
发布时间 : 星期日 文章职称英语综合类B级-13更新完毕开始阅读




1.It proved that the old woman she had been taking care of was indeed her own mother. (分数:1.00) A.turned over B.turned in C.turned down D.turned out √

解析:prove意为“证明”,turn out意为“结果是,证明是”,意思相近。其它选项A意为“打翻”;B意为“上缴”;C意为“把声音变小”。

2.Your hair wants cutting you'd better have it done tomorrow, (分数:1.00) A.likes B.requires C.needs √ D.desires


3.The court sentenced him to death for murder. (分数:1.00) A.lawyer B.tribunal √ C.attorney D.barrister


4.These goods are essentially for export, though a few of them may be sold on the home market. (分数:1.00) A.basically √ B.completely C.necessary D.remarkably

解析:essentially意为“本质地,基本地”(=basically)。选项B. completely意为“完全地”;选项C necessarily意为“必要地”;选项D.remark ably意为“大量地,显著地”。

5.Unfortunately, the technology employed to send men to the moon is not relevant to the solution of the problems of the inner city. (分数:1.00) A.resultant B.reliant C.responsible D.related √


6.Although nobody acknowledged his presence, Mr. Smith knew he had been recognized. (分数:1.00) A.recognized B.assented

C.admitted √ D.attributed

解析:acknowledge意为“承认”,admit也有“承认”之意。其余选项 A意为“认识”;B意为“赞成”;D意为“贡献”。

7.When they moved to California, where there were more job opportunities, they decided to discard most of their old furniture. (分数:1.00) A.abandon √ B.dismiss C.dislike D.dispense


8.The replacement of air-polluting cars by non-pollution cars will take some time. (分数:1.00) A.supplement B.substitute √ C.replenishment D.complement

解析:replacement意为“代替品”,同substitute意思相同。其余选项 A意为“补充”;C意为“补给”;D意为“补给物”。

9.The boys were charmed by the sailor's tales of adventure. (分数:1.00) A.bewildered B.attracted √ C.distracted D.diverted


10.Once again Tom checked his test paper carefully to diminish all the spelling mistakes from it.

(分数:1.00) A.eliminate B.abandon C.withdraw D.decrease √


11.The two small independent countries entered into alliance with each other and they felt less afraid of their powerful neighbour. (分数:1.00) A.separation B.cooperation C.agreement D.union √


12.The defeated troops were ordered to scatter and then concentrate fifty miles to the south. (分数:1.00)

A.rally √ B.attack C.march D.retreat


13.The price of beer ranged from 50 cents to $ 4 per liter during the summer season. (分数:1.00) A.changed √ B.separated C.differed D.disguised


14.She's one of the smartest students in the whole school. (分数:1.00) A.most beautiful B.cleverest √ C.cunning D.hardest


15.I am not willing to concede that I have hurt her, because that's not my real intention. (分数:1.00) A.agreeable B.ready C.compliant D.reluctant √

解析:reluctant意为“不情愿的”,相当于not willing。其余选项A意为“惬意的”;B意为“有准备的”;C意为“顺从的”。




Sailors and fishermen in particular, have always been extremely superstitious (迷信的). This is hardly surprising when one considers the changeable nature of the sea where, even today with sophisticated weather-forecasting techniques a sudden storm can blow up quite unexpectedly. In the days before radio and engines, where there could be no long-distance communicating with another ship or land and when sails were the only means of movement, it was only natural for the sailor to take every precaution to avoid offending the gods who control the sea.

One way of pleasing these gods was to make an annual offering. This custom survives in the ceremony of blessing the sea, which can still be seen once a year in some fishing ports.

Next to pleasing the sea-gods, the most important thing for the sailor is to know that his boat is free from evil influences. The time to make sure of this is at the launching ceremony. It is clear that the well-known custom of launching a ship by breaking a bottle of champagne against the side goes back a very long way.

On the North coast of Britain new ships are launched with sea-water, and on the North-East coast of Scotland a similar ceremony takes place but with whisky substituted for sea-water. In both

cases, the launching is followed by drinking and celebration. The purpose of these ceremonies is to keep away evil spirits, rather than to ask for the sea-god's protection.

Starting on a new voyage or fishing trip was a dangerous business at the best of time. Once the fisherman has set out for his trip he dared not, on any account look back. It was bad luck even to call after him, so if he had forgotten anything, someone had to urn after him and put the object into his hands.

But bad luck could also result from some chance meeting on the way to the boats. In some countries, it was considered particularly unlucky to meet a priest, a rabbit or a woman. In such an event, the only thing to do was to turn back and sail next day.

Redheads and people with flat feet were also to be avoided, but if the fisherman did happen to meet them, he could avert bad luck by speaking to them first. For a fisherman to see a dog near his boat was unlucky, while cats were considered lucky, especially black ones. Some fishermen's wives believed a black cat would bring their husbands back from the sea, and sometimes domestic cats disappeared from island towns and turned up in fishing villages!


(1).It is implied in the passage that superstitious practices stemmed from sailors and fishermen's fear for the unreliability of nature.(分数:1.00) A.

A. Right

√ B.

B. Wrong


C. Not mentioned

解析:从文章的第一段就可以看出,水手和渔民的迷信主要来源于他们对于大自然的力量的恐惧心理。 (2).Cat is an object that is supposed to bring bad luck to sailors and fishermen.(分数:1.00) A.

A. Right


B. Wrong

√ C.

C. Not mentioned


(3).In order to avoid bad luck when a fisherman encounters a redhead on his way to the boat. He should take the initiative in starting to talk to the person he meets.(分数:1.00) A.

A. Right

√ B.

B. Wrong


C. Not mentioned


(4).The purpose of breaking a bottle of whisky when new ships are launched in Scotland is to please the gods that control the sea.(分数:1.00)
