
发布时间 : 星期六 文章基于食品安全下的政府创新监管研究-陈更新完毕开始阅读

MPA学位论文 作者:陈娅仙 基于食品安全下的政府创新监管研究——以白银市高新区食品安全监管模式为例



关键词: 食品安全 政府监管 无缝隙

MPA学位论文 作者:陈娅仙 基于食品安全下的政府创新监管研究——以白银市高新区食品安全监管模式为例


In recent years, our country’s food safety incidents have occurred quite early and more frequently, governments and consumers have given unprecedented attention on food safety. It was found that the survival of our food safety was so fragile, and there was no way of guarding against various food safety incidents. Food security not only involves people’s physical and mental health, but also is a matter of survival and development of the Chinese nation. Based on food safety public property , government regulatory has great responsibility for food safety .it is the very hot issue on academic research how the government regulates the food production, processing, management scientifically and effectively ,and puts all aspects of sustainable consumption on a basis of scientific theory ensuring public health and safety of food consumption which concerns about the community. This paper, through the method of empirical studies and literature study, also guides by the asymmetric information theory, the theory of seamless government and innovation theory, gets the actual personal experiences of working in Commerce and Industry Bureau of Baiyin Economic and Technical Development Zone. By means of it, the paper takes comprehensive research of food safety , and makes an approach to the food safety types of Governance supervision, and then summarizes the process design and system construction of food safety of Governance by the analysis of Baiyin Economic and Technical Development Zone example. As the result of it, to find its advanced experience and inadequacies-depth analysis of the existing nationwide food safety of Governance supervision action, to explore the food safety asked the government to build a scientific and rational long-term mechanism, which is to maintain science, scientific and effective government supervision of food safety has great of significance.

Key words: Food Safety; Governance Supervision;Long-term Mechanism


MPA学位论文 作者:陈娅仙 基于食品安全下的政府创新监管研究——以白银市高新区食品安全监管模式为例

目 录

一、绪论 .............................................. I (一)研究背景与研究意义 ............. 错误!未定义书签。 (二)研究思路及方法 .................................. 5 二、食品安全监管的相关理论与实践概述 . 错误!未定义书签。 (一)食品及食品安全监管定义 ......... 错误!未定义书签。 (二)食品安全监管相关理论综述 ....... 错误!未定义书签。 (三)食品安全监管涉及的公共管理理论 . 错误!未定义书签。 三、我国食品安全现状及政府监管创新的必要性错误!未定义书签。

(一)食品安全监管体制 ............... 错误!未定义书签。 (二)食品安全问题的成因分析 ......... 错误!未定义书签。 (三)政府监管食品安全创新的必要性...................20 四、白银市高新区食品安全监管的实证分析............... 错误!未定义书签。(一)白银市高新区概况............. ...... ...... .... 错误!未定义书签。 (二)白银市高新区食品安全监管体制特点....... ...... .........错误!未定义书签。

(三)白银市高新区食品安全监管存在的主要问题 ......... 26 (四)白银市高新区食品安全监管问题的主客观因素分析??26 五、创新政府食品安全监管的对策........... ........... ....... ..... .. ..... 27 (一)创新监管观念........ ..... ........ .... ....... 26 (二)创新法律制度........ ..... ........ .. ........ ........ ........ .......... ........26 (三)创新监管体制........ .. ...... ........ ....... ..... ........ ........ .............26 (四)创新监管主体........ ..... ........ ............ ..... ........ ..... ........ ..... 26 (五)创新监管工具........ ... ........ . ........ .. ........ .... ........ ...............26 六、结论 ............................................. 29 参考文献 ............................. 错误!未定义书签。


MPA学位论文 作者:陈娅仙 基于食品安全下的政府创新监管研究——以白银市高新区食品安全监管模式为例

致 谢 ............................... 错误!未定义书签。

