
发布时间 : 星期一 文章(word完整版)译林版四年级英语下册第7-8单元试卷更新完毕开始阅读


检测内容:第7-8单元 检测时间:60分钟 总分:100分

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( )1. A. ill B. hill C. still ( )2. A. right B. night C. tiger ( )3. A. Mrs B. Mr ( )4. A. dear B. hair ( )5. A. fly B. try ( )6. A. cold B. cool ( )7. A. ear B. her ( )8. A. head B. hair ( )9. A. mouse B. nose ( )10. A.at school B. after school 二、听录音,给下列图片标序号。(8分)

( ) ( ) ( )

6 8.

( ) ( ) ( ) 三、听录音,选出正确的答句。(5分)

( )1. A. It’s a hot dog. B. I’m hot. ( )2. A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, they are. ( )3. A. Good evening. B. Good night. ( )4. A. I’m fine. B. Well done. ( )5. A. Here’s a jacket. B. Here’s a cake. 四、听录音,将对话补充完整。(7分)

1. A: We’re so _______. B: Here’s some _______for you.

A: Thank you.

2. A: ________ I ________ to Sue ? B: Hello. This is Sue ________.


C. Miss C. pear C. hey

C.cough C. hear C. headache C. rose

C. at home ( ) ( ) C. Yes, it is. C. No, it isn’t. C. Good idea.

C.Good idea.

C. Here’s some milk..

A: Hello. This is Miss Li. How are you ? B: I have a ________.

A: I’m sorry to ________ that.


一、判断每组单词中画线部分字母读音是否相同,是“S”否“D”表示。(2分) ( )1. A. go B.home ( )2 . A. hot B. dog ( )3. A. no B. not ( )4. A. coffee B. open 二、找出下列各组中不属于同一类的单词。(5分)

( )1. A. hungry B. hurry C. thirsty ( )2. A.happy B. speak C. hear ( )3. A. cough B. ill C. fever ( )4. A. see B. school C. home ( )5. A. cough B. sad C.tired 三、单项选择题。(10分)

( ) 1. – _______ you ill ? – No, _______ not.

A. Are; I B. Are; I’m C. Am; I’m ( ) 2.—Can I have _______ ice creams? – Yes, please.

A. a B. some C. any

( ) 3. –Here _______ some milk for you. – No, thanks. I’m_______ thirsty.

A. are, not B. is, no C. is, not

( ) 4. Bobby _______ some pies for lunch. A. have B. has C. having

( ) 5. —What _______ the matter? — I _____ thirsty, Mum.

A. is, is B. are, are C. is, am

( ) 6. –Hello, ________ is Sam. Is Bobby there? – No ,he is ________ school.

A. that, at B. I; at C.this; at

( ) 7. – May I ________ to Tom? –Yes. This is Tom ________.

A. speaking; speak B. speaking; speaking C. speak ; speaking

( ) 8. – I have a fever. –I’m_______ .

A. happy to hear that B. sorry to hear that C.glad to hear that

( ) 9. – Dad, I have _______. – Take care, dear.

A. ill B. a cold C. cold

( ) 10. Here _______ a glass of _______ for you.

A. is, juices B. is, juice C. are, juice 四、情景选择(5分)

( ) 1. 你打电话时,介绍自己说:

A. May I speak to Tom? B. This is Tom speaking. C. Is Tom there?


( ) 2.你想打电话给Helen,你可以说:

A. Are you Helen? B. This is Helen speaking. C. May I speak to Helen? ( ) 3. 当你口渴时,你会说:

A. Can I have some water? B. Have some water. C. Here’s some water. ( ) 4.晚上睡觉前,跟爸爸妈妈道别,你会说: A. Goodbye. B.Good evening. C. Good night. ( ) 5. 听到别人身体不好时,你会说:

A. Not so good. B. I’m sorry to hear that. C.Thank you. 五、把下列句子排列成一段通顺的对话。(6分) 1. What’s the matter?

2. Hello, Mike. This is Su Yang speaking. How are you? 3. I’m sorry to hear that. 4. Not so good.

5. I have a cold and a fever. 6. Hello! This is Mike speaking.


I II ( )1. What would you like? A. Mike’s. ( )2. Let’s go to the party. B. I’m ill. ( )3. I’ m happy today. C. Tom’s mother. ( )4. How beautiful! D. No, I’m not. ( )5. What’s the matter? E. OK. Let’s go. ( )6. Can I have a look? F. Thank you. ( )7. Are you thirsty? G. Me too.

( )8. Good night. H. Sure. Here you are. ( )9. Whose coat is this? I. Good night. ( )10. Who’ s that woman? J. I’d like a pie, please.


1. an, have, I, egg, can ( ? )

________________________________________________________ 2.he happy is ( ? )

________________________________________________________ 3. is, the, matter, Mike, what (, ?)

________________________________________________________ 4. father, to , may, I , speak, your( ?)



5. that, to , sorry, I ,hear, am ( . )

________________________________________________________ 八、翻译句子。(12分)

1.—你怎么啦?你生病了吗? —是的,我又累又饿。 — the ? Are you ? —Yes. I’m and .

2.—我能喝一些茶吗? —可以。给你。

— I have some ? Sure. you are.

3.—你好吗? —不太好。我感冒发烧了。 — are you ?

—Not so . I have a and a .


Su Yang and her friends are in the park. Now, it’ s four in the afternoon. Su Yang is tired. She’s hot too. Liu Tao is hungry now. Mike is hungry and tired. Where is Yang Ling? Look! She is over there, under a big tree. She’s thirsty. But she can’ t open her water bottle (水壶). Liu Tao and Mike open the water for her.

( ) 1. Where are Su Yang and her friends?

A. At home. B. At school. C. In the park.

( ) 2. Is Su Yang tired and hot?

A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, she is. C. No, she isn’t.

( ) 3. How is Liu Tao?

A. He’s thirsty. B. He’s tired. C. He’s hungry.

( ) 4. Where’s Yang Ling?

A. Under a big tree. B. Behind a big tree. C. In a big tree.

( ) 5.Who opens the water bottle?

A. Liu Tao B. Mike C. Liu Tao and Mike


Hello, I’m Ming Ming. I’m ten years old. I can’t go to school. I’m ill today. I have a cough and fever. I can’t go to school today. I go and see a doctor. I get better now. Tomorrow I can go to school. ( )1. I’m Ming Ming. ( )2. I’m eleven years old. ( )3. I can go to school today. ( )4. I have a cough and a fever. ( )5. I can’t go to school tomorrow.





1. ill 2. night 3. Mrs 4. hair 5. try 6. cough 7. hear 8. headache 9. nose 10.at school


1. It’s hot in summer. Would you like a fan ? Thank you. 2. How are you?. I have a bad cough. 3. Let’s go to school. All right.

4. I’m so hungry. Come and have a hamburger. 5. My brother is ill. He has a fever.

6. What would you like ? I’d like a glass of juice. 7. This is Mr Green speaking. Hello, Mr Green. 8. He likes ice creams. Me, too.

三 、听录音,选出正确的答句。 1. What’ the matter with you? 2. Are you Helen’s sister ? 3. It’s time to go to bed.

4. How are you? 5. Mum, I’m so cold.


1. A: We’re so ___thirsty___. B: Here’s some ___water___for you.

A: Thank you.

2. A: ___May_____ I __speak______ to Sue ? B: Hello. This is Sue ___speaking_____.

A: Hello. This is Miss Li. How are you ? B: I have a ____cough____.

A: I’m sorry to __hear______ that.

