
发布时间 : 星期一 文章高中英语选修模块课程纲要(6-8)更新完毕开始阅读

cast down, object to, the media, in favour of, (be)bound to(do)..., from time to time, bring back to life, pay off, in vain

4)语法:Appositive clause — that 可引导同位语从句

Unit 3 Inventors and inventions


本单元以Inventors and inventions为话题,旨在通过单元教学,使学生了解发明和发现的区别,了解发明创造的过程和获得专利的条件,学习发明家的成功事例;能灵活运用基础句型描述中外古代和现代发明,谈论不同发明的优缺点及其现实意义;根据不同问题及条件设计、改进发明并阐述自己的观点;能写一封有创新的求职申请,阐述自己的特长和优势,能对别人的发明、创造或观点提出意见或建议;并能运用所学知识利用现实生活中有限材料进行发明创造。



▲Talk about inventors and inventions

▲Learn about the stages used in scientific research ▲Learn to use the past participle as the attribute

▲Write an entry for an encyclopedia about some inventions ▲Write a letter asking for a job 1)交际用语

Make a telephone call. Hold the line, please. Hang on, please. Just a moment, please.

I’m sorry, but this phone is out of order. I can’t get through. Sorry. He / She isn’t him / her right now. Can I ring back later? I’ll ring him / her up again. I must ring off now because... 2)核心词汇

patent, courtyard, walnut, distinguish, merciful, product, powder, perfume, stainless, cube, abrupt, convenient, caution, expectation, passive, merry, seize, criterion, valid, file, ripe, string, glue, freezing, greengrocer, identification, directory, dial, rainfall, innocent, lantern, bear, jam, forehead, dynamic, dot, tap, wire, straw, current, helicopter, triangle, stable, associate, practical, refrigerator, court, extension, version, competence, jeep, personnel amphibious, Stephenson, George Stephenson, jelly, freezer, overnight,

release, recognition, claim, rod, precede, Alexander Graham Bell, microphone, occasionally, multiple, Morse code, inspiration, reproduce, tetrahedron, invaluable, James Dyson 3)重点词组

call up, now and then, set about, in case, beaten track, dive into, set out (to do), hang on, get through, ring back, ring off

4)语法:Appositive clause — that 可引导同位语从句

Unit 4 Pygmalion


本单元以皮格马利翁为话题,通过学习,使学生了解具有共同主题的希腊神话Pygmalion与萧伯纳戏剧之间在表现形式、人物塑造等方面的相同与不同之处;并能在此基础上,讨论和表演部分戏剧场景;能为该剧本写出一份评论;能模仿剧本编写一个戏剧场景,即Higgins教授如何给Eliza上第二课的场景。语法部分重点学习过去分词作状语的用法。 (二)学习目标


▲Listen to and talk about the story Pygmalion

▲Read and act out a play about recognizing a person’s position in society ▲Use the past participle as the adverbial ▲Write a review of the play 1)交际用语 推测(conjecture) I wonder whether... Is it possible that...? Do you know if...?

Do you really think that’s true? Why do you think so? I think it’s because... What do you think of this idea? Why do you think Higgins felt like that? Mrs Pearce would comfort / encourage her by .. 2)核心词汇

adaptation, classify, caption, plot, professor, whistle, garment, woolen, hesitate, uncomfortable, troublesome, wallet, outcome, thief, handkerchief, mistake, brilliant, remark, betray, upper, extraordinary, condemn, properly, ambassador, acquaintance, handful, fortune, authentic, status, superior, rob, antique, musical, stocking, cookie, teapot, cream, nail, wax, disk, shabby, referee, compromise, horrible, laundry, bathtub,

sob, waist, vest, disgusting, overlook, alphabet, fade 3)重点词组

pass... off as, make one’s acquaintance, in amazement, in terms of, generally speaking, show... in, the other day, take away, once more, in need of, fade out 4)语法:The past participle as the adverbial

Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors


本单元以General knowledge of archaeology and Anthropology as well as history为话题,通过学习周口店洞穴北京人遗址、埃及古墓等古代文明,使学生了解一些考古学及人类发展变迁历史等方面的知识;激发学生热爱人类、热爱历史、热爱考古的兴趣,进而使学生懂得保护文化遗产的重要意义。通过对一些古文物的识别、鉴定和描述,使学生学会鉴别、描述事物(考古现象)特征的方法。 (二)学习目标


▲Take about archaeological evidence and knowledge ▲Practice giving opinions and describing objects ▲Learn about the present perfect continuous tense ▲Write a descriptive paragraph 1)交际用语

Practice giving opinions

I think that we should... because... I suggest we...

If ..., then maybe we ought to... Perhaps we should /could... We must ask for help from... What if...? Describe objects

It seems likely / unlikely that... It looks like...

It could be... because... How large do you think it is? Is there any... on the...?

It may/might have been used as/for.. 2)核心词汇

alternative, starvation, tentative, accuracy, interrupt, acute, assume, regardless, mat, quilt, beast, centimeter, sharpen, ample, messy, primitive, botany, analysis, seashell,

ripen, category, significance, somehow, systematic, spit, delete, album, scratch, academy, receptionist, onion, kindergarten, skateboard, yogurt, radioactive, division, melon, wrinkle, pulse, applaud, howl, accelerate, spear, arrest, dizzy, hammer, gay, skilful, punctuation 3)重点词组

regardless of, cut up, look ahead, be similar to, look ahead, date back 4)语法:现在完成进行时的用法 六、课型设计与课时分配

每个单元8个课时,具体如下: 1st period Word study

以课本后单词表和报纸B版提示的重点词汇为参考 2nd period Intensive Reading

Warming up, pre-reading 和Comprehending 3rd period Extensive Reading

Using Language 和练习册中的Reading 的理解 4th period Language points 2、3课时中的language points的处理 5th period Grammar

根据报纸B版的提示学习语法并当堂练习 6th period Exercise

报纸B版基础知识(词汇、短语、句型)的练习和课后学生练习册中的习题 7th period Writing

从每个单元的写作主题和A版套题中的写作任务中选择 8th period Test 报纸A版套题测试 七、课程评价和学分

本模块为2个学分,综合成绩达到60分及以上者可予学分。 八、所需条件

