云南省师大附?019届高三适应性月??英语 - 百度文库

ʱ : 云南省师大附?019届高三适应性月??英语 - 百度文库ϿʼĶ



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The Most Popular Travel Destinations in Indonesia

With 17,508 volcanic islands, 300 ethnic groups, and 719 languages, this Southeast Asian nation is diverse in every sense of the word.


Ubud made famous by the book Eat, Pray, Love is definitely enjoyable. The upland town is a heaven of traditional arts, and wellness with yoga centers, spas (the perfect place to spoil yourself in a Balinese massage), organic restaurants, and galleries. Ifs also full of quiet beauty, from terraced rice paddies (ˮ) to Hindu temples and rock-cut shrines.


Lombok is located in the West Nusa Tenggara province. It is a good place to surf. And the best beach Kuta is on the southern coast. To the west are the beaches of Senggigi as well as many important temples. In the central highlands is the sacred Mount Rinjani, or Gunung Rinjani, a towering active volcano that draws hikers from far and wide.


Indonesia?s capital is truly a big city home to more than 10 million residents and 100 different ethnic groups. From the Dutch colonial buildings of Kota Tua to the Chinese temples of Glodok, the city?s architecture reflects its diverse cultural impacts. The National Museum has a huge collection of Indonesian statues, ceramics, and jewelry Jakarta is also a shoppers? paradise with numerous specialty markets, selling everything from antiques to handicrafts plus modem malls.



Malang came under Dutch rule in the 18lh century and preserves much of its colonial-era charm to this day. Its mild highland climate, wide avenues, and attractive architecture make it delightfully walkable; its unhurried pace and booming coffee culture add to the attraction. Just outside the city are ancient temples, tea plantations, and trek-worthy volcanoes. 1. Where would a beach lover go? A. Ubud.

B. Lombok.

C. Jakarta.

D. Malang.

2. Which of the following statements about Ubud is NOT true? A. It has many traditional arts. B. It is a paradise for shopping.

C. It became well-known because of a book. D. It is worth visiting for health-focused travelers. 3. What do Jakarta and Malang have in common? A. They both offer volcanic sights. B. They both enjoy a fast-paced lifestyle. C. They both have a large collection of statues. D. They are both under the influence of Dutch culture.


Sydni Bennett didn?t want to be like anyone else when she was a little girl. Her friends would often compare her to Misty Copeland, a famous American ballet dancer. She didn?t want to hear that. Instead, she would live by the words, Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken.

The 16-year-old, who is now a coach at a dance studio, has the confidence of a wise woman.

Bennett recently made history as the first African-American to be crowned () Miss Illinois Teen USA, 34 years after it first started.

I wasn?t expecting it. My reaction video isn?t that good because I didn?t know what to do. Before the pageant (ѡ), Bennett was aware that a black girl had never won. Yet, she remained confident in her pursuit. It made me want to win for all the black girls around the world, she said. I didn?t feel less about my ability to win; it put more stimulus in me rather than doubt.

Bennett said her life experiences have been preparing her for the big day all along. I think many girls


feel like they have to make the judges think they?re somebody they?re not. But I told myself, ?This is who I am,?she said.

Talking about my hands-on work with teaching was easy because it?s my everyday life. I think that?s the thing that set me apart, being genuine.

Bennett?s next time competing for a crown will be nationally, for Miss Teen USA. She has already begun preparing.

4. What message does Bennett want to convey in Paragraph 1? A. Everyone is unique in the world. B. Everyone lives the life they enjoy. C. Everyone is born to achieve success. D. Everyone is busy doing their own things. 5. What do we know about Bennett from the text? A. Bennett has already won a national pageant. B. Bennett is the first black girl to win the pageant.

C. Bennett feels honored when compared to Misty Copeland. D. Bennett believes her talentmade her different in the pageant.

6. What does the underlined word stimulus in Paragraph 4 probably mean? A. Hesitation.

B. Horror.

C. Responsibility.

D. Motivation.

7. What can we infer from the story? A. Time and tide wails for no man. B. Constant dropping wears the stone. C. Self-trust is the first secret of success. D. From small beginnings come great things.


Shanghai is a poor place for astronomy fans. The bright city lights make it almost impossible for them to see stars in the night sky. Instead, the stars they are more likely to watch are the ones that appear on TV screens and in movie theaters. And it?s these stars that one government office wishes to see dimmed (䰵).


The State Administration of Radio, Film and Television (SARFT) has issued new rules that would limit the amount of money paid to China?s biggest stars. According to SARFT, the biggest salaries that stars demand mean that others involved in producing movies and TV series, such as the rest of the cast members, directors, scriptwriters and technicians, are paid less. Therefore, the overall quality of these productions suffers.

While these salaries may seem sky-high to SARFT, they accurately reflect the market the law of supply and demand. And show business, after all, is a business. So, in order to ensure the success of a film or a movie, producers want someone who can open a picture - a star whose name and reputation will guarantee a big audience.

By limiting stars salaries and dimming their glitter, SARFT thinks that producers will spread the money around to the rest of the crew and spend more on production values - sets, costumes and special effects. Maybe. But not necessarily. Limiting stars? salaries would probably just mean more money for the producers. A better solution might be to give stars a smaller salary and a percentage of the profits as well, making them business partners. This is quite common in Hollywood and sometimes results in stars making much more money.

8. What?s the purpose of the first paragraph? A. To introduce the real topic of thetext. B. To expose light pollution in Shanghai.

C. To show there are many famousstars in Shanghai. D.To prove Shanghai is not suitable for astronomy lovers. 9 Why has SARFT issued rules to limit stars? salaries? A. To attract the audience. B. To guarantee social equality.

C. To ensure the quality of the productions. D. To make sure the market can operate smoothly.

10. What?s the author?s advice on dealing with stars? sky-high salaries? A. Nothing should be done in the market economy. B. SARFT should improve rules to limit stars? salaries.

