
发布时间 : 星期四 文章15春福师《大学英语(二)》在线作业一更新完毕开始阅读



一、单选题(共 50 道试题,共 100 分。)

1. Someone called me at midnight, but he hung up___I could answer it. A. after B. before C. until D. while 正确答案:B

2. I think English is as ____ as math. A. important B. importanter C. more important D. most important 正确答案:A

3. Let's hang up some paintings on those( )walls. A. bare B. empty C. blank D. hollow 正确答案:A

4. Ancient Greece is called the ( ) of Western civilization. A. source B. resource C. origin D. head 正确答案:C

5. The girl is ill. She's ______. A. in hospital B. in the hospital C. at hospital D. at the hospital 正确答案:A

6. The teacher advised Joe to___before deciding to quit school. A. think about B. think twice C. think up D. think over



7. It started raining, so she had to( )the nearest shelter. A. go away B. make for C. come up D. lead to 正确答案:B

8. He put the ( )table against the wall. A. three-leg B. three-legs C. three-legged D. three legs 正确答案:C

9. If they come, we ________ a meeting. A. have

B. will have C. had

D. would have 正确答案:B

10. A ( ) man is happy with what he has. A. conceited B. competent C. contented D. confident 正确答案:C

11. Until Columbus( )America no one in Europe knew it existed. A. invented B. created C. discovered D. produced 正确答案:C

12. John taught me the ( )of pouring wine without dropping any. A. solution B. approach C. profession D. trick 正确答案:D

13. More and more people would like to live in the countryside___there is fresh air and lower price of housing. A. that B. where C. which D. when



14. With lasers (激光) scientists can explore many physical processes once( ) our understanding. A. for B. within C. by D. beyond 正确答案:D

15. The old couple decided to move out of town to a quiet( ), where they had spent several years immediately after their marriage. A. space B. area C. suburb

D. neighborhood 正确答案:C

16. I can't go for one thing, I have no money, and ( ), I have too much work. A. for the other B. for another

C. for another thing D. on the other hand 正确答案:B

17. There __________ a meeting tomorrow afternoon. A. will be going to B. will going to be C. is going to be D. will go to be 正确答案:C

18. -________ you ________ free tomorrow?– No. I ________ free the day after tomorrow.

A. Are;going to;will B. Are;going to be;will C. Are;going to;will be D. Are;going to be;will be 正确答案:D

19. Listening, speaking, reading, and then writing( )the fundamental order in language learning. A. constitute B. consist of

C. are composed ofe D. are comprised of 正确答案:A

20. They are fighting for the right of ( ). A. self-determination


B. self-evidence C. self-reliance D. self-culture 正确答案:A

21. The car( )a tree, killing its driver and two passengers. A. smashed by B. broke into C. pressed on D. crashed into 正确答案:D

22. I haven't the( )idea of what the baby meant. A. smallest B. slightest C. weakest D. dimmest 正确答案:B

23. The patient was so seriously ill that he was( )the possibility of recovery. A. beyond B. throughout C. across D. against 正确答案:A

24. He has( )his troubling early years and become a bright child. A. survived B. grown C. lived D. outgrown 正确答案:D

25. Profession Zog is quite pleasant-looking today. This ( )that we all have got good scores in the final exam. A. indicates B. reveals C. states D. points out 正确答案:A 26. The school secretary( ) that the closing date for making applications had passed. A. searched out B. figured out C. singled out D. pointed out 正确答案:D

27. John was excited by the ( )of owning his own boat. A. attraction
