 million √ C) Around 1,000 million D) Around 150 million 答案:B 解析:文中提到很多数字,其中4.8亿是威尔士每年塑料袋的消耗量,此题应选B。

11. [听力文本资源] Which is not the good side of the compulsory tax introduced by Welsh government? [听力文本资源]

A) It will encourage people to recycle the plastic bags. B) It will help to create a cleaner and tidier Wales with the money it collected. √ C) It will make people reconsider their actions when they want to use plastic bags.

D) It will gradually change people's mind and behavior to care more about the environment. 答案:B



M: Hi, May, how about going swimming this weekend? W: Oh, sorry, Rob, I don't know how to swim.

M: Really? I think swimming is a very popular activity in the UK and it is said that four in five adults in the UK are good swimmers.

W: You're right. Most people recognize that swimming is very important for safety and good for fitness. But maybe some people weren't introduced to the water early enough and they don't have the confidence to start swimming later in life. Just like me.

M: And in fact experts say that the best time to learn is when we're babies or children.

W: That makes sense. I think a lot of babies are natural swimmers, so it's good for them to be in the water from an early age. M: As long as they've been supervised well.

W: Definitely! Babies as young as three months old can start swimming. But there are still many people like me who didn't start learning swimming in our childhood. What can those people do?

M: Ah, well there are a number of schemes to encourage people to swim. I know one called \Slash\which celebrates swimming and wants to get more people into the water, whether they're adults or children. W: That sounds wonderful. Can you tell me more about this scheme? M: They always arrange many swimming classes for adults and the coach will use some techniques to encourage adults to swim. W: I am interested in it. Do you know how I can participate?

M: Well, this Saturday in Central Pool they will hold an orientation session for beginners. If you have time, you can go and have a look. W: Oh, thanks a lot.


12. [听力文本资源] How many adults in the UK cannot swim according to the conversation? [听力文本资源] A) 1/4. 答案:C 解析:音频中男士提到I think swimming is a very popular activity in the UK and it is said that four in five adults in the UK are good swimmers,因此不会游泳的成年人应为五分之一,所以选C。 B) 4/5.

C) 1/5. √ D) 3/4.
