
发布时间 : 星期四 文章初级商务英语翻译更新完毕开始阅读

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1. 课程及学习方法简介 2. 商务英语实务与翻译




英语词汇多达几十万,并且词语表义较为灵活,对上下文的依赖也较大。如,\一词,本义为\木板\,但在不同上下文中,可以表示\车\、\船\、\伙食\、\会议桌\、\委员会\等。而在商务英语中,\往往用来表示\董事会\,如,\of the board\(董事会主席或董事长);或者,它经常用在FOB (Free on Board,离岸价,船上交货价)价格术语中,意思是\船\。


literature 在普通英语中,它表示\文学\;而在商务英语中,它则表示\including leaflets, instruction, product catalogue, price list, etc. (文字宣传资料,诸如产品说明书、产品目录、价目表等)\。 例如:


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In order to market our new product,we have printed fine literature.(为了推销新产品,我们印了精美的宣传资料。) 例如:

Please send me any literature you have on camping holidays in Tahiti. 请惠寄贵处有关在塔希提岛野营度假的宣传资料。

claim 在普通英语中,它的意思是\要求,认领\;而在商务英语中,它则表示\request for a thing considered one's due (索赔)\。 例如: You can claim your money back if the goods are damaged. 如果货物有损,你可以索赔。

reference 在普通英语中,它表示\参考,查阅,提及\;而在商务英语中,它的意思是\or firms named by a customer asking a supplier for credit, from whom the supplier can get information about the business reputation of the customer (担保人,证明人)\。 例如:

He has excellent references from former employers. 他拥有前任雇主非常好的证明。

除了属于英语共核部分(English common core)的词汇以外,商务英语还有着其特别的专门词汇。例如:

backlog: orders to supply, needing to be dealt with quickly (积欠未交货的订单) e.g. We have a large backlog. (我们积压的订货甚多。)

in-tray: tray for incoming documents (放在办公桌上用来装收到的文件的容器,收文篮;用于盛放将要发出去的文件的容器叫out-tray, 发文篮)

e.g. When l am away,please help to check my in-tray. (我不在的时候,请帮我查看我的收文篮。)

overheads:routine administrative and maintenance expenses of a business (公司的日常开支,如电费、文具费、汽车油费等)

e.g. We have some money indeed,but we are very sorry that we cannot return the money now,as we have to consider our overheads. (我们确实有些钱,但是,非常抱歉,我们目前不能还这笔钱,因为我们得考虑我们的日常开销。)

1. a country mile一段很长的距离


A: Is the house close to the central city? 那房子挨着市中心吗?


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B: It is a country mile from downtown. But it won’t be a problem since you drive. 离城中心远着呢。可既然你开车这就不成问题了。

A: The distance is not really a problem. The real problem is whether I can afford it. 远近到不是问题,问题是我是不是买得起。 B: Don’t worry about it. It’s a real bargain. 不用担心,很便宜的。

2. a drug on the market 滞销商品,滞销货,供应过剩的商品

drug的本义是“麻醉药品”,而麻醉药品是不能在市场上公开出售的,因此该词常常用来指“滞销货”。 A: The things Micheal bought home were usually a drug on the market for adults.


B: That’s not abnormal for a youngster. Young people all seem to be crazy about such things.

这对年轻人来说没什么不正常的。看起来他们对这些东西都非常感兴趣。 A: The real problem is that he’s using my money for them. 问题是他拿我的钱去买的呀。

B: He’s your son, after all. Who else’s money do you suppose him to use? 他毕竟是你的儿子呀,不然你想让他拿谁的钱去买呢 3. a fair shake 公平的待遇

shake在口语中有“处置、对待”的意思。当fair的意思为“公平的”时,这个短语的意思是“顺利的、有意的”时,它的意思就是“好机会”。 A: Bob, can you ever make a thing right? 鲍勃,你就不能做对一件事吗?

B: Yes, I can and I am doing the right thing. 我能,而且我现在干的就是对的。

A: You should go and see how Allan handles it. 你真该去看看阿伦是怎么处理问题的。

B: It’s that Allen again! Why can’t you ever think of giving me a fair shake?


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又是那个阿伦!你怎么就不能考虑对我公平点? 4. a fat chance 微小的机会

fat本是“很多”的意思,但在这里用了反意,表示“微小的机会”;表示同样意义的短语还有a fat lot,指“很少”。

A: What do you think of his plan? 你觉得他的方案如何?

B: I have a feeling that it is doomed to fail. 我感觉它注定要失败。

A: Why don’t you vote against him? 干吗不投票否决他的提议?

B: It’s a fat chance of voting out his suggestion. 投票否决他的提议,其机会渺茫。



outstanding accounts:accounts that are overdue for payment (到期未付的帐) e.g. We hope the outstanding account can be settled within this month. Otherwise, our accounting department will consider changing the conditions of payment for future orders. (我们希望你方本月能将欠帐结清,否则,我方财务部将考虑改变定单支付条件。) unsocial hours:time for overwork (与社交活动冲突的时间、加班的时间)

e.g. We should emphasize the large extra bonus for working in unsocial hours.(我们应当重视对加班发高额奖金。)

living out of a suitcase: often go on business trips (经常出差在外)

e.g. My husband is a sales-manager.He is a man living out of a suitcase.(我丈夫是销售经理,老是出差在外。)

make five clerks redundant:dismiss five clerks (裁员五名)

e.g. Our branch is badly overstaffed.We have now decided to make eight clerks redundant.(我们分公司严重超员,我们已经决定裁员八名。)

flexitime system:system of flexible working hours (弹性工作制度:一种根据工作特点灵活确定上下班时间的工作制度。例如,某人每天工作的八个小时内,只有从上午十点钟到下午三点钟是一天中最忙的时间,那么,经商定他可以不在正常的上午八点钟上班,在晚些时候到公司上班;下午也不一定在规定的五点钟下班,可以提前下班。他集中精力的工作时间(如10:00~15:00)叫做core time,灵活的工作时间叫做flexiband)

