
发布时间 : 星期五 文章刘毅10000词汇学习笔记更新完毕开始阅读

10、speculate(vi)form opinions without having definite or complete knowledge or evidence;guess 思考,思索,推断,推测 ~ about/on./upon sth

I wouldn’t like to speculate on the reasons for her resignation 我不愿意猜测她辞职的原因。

★ meditate(vi) think deeply,esp about spiritual matters 深思,沉思,冥想(尤指精神方面的问题)

I meditate in order to relax。我沉思冥想借以松弛精神。 11、transfix(vt)(尤用于被动语态)stick sth pointed completely through sth/sb 用某物刺穿某人(某物) ~ sth/sb with/on sth a fish transfixed with a harpoon 用鱼叉叉穿的鱼

(vt)(尤用于被动语态) make sb unable to move,think or speak because of fear,astonishment,etc 使某人(因恐惧,惊愕)不能动弹、思想或说话 ~ sb with sth

He stood staring at the ghost,transfixed with terror。他站在那里看着那个鬼,吓得不能动弹。

★ petrify(vt)(尤用于被动语态) make sb unable to think,move,act,etc because of fear,surprise,etc 使某人惊呆或吓呆 ~ sb with sth

The idea of making a speech in the public petrified him 一想到要在大庭广众面前讲演,他就紧张的不知所措。

刘毅词汇10000学习笔记 lesson 4(3)

1、anomaly(n)anomalous thing;irregularity 异常的事物,不合规则

The many anomalies in the tax system 税务制度中的多种异常现象

◎ anomalous(adj)different from what is normal;irregular 异常的,不规则的

He is in an anomalous position as the only part-time worker in the firm。他与众不同,是公司唯一的兼职人员。

★ abnormal(adj)different,esp in an undesirable way,from what is normal,ordinary or expected 反常的,不正常的,变态的

abnormal weather conditions 反常的天气 ◎ abnormality(n)异常,反常,变态

★ irregular(adj) not regular in shape,arrangement,etc,uneven (形状)不规则的,(安排)无规律的,不平坦的 ~ in sth a coast with an irregular outline 曲折的海岸线


(adj)not happening,coming,going,etc regularly;varying or unequal (发生,来去等)无规律的,不平坦的 occur at irregular intervals 不定期发生

(adj)contrary to the rules or what is normal or established 不规则的,不合常规的,非正规的。

◎ irregularity(n)不整齐,不平坦,不规则,不合常规

2、converge(vi) (of lines,moving objects,etc)(come towards each other and) meet at a point (指线条、运动的物体等)会于一点,向一点会合,聚集 ~ on sb/sth;~ at sth

armies converging on the capital city 向首都集结的各路军队

(vi)become similar or identical (趋于)相似或相同

Our previously opposed views are

beginning to converge 我们原来相互对立的观点开始趋于一致。

◎ convergent(adj)相交的,趋于一致的 ◎ convergence(n)

★ focus(n)(pl focuses or foci)(光、声等的)中心点,源;焦点,焦距;聚集,调焦;活动的中心,使人感兴趣的所在

In tonight’s programme our focus is on Germany。今天晚上我们的节目重点介绍德国。

(vi) become able to see clearly 能够看清楚

His eyes focused slowly in the dark room 他在那间黑屋子里眼睛慢慢看清了东西。

(vt)cause sth to be concentrated at a point 使某物集中(于一点);将注意力集中于某事物 ~ sth on sth

Please focus your minds on the following problem 请集中考虑以下问题

3、duplicate(adj)(做定语) exactly like something else;identical (与另一物)完全一样的。完全相同的

a duplicate set of keys (与另一套)完全相同的一套钥匙。 (n)one of two or more things that are exactly alike;copy 相似物,复制品

Is this a duplicate or original?这是复制件还是原件?


