六级笔试新题型模拟试卷02 - 图文

发布时间 : 星期四 文章六级笔试新题型模拟试卷02 - 图文更新完毕开始阅读

4. [听力文本资源]

M: Tom is gaining so much weight these days. I really miss the slim Tom. W: I suggest that the fatty food should be eliminated from his diet, but he chose to ignore it. As long as he can figure out the importance of keeping fit, he will take some actions to lose weight.

What can we know about Tom? [听力文本资源]

A) He did little exercise.

B) He ate too much fatty food these days. √ C) He has a bad relationship with the woman. D) He used to be fat but now he loses much. 答案: B 解析: 音频中提到,Tom变胖的原因和他的饮食有关。女士已经建议过他要少吃些fatty food(高脂肪的食物),但Tom并没有在意(ignore it)。因此我们可知,Tom最近吃了太多的长胖的食物,以至于他变胖,而对话中并未提及锻炼的事情,只是说Tom需要知道保持健康的重要性(keep fit),和锻炼无关,因此A为错误选项,所以选B。 5. [听力文本资源]

W: It is said that your school president will resign because he made a serious error in judgment on overseas budget.

M: He is such a nice guy. He treated us like his own children. I really hope these statements would only be pure speculations.

What can we infer about the school president? [听力文本资源]

A) He is the man's father.

B) He is promoted to work overseas.

C) He has gained a lot of good reputation. √ D) He will quit his job owing to a big mistake he has made.

答案: C 解析: 音频中提到男士知道校长要被免职之后,他对校长的评价是积极的,校长待学生如同自己的孩子,他希望上述言论仅仅是猜测(speculation)罢了。从此可以得知,校长在学生中还是有很高的威信的,所以选C。 6. [听力文本资源] W: Honey, I was checking your birthday party guest list. I didn't see Dave's name. Do you want me to fill it in? M: Oh, mom, do you mean Dave Johnson? He is such an arrogant guy, no one likes him. And most importantly, he is mean to me. What can be inferred from the conversation? [听力文本资源] A) His mom doesn't want Dave to come. B) Dave is always behaving in a proud, unpleasant way. √

C) Many people want Dave to come to the birthday party. D) The man forgot to put Dave's name in his birthday party guest list.

答案: B 解析: 音频中提到男士觉得Dave是一个骄傲自大的人,并且对他很不友善,所以他不想请Dave来参加自己的生日派对,所以选B。 7. [听力文本资源] W: I will go to Uncle Tom's county for a visit during holiday. Do you want to join? M: Oh, and we could also purchase some fresh vegetables there as the season is perfect. It's like killing two birds with one stone. How does the man think of the woman's proposal? [听力文本资源] A) He thinks the idea is perfect. √

B) He thinks killing birds is fun and he'd love to do it. C) He thinks it is not a suitable season to go to the county.

D) He thinks they might have to do some farm works in Uncle Tom's home.

答案: A 解析: 音频中提到女士提议假期的时候去Tom叔叔的小镇。男士觉得他们可以顺便去采些新鲜的蔬菜,他认为这个主意\一石二鸟\。言下之意,他认为此提议非常好,所以选A。

8. [听力文本资源]

W: I'm sorry, Professor. I couldn't quite catch what you said in class. Can you give me some suggestions?

M: I am glad you asked, Sandy. Sometimes diligence, self-discipline, and concentration could make things different.

What suggestions does the professor give to the girl? [听力文本资源]

A) He wants the girl to ask him frequently.

B) He advises her to behave herself in his class.

C) He thinks the girl could work hard and try to focus. √

D) He suggests that the girl should make different ways of learning.

答案: C 解析: 女士说她觉得在课堂上跟上教授的讲授有些困难,因此想要寻求一些帮助。教授的意见则是,她需要勤奋(diligence),自我约束(self-discipline),还有集中注意力(concentration),这样做的话可以改变她目前的听课状态,所以选C。
