敖勤 青海蒙汉双语学生汉语教学现状调查与研究--以德令哈市民族学校为例2016.7.25-

发布时间 : 星期四 文章敖勤 青海蒙汉双语学生汉语教学现状调查与研究--以德令哈市民族学校为例2016.7.25- 更新完毕开始阅读

分类号 密级 公开 U D C 学号 20140123113

青 海 师 范 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文



研究生姓名 敖勤

导师姓名(职称) 铁生兰 , 教授

专业学位类别 教育硕士 培养类别 在职 研究方向名称 学科教学(语文) 论文提交日期 论文答辩日期 学位授予单位 青海师范大学 学位授予日期 答辩委员会主席

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青海蒙汉双语学生的汉语教学现状调查 —以德令哈市民族学校为例

摘 要


第一章 从理论层面上分析了全国双语教学的重要性,党和政府对双语教学的重视。对国内外双语教学的研究现状进行了归纳总结,探讨了展开双语教学的理论意义和现实意义。本文通过文献调查、问卷调查、一对一访谈和实地调查搜集了大量第一手资料和数据,进而展开分析和研究。

第二章 简要概述了调查对象的基本情况,阐述了德令哈市民族学校的情况和双语教学理念,简单介绍了双语教学学校的教学内容和课程设置的基本情况,并且对蒙汉双语学生学习兴趣、学习态度与习惯,以及听、说、读、写能力进行了相关调查。

第三章 分析了蒙汉双语学生的汉语教学中存在的问题及成因分析。 第四章 结合蒙汉双语学生学习汉语的问题及成因分析,以及调查、访谈,提出了具体建议。





\China. Ethnic minority bilingual teaching began in the middle of the last century, formed the scale in the 90 s. Bilingual education at the present stage has been carried out effectively, considerably changed the original block behind the teaching condition. The purpose of this paper is to discuss under the new forms of development, good for delingha national school as the example, based on the relevant theory of linguistics, pedagogy, launches the analysis.

The first chapter from the theoretical level, the importance of bilingual teaching of our country are analyzed, the party and the government's emphasis on bilingual teaching. To has carried on the induction summary and the research status of bilingual teaching at home and abroad, discusses the theoretical and practical significance of bilingual teaching. In this paper, through literature research, questionnaire survey, one-on-one interviews and field survey to collect a large number of first-hand information and data, then analysis and research.

The second chapter briefly discusses the basic situation of the research object, this paper expounds the delingha national school and bilingual teaching concept, simple introduces the bilingual teaching in the school's teaching content and curriculum of basic situation, and Mongolian and han bilingual students interest in learning, learning attitude and habit, as well as the ability in listening, speaking, reading and writing the relevant investigation.

The third chapter analyses the bilingual students in han Chinese teaching problems and cause analysis.

Fourth chapter combination of bilingual students in learning Chinese problems and cause analysis, and investigation, interviews, specific Suggestions are put forward.

After long-term exploration and practice of qinghai region of minority bilingual education has made remarkable achievements, the achievements acknowledged, but it's still exist some problems in the social practices. With the update education concept, teaching method improvement, qinghai minority nationality areas of bilingual education will greatly improve, contribute to improve the comprehensive quality of ethnic minorities.

Key words: han bilingual teaching, listening, speaking, reading and writing, German delingha national schools

