
发布时间 : 星期二 文章英语词汇学复习大纲整理更新完毕开始阅读

4 Word-formation

affixation (30%-40%) 词缀法(30%--40% )

compounding (28%-30%) 复合法(28% -30% )

conversion (26%) 转化法(26% ) Word formation clipping 删节

shortening (8%-10%) 缩略法(8% -10%) acronymy 首字母缩略法 构词的方式

blending and other means (1%-5%) 拼缀法和其他方法( 1 %-5% )

prefixation 前缀法 —— before the word, modify the meaning 前置,改词意

4.1 Affixation 词缀法 falls into two subclasses(子类): suffixation 后缀法 —— after the word, change word class 后置,改词性

Affixation is generally defined as the formation of words by adding word-forming or derivational affixes to stems. This process is also known as derivation, for new words created in this way are derived from old forms. The words formed in this way are called derivatives.

词缀法可定义为通过给词干加结构词词缀或派生词缀构成新词的一种构词方法。用这种方法构成的词叫派生构词。因为通过这种方式创造的新词是从旧词 派生而来。通过这种方式造出的词叫做―派生词‖。 Negative prefixes 否定前缀(a-, an-, dis-, in-, non-, un-) Reversative prefixes 逆反前缀(de-, dis-, un-) Pejorative prefixes 贬义前缀(mal-, mis-, pseudo-) Prefixes of degree or size程度大小前缀(arch-, co-, hyper-, mini-, out-, over-, sub-, under-, ultra-, super-, sur-)

4.1.1 Prefixation 前缀法 Prefixes of orientation and attitude 倾向态度前缀(anti-, contra-, counter-)

(we shall classify prefixes on a semantic basis 将前缀分为九类)

into nine groups 我们可以在语义基础上

Prefixation is the formation of new words by adding prefixes to stems. Prefixes do not generally change the word-class of the stem but only modify its meaning. 前缀法是在词干上加上前缀构词的一种方法,前缀一般不改变词干的词类,只对词干的意义进行修饰。

Locative prefixes 方位前缀(fore-, inter-, sub-, super-, trans-)

Prefixes of time and order 时间顺序前缀(ex-, fore-, pre-, post-, re-)

Number prefixes 数字前缀(bi-, di-, multi-, poly-, semi-, demi-, tri-, uni-, mono-) Miscellaneous prefixes 多种前缀(auto-, extra-, neo-, paleo-, pan-, proto-, tele-, vice-)


a. Concrete 具体名词 –eer,-er,-ess,-ette,-ter 1) Denominal nouns 名词派生来的名词

b.Abstract 抽象名词 –age,-dom,-ery(-ry),-hood,-ing,-ism,-ship

a. The following suffixes combine with verb stems to create largely nouns denoting people, -ant,-ee,-ent,-er(-or) (这组后缀加在动词词干上构成新词,主要表示人,。。。)

Noun suffixes 2) Deverbal nouns 动词派生来的名词 b. Suffixes of this group added to verb stems to produce largely 名词后缀 abstract nouns, denoting action, result, process, state, etc:-al, 3) De-adjective nouns :-ity,-ness -age,-ance,-ation(-ition,-tion,-sion,-ion),-ence,-ing,-ment 由形容词转化为名词 (这组后缀加在动词词干上,主要构成抽象名词,表示动作、结 果、过程、状态等。。。) 4) Noun and adjective suffixes :-ese,-an,-ist 名词和形容词后缀

1) Denominal suffixes:-ed,-ful,-ish,-less,-like,-ly,-y 4.1.2 Suffixation

名词派生的后缀(加名词后) 后缀法 Adjective suffixes 形容词后缀

2) Deverbal suffixes:-able(-ible),-ive(-ative,-sive)


Adverb suffixes: -ly,-ward (s),-wise 副词后缀 Verb suffixes:-ate,-en,- (i)fy,-ize (-ise) 动词后缀

Suffixation is the formation of new words by adding suffixes to stems. Unlike prefixes which primarily change the meaning of the stem .Suffixes have only a small semantic role, their primary function being to change the grammatical function of stems. In other words, they mainly change the word class.

