
发布时间 : 星期四 文章开心学英语三年级上册教案更新完毕开始阅读

(2) Sing together.

(3) Play the tape again and sing along.

8、Practice: P18 Read match and write. 9、Practice 2:

Your turn! Listen and answer. 10、Homework:

<1> Sing English song: What’s that!

<2>Read after the tape from page 23 to page 26 five time.

The third period

Teaching procedure 一、Revision

1、Dictation the words: mirror blanket door lamp 2、Sing English song: What’s that! 二、Presentation : Study the sound of letters <1> Listen, point and say

(1) Write the letters “sh” on the blackboard. (2) Circle “sh”

(3) Play the tape then let the students read after the tape. (4) Pay attention to pronounce “shoes”and“shirts” <2>Listen and chant. (1) Play the tape.

(2) Listen and point to the pictures.

(3) Play the tape again. The students read after it.

<3>Practice: P18 Listen to the chant and mark. <4>Homework:

1、Copy the new the words six times. 3、 Read the text well at home.


1. 通过多种形式巩固,复习新句型,学生掌握较好,能在特定的情景下进行对话,提高了学生的口语交际能力。

2. 在听力部分,大部分学生都能积极参与,但个别学生由于单词的读音不过关,因此,对于听力有一定的困难。


Unit 6 What are these ?

2009-02-16 22:23 2008-02-20 20:39:24.0

Objectives and Requirements



What are these? They’re pears. Oh. Are these peaches? No, they aren’t. They’re orange. Yum! Are these grapes? Yes, they are.



Sounds and words



Getting ready

Bring in a variety of real or plastic fruit covered in this unit.

T(point to various fruits.)I like fruit. Oh, look! Pears. I like pears (Offer a pear to S 1) Do you like pears?[S l: Yes, I do.] T:(Motion for class to repeat.)I like grapes.

The first period

一、Warming up. 1. Greetings.

2. Revise the words in unit5 3. Ask and answer What’s that? It’s a (brown) door. Is that a (green) cat? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. 1、 Sing a song: What’s that? 一、 Presentation.

1、 Hold up some real pears and say: I like fruit. Look! Pears, I like pears. Pears,

Pears. Students read the words after the teacher again and again. 2、 Offer a pear to someone then ask : Do you like pears? S1: Yes, I do.

3、 Use the method teach the other fruits: grapes, peaches, etc. 4、 Let students point to the picture and read the words. 5、 Play a game: touch the words.

6、 Hold up the pictures then ask and answer. What are these? They’re peaches

7、 Point to the other fruits with students ask and answer: What are these? They are??(s). (Pay attention to add ”s”)

8、(Point to pears.) Are these pears? Yes, they are. 9、Pair work. 10、Practice.

The teacher read and the students write the correct number. 11、Listen to the tape and repeat. 二、 Homework. Copy the new works.

The second period.

一、Revision. (1)Revise the words: (2)Ask and answer:
