第一周 星期六 阅读理解(科普知识类)+完形填空(夹叙夹议文)+短文改错

发布时间 : 星期四 文章第一周 星期六 阅读理解(科普知识类)+完形填空(夹叙夹议文)+短文改错更新完毕开始阅读



Jeremy Kerr,a researcher at the University of Ottawa in Canada,and his colleagues analyzed more than 400,000 observations of bumblebee species collected in North America and Europe from 1975 to 2019.When the researchers recorded the locations of these bee populations,they found that many of the 67 species analyzed were moving northward from their southern limits while the northern edges of the bees’ ranges are staying in place.What it results in is obvious.

Bees have been paid more attention to in recent years,with populations of honeybees and bumblebees obviously declining in some parts of Europe.Previously,attention on the decline of bee populations has focused on causes including habitat loss,pesticide use and the spread of bee parasites(寄生虫).But the work by Kerr’s team found something different.

“For every species,there is one or two species declining and others that are not moving at all,” says Kerr.This shift has also been observed in other species,such as butterflies.But due to a new cause—the rise of temperatures instead of total pesticide use,a change in land use or parasites,bumblebees—unlike butterflies—have failed to extend the northern boundaries of their ranges into the territory that is now habitable for them,so bumblebee species across Europe and North America are declining rapidly,the latest study led by Kerr’s team finds.“Our data suggests that the new factor plays a leading,or perhaps the leading,role in this trend,” says Kerr.

“This study shows that a fourth factor is also beginning to affect it.It is likely that the combined stresses from all of these pressures will have destructive impacts on bumblebees in the not-too-distant future,” says Dave Goulson,a bee researcher at the University of Sussex,Brighton,UK.

Exactly what can be done to help bumblebees is not clear.Kerr’s team suggests that relocating colonies might be an answer but Goulson says that because the insects are mobile they are capable of moving northwards if there is suitable habitat available. 1.What does the move of the bees’ southern limits lead to? A.The birth of new bee species. B.The rise of the bees’ population. C.The evolution of the bees. D.The reduction of the bees’ habitat.

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2.What’s the new cause of bee populations’ declining according to Kerr? A.Habitat loss. B.Pesticide use. C.Climate change.

D.The spread of bee parasites.

3.Which statement may Goulson agree with? A.Relocating bumblebees isn’t much good. B.The findings of Kerr’s study are doubtful. C.The future of bumblebees is still promising.

D.Knowing bumblebees’ living habits is the most urgent. 4.What kind of writing is this passage? A.A book review. B.An announcement. C.A scientific report. D.An official report. Ⅱ.完形填空


For me personally,I could write for days about many different situations where adversity(逆境) 5 my life.Now let me tell you one experience where I almost let adversity 6 .

We had a glass studio,which was located 50 feet from our home.A couple of years ago we experienced an 7 winter; we had a lot of snow and ice.The 8 of the ice and snow 9 the roof on our studio,taking with it one of our sources of income. 10 it did fall down,we got on the roof and tried to 11 the snow and ice,but when you have 5 feet of ice and temperatures of minus 20 Celsius,it was pretty 12 to do.

We had a partner come in to help us try to 13 the roof by supporting.In the end,there was 14 that could be done.The roof came down.We had moved a lot of our goods and tools from the studio 15 we lost a lot also:glass,kilns,workbenches,to name only a few of the items.It was a 16 experience.

Here we were in the middle of winter with our studio collapsed.We couldn’t work as we had almost 17 all the material in a building we were not using.We could have done one of two things:we could simply say that we can no longer 18 our glass business.Let me tell you that this was certainly a thought that 19 our mind.Or we could find a way to get our studio back up and running.

We picked the 20 option.We had a large barn that we were not using.So we

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renovated(翻新) the barn, 21 our working area and today we have a nicer studio than we 22 had.If the adversity we were 23 had not happened,we probably would 24 be working in the old studio—a studio that was less efficient. 5.A.promoted C.destroyed 6.A.suffer C.win 7.A.awkward C.agreeable 8.A.size C.weight 9.A.collapsed C.pressed 10.A.Before C.Although 11.A.replace C.recycle 12.A.worthwhile C.rewarding 13.A.examine C.secure 14.A.something C.all 15.A.for C.or 16.A.vain C.disastrous 17.A.displayed C.piled 18.A.predict C.instruct 19.A.approached C.cleared 20.A.latter

B.influenced D.prevented B.escape D.work B.awesome D.awful B.height D.temperature B.limited D.struck B.Unless D.When B.reduce D.remove B.tough D.annoying B.test D.restore B.enough D.nothing B.but D.so B.valid D.treasured B.arranged D.presented B.conduct D.quit B.crossed D.comforted B.former

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C.easier 21.A.evaluated C.organized 22.A.desperately C.eventually 23.A.faced with C.cautious about 24.A.ever C.even Ⅲ.短文改错 (2019·吉林长春期中) Dear Jenny,

D.further B.redesigned D.reserved B.hopefully D.previously B.concerned about D.aware of B.already D.still

Welcome to my school!When you arrive,there will be a party for you organizing by my classmates.You may attend to English classes to feel a differently learning style.After that,you can go to your host family that you can experience the Chinese way of life.You can have meals together chatting anything that interests us.

The host family will also show you around some famous scenic spot.You can see people selling kites everywhere because our city was home to kites.There are many kinds of kites to choose from.So isn’t it the good idea to buy some for your friends? Write to me unless you have any questions about the schedule.

Best wishes.

Yours, Zhang Ming

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