
发布时间 : 星期一 文章2012年剑桥商务英语中级全真模拟试题(三)更新完毕开始阅读

When aiming to improve customer service, it is important to find out customer needs. There are different ways to collect information related to customer needs:

to design a questionnaire for collecting most information in relation to customer needs, to train a team for collecting and analyzing the information,

members of the team go into the streets, subway stations, or other public places to interview people at random using the designed questionnaire. Dealing with complaints efficiently

When aiming to improve customer service, it is also important to deal with complaints efficiently. This can be done in different ways.

to set up a hot line for customers to make complaints,

to train a team for dealing with customer complaints, members of the team should be patient and enthusiastic, they should be trained to have good telephone manners and interpersonal skills,

to make sure that every complaint made by customers is dealt with seriously by the team and the customer who has made a complaint is always informed of the final result,i.e.how the complaint has been dealt with,

to keep a record of all complaints made by customers and how they have been dealt with. By the end of each year, a report on customer complaints should summarize what kinds of complaints are common in the past year, analyze the reasons for these complaints,and suggest effective ways for dealing with these complaints.


Task Sheet: Overseas Offices

Your company needs to open overseas offices for expanding its business worldwide. You have been asked to submit ideas on how to open overseas offices. Discuss, and decide together:

·In which countries/cities to open overseas offices and why

·What preparations need to be made for opening overseas offices


Task Sheet: Overseas Offices

Your company needs to open overseas offices for expanding its business worldwide. You have been asked to submit ideas on how to open overseas offices. Discuss, and decide together:

In which countries/cities to open overseas offices and why

What preparations need to be made for opening overseas offices Suggested Ideas :

In which countries/cities to open overseas offices and why In one of the four major international finance centers: New York, London, Frankfurt, Tokyo.

Having an office in one of these cities will have the following advantages:

easy access to the capital market for raising money/getting investment from interested investors, easy access to prospective clients on an international scale,

easy access to first-hand information related to the world capital market. What preparations need to be made for opening overseas offices

To open overseas offices, the following preparations need to be made: finding a good location for the office (in the CBD, close to subways),

working out a reasonable budget for opening the office (taking into consideration of possible costs and expenses, such as office rent, staff salaries and benefits, office supplies,communications with the head-quarters, and communications with local clients,etc), selecting competent staff members to form a team for working overseas (e.g.posting a notice on the company website to invite volunteers, organizing interviews of volunteers for selection),

providing the team with necessary training (e. g. learning the language of the target country or improve their English language skills, getting to know something about the culture and history of the target country),

appointing a manager capable of running the office efficiently,

making necessary arrangements for members of the team who are going to work overseas and their families who will accompany them (e. g. booking air tickets, leasing apartments,finding good schools for their children, etc.).