后缀法是在词干加上后缀来构成新词。不像主要改变词干意义的前缀,后缀的只有很小语义作用,其主要功能是改变词干的语法功能。换句话说,他们 主要是改变词性。


4.2 Compounding 复合法

Compounding, also called composition, is the formation of new words by joining two or more stems. Words formed in this way are called compounds. So a compound is a lexical unit consisting of more than one stem and functioning both grammatically and semantically as a single word. 复合法,同样也被称作合成法,是指由两个 或者更多的词干相结合而构成的新词,此种方式形成的词被称为复合词。所以,复合词是―由多于一个以上的词干组成的,同时具有一个词的语法功能和意义 功能的词汇单位‖。

4.2.1 Characteristics of Compounds 复合词的特征 1).Phonetic features 语音特点 —— first element stress 第一个构词成分重音 Compounds differ from free phrases in the following three aspects: 2).Semantic features 语义特点 —— unity, as one word 统一性,如同个单词 复合词和自由词组不同于三个方面 3).Grammatical features 语法特点 —— single grammatical role 独立的语法作用

Noun compounds 名词性复合词 4.4.2 Formation of Compounds复合词的形成 Adjective compounds 形容词性复合词

conversion 反转

Verb compounds 动词复合词 backformation -er, -ing, -ion 逆序法

(1) State (of mind or sensation) 状态(心理或感觉)

(2) Event or activity 事件或行动

1) Verb to noun (3) Result of the action 行动的结果 动词转名词 (4) Doer of the action 行动的发出者

1.Conversion to noun

(5) Tool or instrument to do the action with 行动的工具 (6) Place of the action 行动的地点 转化为名词 ?

Phrasal verbs to nouns: Keep original order Invert the verb and particle: p+v 动词短语转名词:保持原有顺序, 动词小品词出现反转

(1) Words fully converted


Adjective to noun 完全转化的词 形容词转名词 (2) Words partially converted 部分转化的词

(3) Miscellaneous conversion 多种转化


To put in or on N

1)Noun to verb (2) 放入名词

To give N or to provide with N (3) 提供名词 To remove N from 4.3 Conversion 转类法 2. Conversion to verbs 名词变动词 (4) To do with N 从……消除名词 (5) 用名词做 ……

To be or act as N


(6) To make or change into N 象名词一样起作用

(7) To send or go by N 变成名词 用名词送去

2)Adjective to verb形容词变动词

3.Miscellaneous conversion (1)Voiceless to voiced consonant 清辅音变浊辅音

混合反转 (2)Initial to end stress 字首重音变字尾重音


Conversion is the formation of new words by converting words of one class to another class. Since the words do not change in morphological structure but in function, this process is also known as functional shift. Conversion is generally considered to be a derivational process whereby an item is adapted or converted to a new word class, without the addition of an affix. Hence the name zero-derivation.

转类法是将一种词类转化为另一种词类构成新词的方法。这些词在语法意义上是新词。既然这些词在形态结 构上不便,只在功能上有变化,这一转类过程也叫做功能转换。一般认为,转类法是单词不添加词缀而直接转化为一个新词的派生构词的过程。这一过程由于不加词缀,所以又称零派生。

4.4 blending 拼缀法,混合词 blends fall into four major groups:

1. head + tail 头+尾 2. head + head 头+头

3. head + word 头+整词 4. word + tail 整词+尾

Blending is the formation of new words by combining parts of two words or a word plus a part of another word. Words formed in this way are called blends or pormanteau words. 拼缀法是通过合并两个词的某些部分或一个词与另外一个词的另一部分相加起来构成新词。以此种方式构成的词被称作为拼缀词或行囊词。

1. Front clipping 前删(aphaeresis) 4.5 Clipping截短法,删减法 four common types of clipping:

2. Back clipping 后删 (apocopy) 3. Front and back clipping 前后删(

4. syncope 删词腰

5. Phrase clipping 删短语

Another common way of making a word is to shorten a longer word by cutting a part off the original and using what remains instead. This is called clipping. 另一个常见的构词法时将原词的一部分截去,只用剩下来的一部分构成新词,这种方法叫截短法。

1. Letters represent full words 字母代表所有词

Initialisms首字母缩略词 2. Letters represent constituents in a compound or just parts of a word 字母代表复合词或者只是一个词的几部分 4.6 Acronym 首字母缩词法 (Initialisms are words pronounced letter by letter. 一个字母一个字母念。) Acronyms 首字母拼音词 (Acronyms are words formed from initial letters but pronounced as a normal word.


