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6)It was an old woman, tall and shapely still, though withered by time, on whom his eyes fell when he stopped and turned.


D.当关系代词指整个主句时,应把关系代词译成指示代词“这” 7)The activity was postponed, which was exactly what we wanted. 这项会议延期了,这正是我们所期望的。

8)Salt is crystalized from sea water, which is known to be a physical change. 盐是海水结晶形成的,这被视为一种物理变化。 (三)融合法

1)There is somebody waiting for you who I think might be one of your friends from your native town.


2)There were men in that crowd who had stood there every day for a month. 在那群人中,有些人每天站在那里,站了一个月。 (四)成状语从句

1)In office, figures, lists and information are compiled which ell the managers or heads of the business what is happening in their shops or factories.


2)He did not remember his father who died when he was three years old.

他不记得他父亲了,因为他父亲死时他才三岁。(原因状语) 3)For many machine whose input and output forces are known, its mechanical advantage can be calculated.

对于任何机器来说,如果知其输入力和输出力,就能求出其机械效益。(条件状语) 4)他要再造一幢房子,尽管他并无此需要。(让步状语) He insisted on building another house, which he had no use for.

5)这个方案富有创意,别出心裁,又有魄力,所以令他们都很满意。(原因状语) There was something original, independent and heroic about the plan that pleased all of them.

练习:Translate the following sentences into English.

1. My uncle, who will be seventy tomorrow, is still a keen sportsman.

2. Never say anything behind a person's back that you wouldn't say to his face.

3. Chinese trade delegations have been sent to African countries, who will negotiate trade agreements with the respective governments. 答案:

1.尽管我大伯明天就满70岁了,但他仍然热衷于运动。 2.当面不愿说的话,千万不要在背后说。






新东方在线 [www.koolearn.com] 网络课堂电子教材系列 商务英语翻译

The news that he intended to come gave us much pleasure. 他打算来的消息使我们非常高兴。

We've lost our faith in the idea that we can all get ahead in life through hard work. 对于人人都能通过努力在生活中获得成功的理念,我们已经不再相信。


I hire a public relations person to publicize the fact that I work from home. 我雇了一名公关人员,向公众宣布,我是在家工作的。 Your assumption, that things will improve, is unfounded. 你的设想,认为事情会有改进,是没有根据的。 (3)可加“这”、“这个”、“即”等词将同位语从句译成分句,或使用冒号、破折号等;如:

The hard truth, that they had spent all their money, was a great shock to her. 他们早已花完了所有的钱,这一真相使她震惊。

I insist upon an answer to my question whether he was coming or not. 我坚持对我的问题要有个答复:他来还是不来。

此外,有些特殊的同位语从句以疑问句、祈使句等形式出现,有时用逗号与主句隔开,而没有引导语。这类同位语从句翻译时往往译成汉语的分句,用冒号与主句隔开。如: The question sometimes comes to my mind, \ 我的脑子里有时会出现这个疑问:“那件事值得做吗?” I should like to say to you one important thing. Go slowly in this matter. 我很想告诉你至关重要的一点:此事急不得。 另外,有时同位语从句前面还有同位指示词,如:as, namely, that is, such as 等用以指明同位语从句与中心句的关系。一般可按顺序直译。如:

She gave me a great deal of miscellaneous information, as that William's real name was Mr. Hicking. 她告诉我许多各种各样的消息,如威廉的真实姓名是希金先生。

Many questions — such as how the guests should be seated — remained unanswered. 许多问题,比如客人的座次怎样安排啦,仍然未予答复。

Americans are far more race-conscious than they are class-conscious. 与其说美国人有阶级意识,不如说他们有浓厚的种族意识。



① Despite this backwardness (in the communications)—or perhaps because of it—China hopes to leapfrog into the digital era by bypassing many of the costly transitional technologies that industrial nations are now seeking to replace with more advanced digital systems.


新东方在线 [www.koolearn.com] 网络课堂电子教材系列 商务英语翻译


② Today's teachers know they have to make lessons fast-moving and entertaining for children raised on television and computer games.


③ Modern bus shelters began to appear on the pavements, complementing the 21st century appearance of the surrounding glass and chrome skyscrapers.


④ Soldiers' salaries have been so eroded by budget constraints and by the soaring cost of living that a major serving in a combat zone earns the equivalent of just $230 per month—plus $10 hazardous duty pay.




1)However, most scholars believe that Christmas originated in the 4th century as a Christian substitute for pagan celebrations of the winter solstice.



说明:误译文完全照搬英语语序,因此读起来非常诘屈。本句后半部作为补充信息,在汉语中通常需要提前铺垫。 2)Nor do historical accounts describe settlers engaging in such traditional English customs as feasting on boars' heads or drinking from wassail bowls (bowls filled with spiced ale or wine). 误译:历史上并无这些定居者按照习惯在盛宴上要喝祝酒,吃野猪头的记载。



3)Human beings have distinguished themselves from other animals, and in doing so ensured their survival, by the ability to observe and understand their environment and then either to adapt to that environment or to control and adapt it to their own needs.



新东方在线 [www.koolearn.com] 网络课堂电子教材系列 商务英语翻译


改译:人类具有观察和了解周围环境的能力,他们要么让自己适应环境,要么控制和改造环境来适应自己。人类便凭借这一点把自己和其他动物区分开来,一代代地生存繁衍下来。 4)Then there are some backpackers, who in midsummer walk with their packs on their backs to the bottom of the Grand Canyon, regardless of the warning that the temperature is many degrees higher on the floor of the canyon, one mile down, than it is on the rim.






译文:Feast dinner on the New Year's eve is a must for the whole family that sit at one or more tables. (or Feast dinner is a must for the whole family on the New Year's eve when all the family members sit at one or more tables.)


译文:Breakfast for the New Year's Day is special, Jiaozi for the those in North China and rice balls for the southerners.