This research merely duplicates work

already done elsewhere 这项研究仅仅是重复别人已经做过的工作。 ◎ duplication(n)复制,重复 ★ double(n)两倍,加倍

He’s paid double for the same job 他做同样的工作,报酬比别人多一倍。


(n)person or thing that looks very like another 酷似的人或事物

She’s the double of her mother at the same age。她和她母亲年轻时十分相似。 4、epoch(n)纪元,时代,时期

Einstein’s theory marked a new epoch in mathematics 爱因斯坦理论开创了数学的新纪元。

★ age(n)(具有某种特征或特殊事件的)历史时期,时代 the modern age 现代 5、gaunt(adj)(of a person)made exceptionally thin by hunger or illness;haggard;(指人)(因饥饿或疾病)憔悴的,骨瘦如柴的

the gaunt face of a starving man 饿汉憔悴的面容

(adj)(of a place)bare desolate (指地方)不毛的,荒凉的 ★ haggard(adj)looking tired and unhappy,esp from worry,lack of sleep 憔悴的,形容枯槁的(尤因忧愁或缺觉等所致) 6、incessant(adj) not stopping,continual 不停的,连续的,不断的

★ continuous(adj)便是动作或物体继续不停的或不间断的进行下去

★ continual(adj)一般指多次重复的动作

7、mute(adj)silent,making no sound 沉默的,无声的; remain mute 保持沉默

(adj)(旧)(of people)unable to speak,dumb (指人)不能说话的,哑的

★ silent(adj)寂静的,无声的


On certain important details the report remains strangely silent 这份报告在某些重要的细节问题上只字未提,莫名其妙

8、partisan(n)(对某人、团体或事业)热心而常为盲目的拥护者 ★ defender(n)后卫

9、scan(vt)look at every part of sth carefully;examine with great attention 细看(某物的)各部;仔细检查(某物)

He scanned the horizon,looking for land 他细看天水相连的地方,寻找陆地。


She scanned the newspaper over breakfast。她吃着早饭把报纸大略看了一遍

★ overlook(vt)俯瞰,俯视(某处)

My room overlooks the sea 从我的房间可以眺望大海。 (vt)忽视,忽略(某人,某事物),不理会


He was overlooked when they set about choosing a new manager。选任新经理时没有考虑他。

10、stab(vt) pierce sth or wound sb with a pointed tool or weapon;push a knife,etc into sb/sth 戳(某物),刺伤(某人),(用刀等)捅(某人某物)

She stabbed him in the leg with a kitchen knife 她拿菜刀捅伤了他的腿。

(习)stab sb in the back 背地里中伤某人,背叛某人 ★ pierce(vt)(of sharp-pointed instruments)go into or through sth (指尖物)刺入、刺透(某物)

The arrow pierced his shoulder 那枝箭刺入他的肩膀。 (vt)在某物上扎眼,穿孔

She had her ears pierced so that she could wear ear-rings 她已经扎好了耳朵眼好戴耳环。

刘毅词汇10000学习笔记 lesson 4(4)

1、botch(vt) spoil sth by poor or clumsy work;repair sth badly (笨手笨脚的)弄坏某事物,把某事物修理的很糟 ~ sth up

The mechanic tried to repair my car, but he really

botched it up。那个技工想把我的汽车修好,可是他一修更糟了。 ◎ botcher(n)笨手笨脚的人

★ ruin(vt)cause the destruction of sb/sth 毁坏,毁灭某人/某事物

He ruined his prospects by carelessness。他因疏


(n、U)severe damage or destruction 毁坏、毁灭,灭亡

The news meant the ruin of all our hopes。这消息使我们的一切希望都破灭了。

(n、U)毁坏、破产等的原因;祸根 (n、U)破败、坍塌、毁坏的状态

The capital was fallen into ruin。城堡已经破败不堪。 (习语)in ruins 严重受损、破败不堪

A earthquake left the whole town in ruins 那次地震过后,全城到处都是残垣断壁。

★ spoil(vt,pt pp spoilt)make sth useless,valueless or unsatisfactory;ruin 毁掉、损坏、破坏、糟蹋某事物

The new road has completely spoiled the

character of the village。新修的路彻底毁掉了那个村庄的特色。 (vt)harm the character of (esp a child)by lack of descipline or too mach generosity,attention,praise,etc 娇惯、宠坏、溺爱(尤指儿童)

That little girl is terribly spoilt。那个小女



